Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

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18-11-2007, 00:54
Ovo igra nije nešto novo, ovo je samo evolucija WoW-a, pogledaj par gameplay filmova pa usporedi s WoW-om.

18-11-2007, 06:55
Yeah right.


*clears throat*

*takes a brief breath taking pause*



18-11-2007, 11:13
omfg prepade me taj stvor :rotfl:
to ko da je chaos spawn :rotfl:

Arbiter of Change
18-11-2007, 12:03
Obavezno pogledati tu za pojašnjenja trophy sistema i da vidite kako stvari napreduju (ima slika):


Combat & Careers Team

Swordmaster:SThe Swordmaster is a more offensively oriented Tank career that specializes in combat chains called “Blade Dances”. Each successful Blade Dance contains a total of three sequentially chained attacks. Each attack in the chain shifts the Sword Master’s balance closing off the previous abilities and opening up options for new attacks. This chain sequence is always Balanced -> Improved Balance -> Perfect Balance, and by level 40 the Sword Master will have multiple options for each balance stage. This will allow them to flexibly choose what type of attack to launch next.

The following is an example of a “Blade Dance” chain; this sequence is intended to keep a ranged class from fleeing combat allowing the Sword Master to follow up with a more offensive Dance to finish them off. The Sword Master opens with Ensorcelled Blow (A melee attack that does magical damage instead of physical, allowing him to bypass normal armor) this attack shifts him into Improved Balance. He then follows up with a Quick Incision (Deals damage over time and snare you’re opponent) which then shifts him into Perfect Balance. The Sword Master’s final attack is Whispering Wind (Melee Damage & Spell Interrupt with a high chance to Silence the target). After completing the sequence the Sword Master returns to “Balanced” and can then choose a new chain of attacks to begin on his now snared (and probably silenced) victim. Keep in mind the Sword Master is not locked into a set chain so in the case of the above sequence the Sword Master might choose to end with Ether Dance (A 3 second string of high damage magic melee attacks) if his target wasn’t currently casting a spell.

The Sword Master can also supplement his Dances with a variety of self buffs & defensive skills. The Sword Master’s self buffs come in the form of weapon enchantments. These self buffs play an integral part in the Dance since the type of magical damage applied by most attacks is determined by the enchantment on the blade. In addition each enchantment comes with a chance to proc an additional effect on the target. An example of an Enchantment is “Natures Blade” which allows the Sword Master to launch corporeal attacks as well as giving him a chance to drain stats temporarily from his target.

Playing a Swordmaster will be all about making strategic decisions, and utilizing your weapon enchantments & Blade Dances in the most effective way for the situation. An accomplished Sword Master will always be planning two steps ahead of his opponent in an attempt to properly direct the flow of the battle to his advantage. As such the Sword Master tends to attract players who focus more on evenly paced strategic game play.

Witch Elf:SWitch Elves are dual-wielding lightly-armored attackers, capable of quickly dispatching a target at close range with blades, poisons, and elixirs. All of their attacks will either build or expend their Frenzy, requiring a constant stream of attacks to rebuild Frenzy points. As an example, she may begin the fight with a Ruthless Assault, an attack which builds up several Frenzy points but can't be used once engaged in combat. She can immediately expend her Frenzy with a Heart Render, which reduces the target's Toughness and becomes more powerful when more Frenzy was spent. While the enemy is more vulnerable, the Witch Elf will Slice them repeatedly to rebuild her Frenzy, and then attack with a Mangling Cleave which once again expends her Frenzy and snares the target, lasting longer when more Frenzy was spent.

Blades are not the Witch Elf's only weapons, however, as she has a stock of poisons and elixirs as well. After selecting a poison, all of the Witch Elf's attacks will gain a chance to cause an additional effect, but she may only use a single poison at a time (such as a Withering Poison which causes the target to deal less damage, or a Dark Poison which deals damage over time). Her elixirs, on the other hand, are potent and fast-acting draughts which greatly increase her effectiveness for a short period of time, but then take a toll as well (for example, the Elixir Of Insane Power will greatly increase the Witch Elf's Strength for 10 seconds, but will then slightly reduce her Strength for another 10 seconds after the effect has ended).

Much of the strategy of playing a Witch Elf will depend on knowing when to bring all of these elements together - how long to build up Frenzy before expending it, which attack to expend it on, which poison you should be using for the specific situation, and when to best use an Elixir to maximize the benefit while minimizing the weakness.

After having seen both of these careers in action on our internal server, I can say they will certainly appeal to many players out there. Plus, their animations (while wildly different) are simply amazing to watch.
Ownage, moram priznati. Posebno Swordmaster, premda malo baca na EQ2 monk sistem komboa. :wink:

18-11-2007, 12:19
Nešto kao rouge klase, jako dobro izvedeno sa swordmasterom, sam da mi je znat postoji li hammer master, pa uzmeš dva čekića i bashash okolo :D

18-11-2007, 13:23
infans,daj me nemoj.....ovi iz cernobila da ga vide bi vristali xD

18-11-2007, 13:32
jel ima negdje nekaj o archmageu?

na sluzbenoj stranici izbaci samo neki ss :(

Arbiter of Change
18-11-2007, 13:36
Ništa službeno, ali ima nekoliko tema sa community špekulacijama:
http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums ... hp?t=21198 (http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21198)
http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums ... hp?t=17011 (http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17011)

Uglavnom, nuker/healer mix, ma koliko to čudno zvučalo.

18-11-2007, 15:38
Jopax.....postoji....zove se Hammerer...i to mu je i manje vise glavna uloga.... mlati cekicima okolo :D

18-11-2007, 17:29
Jopax.....postoji....zove se Hammerer...i to mu je i manje vise glavna uloga.... mlati cekicima okolo :D

jel moze DW dva hammera?

18-11-2007, 17:45
jel moze DW dva hammera?

http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/ss_june12_hammerer_1s.jpg (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/ss_june12_hammerer_1.jpg)

da ^^

Arbiter of Change
18-11-2007, 17:52
STOP - Hammertime. :D

Baš me zanima šta će biti u Newsletteru za 12. mjesec... osobno bi volio još malo glazbe (jer ovo što smo do sada čulo je bilo odlično) ili video Archmage-a (nijedan još nije pušten, zar ne?).

btw. Jeyzus, kako ta brada savršeno izgleda. :)

18-11-2007, 19:02
Yeah right.


*clears throat*

*takes a brief breath taking pause*




18-11-2007, 19:09
sry ali moram

:rotfl: :rotfl:

18-11-2007, 19:24
sry na double postu al imam jos jedno pitanje..

jel ce se moc modifcirat UI sa addonima kao u wowu?

18-11-2007, 20:01
Znam za hammerera ali nisam znao može li imat jedan ili dva čekića, zamislite sad jednog u jednoj ruci ogromni čelični čekić od 100 i kusur kila a u drugoj isto tako velik bodljikavi čekić :pray:

18-11-2007, 20:05
Znam za hammerera ali nisam znao može li imat jedan ili dva čekića, zamislite sad jednog u jednoj ruci ogromni čelični čekić od 100 i kusur kila a u drugoj isto tako velik bodljikavi čekić :pray:

kek vidjet cemo kak ces se nosit kad ti ja sa blek orkom dojdem :kill:

Arbiter of Change
18-11-2007, 23:28
Tko zna može li se modificirati UI.. nitko iz bete ne govori, a ionako će trebati proći malo vremena nakon izlaska igre da community pokupi to. Samo se nemojte ravnati po WoW-u kad gledate UI customizability jer je tamo community stvarno čuda napravio (pogledajte, npr. Everquest 2 koji je isto tako popularan, a nema baš puno 3rd party addonsa).

19-11-2007, 11:00
Dva Hammera su dobra ali meni je opet drazi jedan veeeeelki shield i tona i pol armora (za razliku od mog troll roguea :D ) pa ti udaraj do mile volje ali pomoci ti nece ---> IronbreakerSFTW!!! :wink:
A iskreno receno sam protiv combat addonsa kojih imamo toliko mnogo u WoWu, jednostavno ubija skill igraca i noobove stavlja u poziciju rame uz rame sa skilled playerima :-x

19-11-2007, 11:03
Zanima me nešto. Tko će biti dobar dečko(Order) a tko loš dečko(Destruction)? Pretplata će bit cirka 15 dollara btw(niš novog)....Samo da mi ubace dark elf prista nekakvog(ala debuffer neki, doter).

Arbiter of Change
19-11-2007, 11:44
Da, oko Druchii (Dark Elfovi) zadnje 2 klase se stvarno lome koplja (budući da je za High Elfove manje više sigurno da će im zadnja klasa biti pet klasa - White Lions). Momci nemaju healera (Blood Priest?), a ni nekog konkretnog mage-usera (premda Sorcerer tu služi po Lore-u)..

19-11-2007, 12:17
Kladim se da ce i oni imati neku vrstu range klase, Elfovi su na kraju krajeva :wink:

19-11-2007, 12:26
Pa kad gledaš cijelu dark elf franšizu(warhammer i drugi) vidi se da se najviše spominju assasin(witch elf), warrior/meat shield(Black Guard), Priest(female char) i četvrta klasa(pojma nemam lol), možda ubace black legolasa XD
Gušt mi je kod dark eflića što mrze ama baš sve(mrze sve iz destructiona, ordera, mrze sebe -.-), najkrvoločniji su... Treba još nešto reć?
Osobno mišljenje(bez flejma molim) : High Elf/warrior (što dulje pleše to jače razbija omg), dok radi combo/ulančavanje skillova izgleda kao da je na baletu tip -.-
Eto još jedan razlog za dark elfa hehe(Main enemy is high elf)

19-11-2007, 12:36
meeh, DE mi suxaju, najvise volim orkove jer slice meni u RL(posebno po izgledu :D )..uglavnom, mora bit dlakava rasa, a ne znam jel su DE dlakavi :P

19-11-2007, 15:10
Baš sam na faksu(predavanje) :cry:

LOL, kak ti izgledaš????

Bit ću DE ak mi daju prista, ak me *zajebu* onda shaman, nema bolje od support klase :boohoo:

19-11-2007, 15:30
hm, ovak...nijedna klasa nebude striktno hilerska.
Tip klase "And i heal...and i heal...and i heal....and i heal...." se protivi svi pravilima warhammer franšize tak da je nece bit ni u de-ovima..

al kolko sam shvatio, ak ti se igra takav debuffer, support, trebo bi razmislit o...


"He is Tzeentch! The Changer of Ways! The Raven God! The Lord of Mutation! He is the master of all that changes, and the changer of all that remains! His will is Chaos, and all the creatures of Chaos are but fleeting thoughts in his vast mind!"
– Drang The Preacher, Zealot

http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/Zealot02_01s.jpg (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/Zealot02_01.jpg)Shttp://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/Zealot02_02s.jpg (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/Zealot02_02.jpg)Shttp://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/Zealot02_03s.jpg (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/images/careers/Zealot02_03.jpg)

The Ruinous Powers have many gifts to offer their mortal followers and enemies alike – some of them quite terrible, but some of them powerful indeed. Zealots are among the most devout of the followers of the gods of Chaos, and as such it is they who are called upon to convey the will of the powers to their minions. It is Zealots who mark the followers of their patron deity, and who are charged with spreading their faith to the vulnerable and needy masses. They are not the subtle cultist, but the zealous preachers, and they offer open obedience to their dark masters.

Zealot Specialty
The Zealot deals in symbols. He channels the power of his master through fetishes and totems, and can place the symbols of Chaos on friend and foe alike. Those glyphs placed on Chaos’s loyal followers are called Marks, and can grant entirely new abilities. Those placed on the Zealot’s enemy are called Harbingers, and cause lasting affliction. The Harbingers are well named however, for their full potential is not immediately realized. Using powerful ritual magic, a Zealot can rob the subject of his Harbinger of life and spirit, draining it away to empower the Marks he has placed upon his allies with extraordinary abilities.

Playing as a Zealot
As a Zealot, your task is a complex one. You must prepare your allies for battle, and see that their Marks are set or re-set according to their shifting needs. You must also think offensively, for it is through your use of Harbingers which you are able to both effectively support and magnify the power of your allies, and crush the strength of your enemy. As a spell caster, you must be cautious, but because of your interlinked abilities, you must not be too conservative. If you hold back too much, or try to focus on only one aspect of your powers, all your abilities will be less than they could be.

Fighting the Zealot
The best way to deal with a zealot is by disrupting the complex network of interconnected effects and abilities which can make him so powerful. There are several ways to do this, the most obvious being the use of magic which helps protect you from his Harbingers or strips Marks from his allies. Alternatively, you might wish to attack the Zealot as a priority, but he is hardly the soft target that he might appear to be. You must weigh this option against the possibility that his allies will gain a critical edge while you attempt to eliminate the Zealot himself.

Zealot Look
# Essentially unarmored, in heavy robes and other ritual vestments and regalia
# Wields sacrificial daggers and other wicked instruments of pain.
# Carries many talismans, fetishes, and other occult paraphernalia about his person

19-11-2007, 15:37
Ma znam za chaos, samo se bojim chaos likova jer mislim da će ih klinci masovno igrat(poput warlocka u wow-u -.-).

Arbiter of Change
19-11-2007, 15:55
Hehe, Zealot - jedina klasa koju je Mythic (u suglasnosti sa GW) u potpunosti izmislio i koje nema u Lore-u. :)

19-11-2007, 16:28
Vjeruj mi, nece. Dokazano da se klinci zadrzavaju na 'dobrim', 'human', 'gayelf', 'order' rasama. Tak da se ne brini...besides, odi na RP server, i neces imat tih problema, prosjecna starost pvp servera = 16 god, prosjecna starost rp servera = 24-25 god...

19-11-2007, 16:33

najnoviji info koji nigdje necete moc procitat :D

Khm, bili smo na D3 Copenhagen sajmu (dobro, samo leader europske divizije suppliciuma i njegov buraz :D ), i s vip ulaznicama u ime gilde došli došli do interviewa za koja smo pitanja manje vise svi u gildi skupa sastavili, cak su i tri moja nutra (jeej :D :D :D )

da ne duljim, evo potpuni copy-paste:


So here we go, the famous list of questions, hehe..

Server and requirements related questions

Q: Will there be RP versions of the Open-RvR and Closed-RvR ruleset servers or will the RP servers' ruleset be something different from the other two?
A: There is no final decision yet, they are still getting feedback on this matter.

Q: When do they expect to release the official info on server types and how many of each type of server they will have?
A: A month from release, Iann was very specific on this topic, so expect it to be actually a month before release.

Q: What server type will Australia/Ocenia be on, or will they get their own? Guilds really want info on this..
A: They are gonna be playing on the US, but they might get their own server timezone.

Q: What are the plans for expansions, and are any coming out in 2008?
A: First will be out in late 2008/early 2009.

Q: In terms of monthly fee, will conversion rates between dollars and euro's taken into account or will it be 20$=20€ even though that means that in terms of dollar europeans would be paying not 20$ but 29$ at the going rates.
A: The billing will be the exact same, so nothing with EU paying more

Q: When will a rough estimate of required/recommended system specs be available to the public?
A: Late beta, so prolly after new year.

Q: What server type do you plan to play on?
A: Iann will be playing on an RP server, and he knows Paul is gonna do that aswell, hehe..

Q: Will the chicken be in at release so open PvP will still allow people some safety from the gankers?
A: It will, but it might be subject to change.

Career related questions

Q: Do you plan on Bestmaster for a Dark Elf class?
A: Iann didn’t have any info on this, so he adviced us to keep an eye on the newsletters and forums.

Q: Any hints on whether or not the Dark Elf will get another gender-restricted class?
A: Iann’s only answer was ”maybe”.

Q: Are tanks going to be able to dish out some damage, through using the right tactics?
A: Iann explained that tanks will be able to dish out a lot of damage, and wasn’t just for standing in the way. With right tactics and morale abilities tanks would be able to deliver som devestating damage to their enemies.

Q: Are there any DoT careers planned at the moment?
A: All classes have some sort of DoT, but not a class based completely on the DoT abilities.

Item related questions

Q: Does type of weapon effect your speed and strength? For example, is two handed sword faster than two handed mace but mace is more powerful?
A: Iann explained about Great Weapons, and Weapons. The difference is obvious, Great Weapons are two handed and deal more damage than their smaller version. Maces won’t be more powerful or anything like that, cause its normally very restricted to only each class. Like Choppas are to Orcs.

Q: Can chosen loot Slaurith's armor and wear it?
A: Iann didn’t know, but he doubted anything like this would ever be in.

Q: Do Player Chars themselves craft or do they need to take materials to a NPC crafter?
A: The crafting system had only just exited the design phase, so there is no info on this at all. But he was sure there would be released something over winter. =)

Q: Have anything changed regarding gear? I.E. Skills > Gear
A: Gear still don’t have a big effect, a group of average geared people can easily take down a group of good geared people, by having good teamwork.

Ingame mechanics related

Q: What are the status of the "living guild" system's progress?
A: Currently there is no info to give out, it will be released later in the beta. So prolly over winter.

Q: Can they tell us anything else about the city siege process?
A: Still under development. This was on the ”to do” list. They have focused on making all the basic elements, so they have something to beta test at all

Q: How do you plan on curbing inflation in the game?
A: Iann had a phrase for this ”money will be useful, but not vital”. Thats all I got for that question really, hehe..

Q: Do you know anything about the tanking mechanics? We seen abilities with tooltips ”Makes mob hate you more”
A: Tanking mechanics are working out great, both PvE and PvP. PvE wise you can dish out damage, and still keep agro by using abilities with a tooltip ”Makes your enemy hate you more”. In PvP two tanks could be devestating, as they could defend each other, and it would take too long time to take down even one of em.

Q: If you see this in time, find out if player housing is in the works at all? If so, will it be anything like DAoC where you can decorate your house and yard and show off? I want trophies all over my house!!! I'd be level 1 for a week if it got me extra trophies or badges.
A: Iann assured me it was on the famous ”to do” list. So expect info about it later on =)


Q: Do you plan special holiday events like wow does?
A: Yes, if they have anything to do with lore. We are not gonna do events like haloween, but there are a lot of festivals and so on in the warhammer lore that will be in. Iann mentioned a festival to worship death that will be in.

Q: Do you plan on a event board, where players can put up server events?
A: There will be forums for the community, but do not expect a ingame event board for planning things server wide.

Beta related
Q: Have you reached a final decision on whether or not there will beta slots given to those who pre-order the game?
A: There might be, a beta slot for stress test, but that is only a maybe. So basicly they havn’t reached a final decision.

Q: Will there be a second round of invititation to guilds? What about dual presence guilds (both EU and US)?
A: Yes it will come when the beta reopens, so all the guilds that didn’t get the chance first time will have a chance here. It will be a while after the reopening, due to the new people that have to download the client and so on. So when servers are stable and players are settled, which will be around 2weeks time, then new invites will come out.

Q: Will there be a chance of a delay on the beta reopening? Like being postponed to Christmas?
A: Certainly not, it will be early december as promised.

Q: When will guilds know if they have been accepted?
A: Around Christmas, if everything goes like planned.

Off Topic
Q: If you got 60bucks, what would you buy then? Assasins Creed, or Mass Effect..
A: Iann would buy Orange Box, the other games havn’t really appealed to him.

Hope you enjoyed it, Iann enjoyed the questions at least, seemed like I was the only person that actually came with questions over the 3days event, hehe..

Arbiter of Change
19-11-2007, 16:42
Q: Are there any DoT careers planned at the moment?
A: All classes have some sort of DoT, but not a class based completely on the DoT abilities.
Ajde, bar nećemo ponovno imati Warlocks incidente.

19-11-2007, 19:48
bit ce malo tupavo RP-at sa orkom....

me wanna smash you !!!

ich cut off your arms :P

ja volim koju recenicu viska u RP-u izgovorit, a orki su preglupi ak cemo gledat po loru :D :rotfl:

tak da ak idem na PvP realm...black orc
ak idem na RP...onda hammerer ili engi 8)

@arbiter:rekli su da nece bit DoT klasa, meni ovaj sustav mark/harbinger pretty much lici na doting ) :D .

20-11-2007, 00:39
Najvjerovatnije ću igrat sa hammererom ili ironbreakerom na pve serveru, ili kao chosen one također na pve serveru, ne volim pvp više volim istraživati i otkrivati priču i questove radit :D

20-11-2007, 00:41
RPG server će imat pvp u sebi ili ne? Ak će imat onda će RPG biti jeben, priča + pvp

20-11-2007, 00:46
RPG server će imat pvp u sebi ili ne? Ak će imat onta će RPG biti jeben, priča + pvp

pa najverovatnije ce bit rppvp serveri, bilo bi retardirano da ih nebi bilo..

20-11-2007, 13:55
Smisao WAR-a je upravo war....dakle rat....tak da ce se inzistirat prvenstveno na pvpu. RP-serveri se razlikuju po tome sto te nitko cudno ne gleda dok se ponasas u skladu s pricom svojeg lika...jer svatko ima svoju pricu, povijest.

Onaj chicken sistem koji sam spomenuo...upravo je tu da se preventira genkanje na niskim lvlima....ako ne zelis da te genkaju, ukljuci da si Chicken, svi ce vidjet da si chicken ali te nece genkat ^^ al ak hoces bit frajer, living on the edge, 'nek se oni boje mene a ne ja njih', iskljuci chicken i otvori se freelance pvpu

20-11-2007, 17:00
Hmm, mozda i nece biti razlika u serverima, vec ce svaki biti pvp + pve + rpg, sve skupa i zajedno pa ko voli nek izvoli.
Meni ce najbitniji biti PvP definitivno da tucam svojim Ironbreakerom tupave orkovske glave, a navecer da potegnem koju politru sa svojim patuljastim frendovima,muahahahaha :friends: - Have one on da house!!! :wink:

20-11-2007, 18:33
pa vecina playera koji ce igrat war bit ce za pvp a ostali ce bit zbog price(fanobi warhammera)

20-11-2007, 19:15
Hmm, mozda i nece biti razlika u serverima, vec ce svaki biti pvp + pve + rpg, sve skupa i zajedno pa ko voli nek izvoli.
Meni ce najbitniji biti PvP definitivno da tucam svojim Ironbreakerom tupave orkovske glave, a navecer da potegnem koju politru sa svojim patuljastim frendovima,muahahahaha :friends: - Have one on da house!!! :wink:

cuj decko trebali bi se dogovorit da igramo na istom serveru al na suprotnim stranama...za par mjeseci me potrazi pod nickom svinjoguz :kill:

Mystery In Space
20-11-2007, 19:46
Dali netko zna nešto o Magus klasi??
Malo mi je čudno da je stalno na letećem disku hehe.

20-11-2007, 19:53
bit ce ogroman dps i koristi arcane magije...

Mystery In Space
20-11-2007, 20:00
Hvala. Dali ima nekakva šansa da se taj disk na kojem lebdi makne? Ovako mi izgleda malo retardirano :?

20-11-2007, 21:39
Hvala. Dali ima nekakva šansa da se taj disk na kojem lebdi makne? Ovako mi izgleda malo retardirano :?

Malo se informiraj o Disc of Tzeentch u lore-u prije nek postavis ovak malo retardirano pitanje.... :| :| :|

Disc of Tzeentch je u biti dio chaos magusa, demonski spawn koji se bindan s magusom, a u jedno i Tzeentcheva nagrada. No kako to vec ide u chaosu, nista nije jednostrano, a chaos bogovi, posebice Tzeentch su iznimno prevrtljivi, lukavi, i okrutni. Trenutak kad je magus sklopio pakt sa Tzeentchom, njegova duša je doslovce povezana s diskom. Ako stupi s diska, bog to shvaca kao odbijanje njegovog dara i uvredu te prekida vezu magusa i diska cime magus umire.

Dakle, ne, nema šanse da se disk makne.

:nonono: :nonono: :nonono:

20-11-2007, 22:39
jeli ima nekakav warhammer sajt sa loreom...?

kao wowwiki za wow?

trazio sam na guglu ali warhammer wiki uopce nije doradjen kak spada..

Arbiter of Change
20-11-2007, 23:22
..za par mjeseci me potrazi pod nickom svinjoguz :kill:
Ne do Bog da se sa takvim nickom pojaviš na nekom RP serveru inače taburanje sa čitave Order/Chaos strane (ovisno gdje budeš), posebno ako si vidio kakvih sve zadrtih Lore likova ima tamo (npr, Warhammer Alliance, khm Theoden). :D

Edit: Mislim da nema nikakav sveobuhvatni Warhammer Wiki.

20-11-2007, 23:29
..za par mjeseci me potrazi pod nickom svinjoguz :kill:
Ne do Bog da se sa takvim nickom pojaviš na nekom RP serveru inače taburanje sa čitave Order/Chaos strane (ovisno gdje budeš), posebno ako si vidio kakvih sve zadrtih Lore likova ima tamo (npr, Warhammer Alliance, khm Theoden). :D

Edit: Mislim da nema nikakav sveobuhvatni Warhammer Wiki.

khm..ako cu biti dwarf onda drunkion... :D :rotfl:

nis se ne brini volim rp, imam lvl 6 alta u wowu(neznam kakav je RP na 70, al na 6 je sasvim dobar, bio sam rpao sa frendom i doso neki l70 u mulgore-i
isli u tavernu na mljeko i chatali smo 3h..jos mi lik dao 20g za dobar rp ))

Mystery In Space
21-11-2007, 11:43
Hvala. Dali ima nekakva šansa da se taj disk na kojem lebdi makne? Ovako mi izgleda malo retardirano :?

Malo se informiraj o Disc of Tzeentch u lore-u prije nek postavis ovak malo retardirano pitanje.... :| :| :|

Disc of Tzeentch je u biti dio chaos magusa, demonski spawn koji se bindan s magusom, a u jedno i Tzeentcheva nagrada. No kako to vec ide u chaosu, nista nije jednostrano, a chaos bogovi, posebice Tzeentch su iznimno prevrtljivi, lukavi, i okrutni. Trenutak kad je magus sklopio pakt sa Tzeentchom, njegova duša je doslovce povezana s diskom. Ako stupi s diska, bog to shvaca kao odbijanje njegovog dara i uvredu te prekida vezu magusa i diska cime magus umire.

Dakle, ne, nema šanse da se disk makne.

:nonono: :nonono: :nonono:

Fala na objašnjenju :P
Nisam upoznat sa Chaos lore-om. Znam samo lore od Greenskinsa i Dark Elfova jer su mi oni najzanimljiviji. Tko god mislio da Greenskinsi imaju "Primitivan" lore vara se ^^

21-11-2007, 13:13
[quote="Mystery In Space":2z0vb4yc]Hvala. Dali ima nekakva šansa da se taj disk na kojem lebdi makne? Ovako mi izgleda malo retardirano :?

Malo se informiraj o Disc of Tzeentch u lore-u prije nek postavis ovak malo retardirano pitanje.... :| :| :|

Disc of Tzeentch je u biti dio chaos magusa, demonski spawn koji se bindan s magusom, a u jedno i Tzeentcheva nagrada. No kako to vec ide u chaosu, nista nije jednostrano, a chaos bogovi, posebice Tzeentch su iznimno prevrtljivi, lukavi, i okrutni. Trenutak kad je magus sklopio pakt sa Tzeentchom, njegova duša je doslovce povezana s diskom. Ako stupi s diska, bog to shvaca kao odbijanje njegovog dara i uvredu te prekida vezu magusa i diska cime magus umire.

Dakle, ne, nema šanse da se disk makne.

:nonono: :nonono: :nonono:

Fala na objašnjenju :P
Nisam upoznat sa Chaos lore-om. Znam samo lore od Greenskinsa i Dark Elfova jer su mi oni najzanimljiviji. Tko god mislio da Greenskinsi imaju "Primitivan" lore vara se ^^[/quote:2z0vb4yc]

jel znas mozda neko mjesto na netu gdje je sakupljen lore od Warhammera(trebaju mi greenskinsi, njih cu igrat), ja sam trazio al warhammer wiki je nedoradjen.. :wink:

Arbiter of Change
21-11-2007, 13:20
Uf, treba znati da štuju Gorka i Morka te da ih oni progutaju kad poginu (bar duše), Orcovi se ponovno reinkarniraju i tako se stalno bore (jedina stvar koju vole).

Ali ipak su bolji u W40k settingu:
- vozila bojaju u crveno zato jer vjeruju da tako brže idu... i stvarnoSidu brže
- stvari funkcioniraju zato jer oni vjerujuSda tako funkcioniraju (oružja, magija, itd)


21-11-2007, 13:28
Uf, treba znati da štuju Gorka i Morka te da ih oni progutaju kad poginu (bar duše), Orcovi se ponovno reinkarniraju i tako se stalno bore (jedina stvar koju vole).

Ali ipak su bolji u W40k settingu:
- vozila bojaju u crveno zato jer vjeruju da tako brže idu... i stvarnoSidu brže
- stvari funkcioniraju zato jer oni vjerujuSda tako funkcioniraju (oružja, magija, itd)

uff full zanimljivo..jel ima negdje knjige za kupit( u algoritmu ima samo W40k) :wink:

21-11-2007, 14:44
Hmm, mozda i nece biti razlika u serverima, vec ce svaki biti pvp + pve + rpg, sve skupa i zajedno pa ko voli nek izvoli.
Meni ce najbitniji biti PvP definitivno da tucam svojim Ironbreakerom tupave orkovske glave, a navecer da potegnem koju politru sa svojim patuljastim frendovima,muahahahaha :friends: - Have one on da house!!! :wink:

cuj decko trebali bi se dogovorit da igramo na istom serveru al na suprotnim stranama...za par mjeseci me potrazi pod nickom svinjoguz :kill:

Kolko vidim jos nisi nacisto na koju bi stranu, ali ako budes kod ludih orkova, definitivno cemo se dogovoriti za server :killyou:

Mystery In Space
21-11-2007, 15:05
Nema puno o greenskinsima jer kaj god da su pisali ispalo je *crap* tako da se odustalo skoro uvijek. Ali evo nekih stvari :

Da Greenskins(već infans malo napisao o ovome)

So named because of the color of their waxy skin, the greenskins are savagery personified. They are ill-tempered, primitive, and live only to fight. In the absence of another foe, greenskins will eventually
turn on one another for want of violence. In their culture, might makes right and the weakest members of society are one false step away from being dinner.

The greenskins have no homeland to speak of. They capture other race's settlements and then make those places their own, decorating them with tribal graffiti, wood and scrap materials fashioned into crude symbols, and oftentimes, the bones of those they have slain. This leads to a very unique form of architecture that is distinctively ramshackle.

Periodically, a powerful Orc Warboss will unite the greenskin tribes into a single swarming mass called a "Waaagh!", named for the common greenskin battle-cry. In a Waaagh! , the greenskins unite into a stampede of frenzied Orcs, Goblins and Snotlings bent on destroying everything they encounter. Save for pure Chaos itself, there is no force in the Warhammer world as devastating as a Waaagh! set in motion.
At the onset of the Age of Reckoning, the greenskins have been united by the Black Orc Warlord Grumlok and his diminutive counterpart, the Goblin Shaman Gazbag. Together, they have led their tribe, the Bloody Sun Boyz, to dominance. Now, they wage war upon the Dwarfs, guided by an unseen hand.

Orcs are the largest of the greenskin species. They are bigger, more aggressive, and more muscular than their smaller cousins, the Goblins, Hobgoblins, and tiny Snotlings. Orcs continue to grow throughout their lives and their skin darkens with age. The strongest and most powerful Orcs grow to become Black Orcs, marked by their increased size and darker skin. Orcs are not bright by any means, but they do possess an
animalistic awareness of social structure. They are bullies who impose their will on anyone they think is weaker than they. There is nothing an Orc loves more than to fight. If they lack other opponents, they will fight amongst themselves. Such battles are always bloody affairs, for Orcs are fearsome foes, even when wounded. They feel no pain and fear nothing.

An especially powerful Orc will rise to the top of his tribe by way of ruthless savagery and victory in personal combat. If he is able to defeat the current Warboss, he will assume that position. If he is especially strong-willed, the new Warboss may be able to lead the entire tribe into Waaagh! while still fending off challenges to his leadership from within.

Orcs fight with primitive weapons that are little more than big chunks of scrap metal. They give these weapons such descriptive names as "choppas", "bashas" and "smashas", and they wield them with brutal strength.

Goblins are considerably smaller than Orcs, but they compensate for this disadvantage with a feral cunning that their larger brethren lack. Goblins are constantly bullied and intimidated by the Orcs and this has caused them to evolve into sneaky and insidious creatures whose comical appearance belies their malicious intelligence. In many ways Goblins are the brains behind greenskin tribal society. Goblins frequently are the Shamans of their tribes and are often clever enough to use the leverage associated with this position to manipulate the larger but slower Orcs into doing their bidding.
Goblins are also the most adept of the greenskin races at using technology. Goblins build objects of simple, but effective design. As with all greenskin construction, machines and siege engines cobbled together by Goblins have a very primitive look, but a five-hundred-pound rock hurts just as much when it's hurled through the air by a crudely-fashioned greenskin Rock Lobber as an ornate Dwarf Grudge Thrower.

Greenskin Army – The Bloody Sun Boyz

The Bloody Sun Boyz tribe is one among hundreds of greenskin tribes that populate the Badlands. Led by a huge Black Orc named Grumlok and his most powerful Goblin Shaman, Gazbag, the tribe quickly conquers its rivals and begins to grow in size. The story might have ended there if not for Malekith the Witch King.

As part of his plot to conquer Ulthuan, Malekith must manipulate the Empire into asking the High Elves for aid. To ensure that this happens, the Witch King devises a plot to embroil the Dwarfs in a war with their ancient adversaries, the Orcs and Goblins, ensuring that they cannot come to the Empire's defense in its hour of need. Without help from the Dwarfs, the Emperor will have no choice but to turn to the Phoenix King of Ulthuan for help, and when the armies of the High Elves sail for the Old World, their island home will be ripe for invasion.

Malekith dispatches hunters to the Badlands with the task of capturing the most powerful Orc Warboss that they can find and bringing him back to Naggaroth. They return with Grumlok and Gazbag, to whom Malekith gives amulets that increase their powers tenfold. When the Orc and Goblin return to their tribe, they lead a campaign to conquer their neighbors and amass a great horde. Compelled by the power of their amulets, Grumlok and Gazbag march to Karak Eight Peaks and obliterate the Dwarf garrison there, taking over the fortress.

Grumlok has summoned all the tribes of the Old World to join his great Waaagh!, but it is the Bloody Sun Boyz who will command the most respect and fear among their green kin. Grumlok expects his lads to keep the other Orcs and Goblins in line, and when the time comes to break down the great gates of Karaz-a-Karak and rampage through the streets of the Dwarf capital city, it is the Boyz who will lead the charge.

Malo općenito:

When the first reports of the Chaos Plague begin to appear in the fringe settlements of the Empire, they are dismissed as fanciful tales conjured to frighten away unwanted visitors. When the plague appears in the streets of Altdorf, however, the situation changes completely. By the time the Emperor issues his first quarantine order, the vile disease has already spread across most of his lands. The Empire's doctors work day and night to combat the sickness, but the plague defies all efforts at a cure.

Victims of the Chaos Plague first experience tiredness, aching and soreness and extreme thirst. Bouts of nausea follow, but it takes nearly a month to reach the final stages of the disease. It is only then that the horrific nature of the plague is made clear; those unfortunate souls who have experienced plague symptoms for three to four weeks begin to change, transforming into fiendish Chaos mutants that savagely attack any living creature that they see. Those lucky enough to avoid contracting the plague are often killed by the savage monsters spawned from it.

With each passing month, the death toll mounts. Quarantines and martial law fail to slow the spread of the disease, and paranoid fear grips every village and town within the Empire's borders. Militiamen in plague-wracked cities are forced to combat the hordes of Chaos mutants roaming their streets, leaving their walls undefended against threats from without. Emboldened gangs of brigands roam the countryside, looting, burning and killing at will. The scope of the tragedy is almost unparalleled in the history of the Empire, but the Chaos Plague is merely a precursor to a much greater evil yet to come.

Meanwhile, in the Dark Elf kingdom of Naggaroth, the Seers of Ghrond continue their unceasing study of the distant Chaos Maelstrom. Suddenly, there is a marked shift in the nebulous swirls of color and shape. The Seers watch intently, studying the ominous new patterns. When they are confident of their readings, the Seers dispatch a messenger south to Naggarond aboard a swift Black Pegasus. Great events are about to unfold in the world, and the Witch King must be informed.

Days later, Malekith, Lord of the Dark Elves, reads the dispatch from Ghrond. The Chaos god Tzeentch has found himself a new Champion. The followers of the Changer of Ways have assembled a great warhost for his herald and are preparing to launch a massive incursion into the lands of men, the Empire his likely target.

Malekith ponders the message. He is well aware of the terrible plague sweeping through the Old World. If the forces of Chaos launch an attack while the Empire is weakened by the plague, the Emperor will have no choice but to call upon the nearby Dwarfs for reinforcement. With the aid of the Dwarfs, it is possible the Chaos host might be turned back. If, however, the folk of the mountains are unable to come to the Empire's defense, Emperor Karl Franz will be forced to turn to the High Elves of Ulthuan. Malekith is doubtful that his kinsmen will abandon the great nation of men in its hour of need, for doing so might deprive the High Elves of a valuable ally. No... the High Elves will respond, and will likely send several legions of warriors to repulse the Chaos attack, leaving Ulthuan vulnerable.

When the Chaos moon eclipses the light of the sun, the dispatch concludes, the forces of Chaos will begin their march southward. Time is short, and there is much to do.

The Witch King commands that every forge and furnace in the realm be brought to bear in the crafting of weapons, armor and siege machines. The Beastmasters of Karond Kar are ordered to select the strongest and most ferocious creatures in their pens and ready them for battle. The fierce Witch Elves of Khaine prepare for bloody sacrifice to the Lord of Murder. Morathi, the Hag Queen, summons forth the most powerful Sorceresses from the Convents and trains them to lead the armies of the Dark Elves. As his people prepare for the coming war, Malekith draws up his plans against the Dwarfs.

Orc Fort Aerial A party of the finest hunters and warriors in Naggaroth are dispatched to the lands of the greenskins with a single directive: bring back the most powerful Orc Warboss that can be found.

When the hunting party returns with both an Orc and a Goblin, Malekith is surprised. It seems the two are inseparable, jointly leading a powerful new tribe calling themselves the "Bloody Sun Boyz". The goblin shaman, Gazbag, provides the brains while the towering brute of an Orc, Grumlok, supplies the muscle. For each, Malekith forges a magical amulet that greatly amplifies the wearer's abilities. In addition, the Witch King secretly includes a spell of command that will compel the two leaders to gather their tribe and march east into the World's Edge Mountains. There, they will capture the fortress at Eight Peaks and build a mighty Waaagh! to eradicate the Dwarfs. This being done, he commands his warriors to return the captive greenskins to their home.

His plan set in motion, Malekith waits for news from the World's Edge Mountains. With the Dwarfs occupied by the fight against the coming greenskin Waaagh!, they will be unable to answer the Emperor's call for help when the Chaos army reaches his borders. The High Elves will sail east for the Old World, and Malekith will launch his attack. At last, the Witch King will claim the birthright denied him for millennia by his weak-blooded kin. The Throne of Ulthuan will be his.

In the Badlands, Gazbag and Grumlok are reunited with the Bloody Sun Boyz. Immediately, the two set out to fulfill Malekith's magically-implanted command. Led by their newly-empowered Warboss and Shaman, the Boyz begin their march to the World's Edge Mountains, assimilating any greenskin tribe they encounter and destroying those who will not join. Never before have the Orcs and Goblins seen such strength and power from two of their own kind, and the ranks of the Bloody Sun Boyz swell as rumors of their deeds spread.

As the greenskin horde approaches Karak Eight Peaks, the Dwarfs gather within its walls, confident the impregnable fortress is in no real danger. When Gazbag uses his amplified magic to blast a hole in the impossibly thick wall surrounding the city, the Dwarfs are dumbstruck. Never before has an invading army broken through the perimeter of Karak Eight Peaks. As a wave of snarling, bellowing greenskins pours through the breach, the dour but determined defenders of the doomed city prepare to make a last stand.

The news spreads like a shockwave. How could one tribe of greenskins capture the seemingly impenetrable fortress? Though few will admit it, many Dwarfs are badly shaken by this impossible defeat. In Karaz-a-Karak, High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer vows revenge, commanding every Dwarf in the city to make preparations for a great war.

Privately, the High King is gravely concerned. Rumors that the greenskin forces are led by a Warboss with the strength of ten Orcs and a Shaman with magical abilities never before seen would not normally concern him, as Dwarfs are prone to exaggerate. However, the fall of Karak Eight Peaks cannot be ignored, nor can its effect on the morale of his people. Secretly, the High King dispatches a rider to the Empire to alert Karl Franz of the possible danger to his own lands should the Dwarfs fail to halt the greenskin invasion. Though the High King is too proud to ask the Emperor for help, he hopes the urgency of his message will result in just that.

Meanwhile, far to the south, Squig riders and Boar Boyz set out in all directions from Karak Eight Peaks, spreading word of a great Waaagh! gathering at the fortress. Legions of Orcs and Goblins begin streaming into the captured stronghold and the lands surrounding it. Each Orc and Goblin Boss pays homage to Grumlok and Gazbag, pledging his "ladz" to the destruction of the Dwarfs.

On both sides, great armies are assembled. The Dwarfs are determined to retake Karak Eight Peaks and avenge its loss, while the greenskins care for nothing but the elimination of as many Dwarfs as possible.

Two months after the fall of Karak Eight Peaks, the High King's army sets out to drive the invading greenskins from the World's Edge Mountains. As the Dwarfs march south along the slopes of the great volcano Karag Dron, the world suddenly grows dim. In the sky above, the sun begins to darken and the landscape is bathed in an eerie, unnatural light the color of deep crimson.

From atop the tallest spire in Naggarond, Malekith watches the Chaos moon, Morrslieb, eclipse the sun. His spies in the Old World have relayed messages confirming the success of the greenskin attack on the Dwarfs. The Witch King's plans are unfolding precisely as arranged.

Far to the north, out of sight of the eyes of men, a great black warhost erupts from the tempestuous Chaos Wastes. Swarms of grotesque creatures march in ranks alongside regiments of warriors and marauders, all led by a Chaos Lord bearing the banner of Tzeentch.

In the Empire, terror and panic erupt at the sight of the red eclipse. Riots and fires break out in every district of Altdorf. The city guard is hard-pressed to contain the situation, but the eclipse soon passes and by nightfall, order is restored. The event is not forgotten, however, and many citizens of the Empire, shaken by what they believe to be an omen of terrible events to come, pack their belongings and depart their homes hoping to find shelter in the mountains to the south and east. A growing sense of doom hangs over the people of the Empire, and hope for any respite from the plague is smothered by the fearful sight of the red eclipse.

For the Dwarf army marching to reclaim the fortress at Karak Eight Peaks, the eclipse seems to confirm a dread that has been growing within them. The black sun in the crimson sky is a stinging reminder of the loss of Karak Eight Peaks to the Bloody Sun Boyz, and seems to be a symbol of the inevitable victory of the greenskin horde now gathering there. Have the last days of the Dwarfs finally come? Resigned to their doom, the grim-faced warriors trudge across the harsh, mountainous terrain.

In Altdorf, the Emperor receives the High King's message and orders several regiments into the mountains to assist the Dwarfs. Though he sorely needs the troops to secure his borders and combat the spread of anarchy in his realm, Karl Franz is honor-bound to respect the pledge made by Sigmar never to refuse aid to a Dwarf. Just then, an outrider delivers a report from the north -- a great Chaos army is on the march, and will reach the Empire's borders within a week.

Assessing his deployments in Nordland and Ostland, Karl Franz realizes that the picture is desperately bleak. The plague has thinned the ranks of his armies, wreaked havoc with supply lines and decimated the morale and industry of his people. The Empire is ripe for conquest, and will fall quickly without help. The Dwarfs cannot possibly send warriors to protect the Empire. If they do not recapture the fortress at Karak Eight Peaks quickly, they might never do so again. Only the High Elves can save his people now.

Summoning his most trusted Griffon rider, the Emperor composes a letter beseeching the ruler of the High Elves for assistance. When the messenger arrives in Lothern, Finubar, Phoenix King of Ulthuan, is already well aware of the Empire's plight and has been making preparations to send troops. Finubar summons Prince Tyrion, a warrior and general without peer among his people, and charges him with the defense of the High Elf lands. Confident that his realm will be secure , the Phoenix King sets sail at the head of a flotilla of Elven warships. From the Straits of Lothern the vessels pass into the Great Western Ocean carrying hundreds of the most skilled warriors among the High Elves. When word of the Phoenix King's departure reaches Malekith's ears, the Witch King gives the order to begin the invasion of Ulthuan.

In the dead of night, a great fleet of Black Arks sets out from Naggaroth. As the floating fortresses approach the shores of Ulthuan, the invasion force splits in two, with one half bearing down on the Blighted Isles while the other steers south for the Straits of Lothern. Soon, legions of Dark Elf warriors spill forth onto the shores of their ancestral homeland.

In Karak Eight Peaks, a great greenskin Waaagh! is building. In the northern reaches of the Empire, the servants of Tzeentch have already marched deep into Ostland and are laying waste to everything in their path. Prince Tyrion's army has raced north to engage the marauding Dark Elves, only to learn that a second invasion force has begun a siege of Lothern.

Recognizing that the only way to counter the threats arrayed against them will be to combine their strengths, the leaders of the Empire and the nations of the Dwarfs and the High Elves convene a great Council of Wisdom in the Imperial capital of Altdorf. At this summit, the three rulers forge a pact that their peoples shall fight as one and strike back at the enemies who would conquer their homelands.

The Age of Reckoning has begun.

Najvažnije mislim:
Warboss Gazag Spleenrippa was powerful and mean, even for an Orc. As a Big 'Un he was almost as large as a Black Orc, yet twice as skilled with a Choppa. The stunties with their humie pals were advancing over the ridge and Gazag was itching for a fight. "Oi! Listen 'ere ya gits! Da stunties an' humies are comin' ova da hill! Fer Gork and Mork! WAAAGH!" As one, the Greenskins surged forward in a massive green wave. Some small fighting broke out here and there, while a couple of Goblins were trampled, but by and large Gazag was pleased with his WAAAGH! and knew that this was just the first of many battles. His mobs would sweep into the Old World and none would survive his green tide of destruction.

Warhammer, to newcomers, may seem on the surface to be just another generic fantasy setting. Oh how they are wrong! This series of articles will have two goals: The first, is to give role-players tips on really playing their characters as they should be in the Warhammer world. The second goal is to showcase how different all the Warhammer races are from their other fantasy counterparts.

Warhammer Orcs and Goblins have a certain flavour to their names. Generally the first name is a rather primitive sounding word that frequently features the letter "G". Their last names are violent and brutal in composition and resemble titles more than anything else. Some examples of great Orc and Goblin names from Games Workshop are

Grimgor Ironhide
Morglum Necksnapper
Azhag the Slaughterer
Grom the Paunch
Badruk 'Eadsplitter
Gorfang Rotgut
and my personal favourite,
Borgut Facebeater

Now this paragraph contains extremely important information about greenskins. It is included in the Names section of this article because it applies to spelling. Greenskins speak in a debased version of the English Cockney accent. They sound like and are based on rough, tough, working class, Oi! listening, soccer hooligans.

Orcs value size, strength and brutality. Orcs care nothing for honour, wealth, land, title or anything else that they see as frivolous and not pertaining to immediate combat. Orcs also value a good scrap. Whether it be a fight with a fellow greenskin or a Dwarf, physical violence is the only thing in life greenskins desire.
Goblins are a different thing altogether. Goblins value cunning, maliciousness and cruelty. Because of the constant abuse suffered from their larger cousins, Goblins are actually quite mean. The life of a "Gobbo" is a hard one and often short. It's only the meanest who survive and establish a place in Greenskin society. You can rest assured that those few that do hold their own in the greenskin tribes are absolutely vicious creatures.

Violence: Simply put, greenskins like hurting things. Whether greenskins are eating, talking, planning, thinking, laughing or doing any other activity, it will often involve violence in some form. There is no other race who sees so much violence at the individual level. There is very little difference between greenskins on and off the battlefield. Fighting, yelling, squabbling, WAAAGH! shouting and deity worship are present at all times.

Cowardice: Orcs, more than anything else, dislike avoidance of combat. Evasion, underhanded tactics and cowardice infuriate them to no end. Denying an Orc of its single purpose in life is not something it takes lightly. Orcs for the most part abhore ranged combat as it puts them and their choppa at a disadvantagein battle. Some Orcs have been known to use bows and "arrerz" and in extremely rare circumstances, crossbows. The vast majority, however, use a choppa and will dislike anyone who robs them of using it.

Elves: Goblins dislike many things: hard work, adversity, challenge, Men, Dwarfs, the list goes on. Nothing, however, comes close to their innate fear of Elves. Goblins are extremely superstitious and have a phobia of Elves due to their fey nature and aura of mystery. Goblins need large numbers to feel confident in battle. Their ideal fight would be outnumbering an unaware foe in the dark. In order to willinlgy engae in combat with Elves, the Goblins must have vastly superior numbers or else they will be shaking in their boots.

Greenskin religion, if it can even be called that, revolves around two gods known as Gork and Mork. These mighty deities make their existence known via the highly potent and destructive greenskin magic. Goblins are the most adept at manipulating this WAAAGH! infused magic, while the Orcs contribute to its potency by building giant effigies of the Orc gods. To the greenskins magic and "religion" go hand in hand, more so than most other races.

# Battle Cries WAAAGH!!!!!
# (C'mon, do you really need anything else?)

Mystery In Space
21-11-2007, 15:16
Po lore-u Dark Elfovi su najkrvoločniji i najviše zli te oni koriste najgoru zlu magiju(više su zli nego chaos hehe). Molim se da mi nekakvog castera izbace 8)

21-11-2007, 19:44
zanimljiv je ovaj lore o greenskinsima, posebno ovaj dio o elfovima, nisam znao da se goblini boje elfova.. :o

22-11-2007, 09:50
Ne da mi se igrat sa Chaosom igrat, idu mi na živce ti orkovi, DE i sva ostala čuda. Sve mi se jebiga čini da ću ipak morat, svi klinci će opet na stranu Ordera :S

Mystery In Space
22-11-2007, 12:30
Ne da mi se igrat sa Chaosom igrat, idu mi na živce ti orkovi, DE i sva ostala čuda. Sve mi se jebiga čini da ću ipak morat, svi klinci će opet na stranu Ordera :S

Sumnjam da će klinci dugo ostat kad vide da je skill>items>char(warlock XD).

Dal zna netko kola je šansa da stave beastmaster klasu kod druchii-a?

22-11-2007, 14:43
Ne da mi se igrat sa Chaosom igrat, idu mi na živce ti orkovi, DE i sva ostala čuda.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Chaos = chaos =/= orc =/= dark elf

chaos je chaos, jedan i jedinstven. nema veze s nicim drugim.....valjda si mislio na destruction....

Mystery In Space
22-11-2007, 15:42
Baš sam čitao po forumima i vidio da ljudi ne vole Dark Elfove te da će ih najvjerojatnije biti najmanje na Destruction strani :o

Dark Elf lore :

Raianna Cryptmist held the still beating heart of her sacrificial victim in her hand. The now dead High Elf Commander was lashed to a dark, bloodstained altar. His capture, months ago, was a small victory towards the many battles to come. His troops had all been slain in the raid, but the Dark Elves had reserved a special fate for him. His sacfiice would be the signal to launch another glorious invasion into the hated seas of Ulthuan. Raianna turned to her followers, all covered head to toe in blood and cruel weaponry. "Tonight, with this sacrifice, we go to join the others at the Black Arks and then to Ulthuan!" A sheer chorus of cries and screams echoed into the darkness as the coven of Witch Elves surged out of the temple and raced towards the great Black Arks. As one the Druchii would venture out across the seas to bring vengeance, violence and death to their hated kin. Much blood would cover the sands of Ulthuan in the coming days.

Originally, the Dark Elves were (and in many ways still are) the direct kin of High Elves and thus share their characteristics for names. They are structured in a similar way, but many Dark Elves of late have adopted more evil sounding names throughout the millennia of separation and strife with their kin in Ulthuan. Their titles and surnames would be most appropriate if they contained malicious, violent and dark vocabulary to reflect this most evil of races. One fun way to find a good Dark Elf name is to find a High Elf name and then twist it into a dark and evil version for yourself. This would represent an ancient Dark Elf family who, over the centuries have become progressively more evil and distant from their High Elf roots.

The Druchii value stealth, cunning, ruthlessness and killer instinct. Dark Elf society values the strong and their cities are places where the weak, meek and feeble do not last long. Two of the practices that the Dark Elves value above many others are slavery and sacrifice. These two things go hand in hand and almost any prisoner of the Dark Elves can expect one and often both of these two fates. It has been often said that being captured by the Dark Elves is one of the worst outcomes imaginable for a mortal This is a hundred times the case if you are a High Elf.

Evil: The Dark Elves are arguably the most evil race in the Warhammer world. While the actions of the followers of Chaos are without a doubt evil, they still have purpose and claim a twisted form of religious motivation for their actions. Dark Elves, however, commit acts of evil for the sake of being evil and base all their plans on vengeance, hatred and malice. It is the Druchii who wield Dark Magic and by doing so, rank amongst the most evil practitioners of magic anywhere. Evil is the driving force in all Dark Elves and any expression of it in any form is most welcome.

High Elves: It could be strongly argued that the hatred the Druchii hold for the High Elves knows no equal in the Warhammer world. It cannot be stressed enough, the Druchii hatred for the High Elves is like nothing else in the Warhammer world. Every breath of Malekith, Witch King of the Dark Elves and the hereditary heir the the throne of Ulthuan and Phoenix Crown, is spent on scheming, plotting and raiding against the High Elves and their allies. There are few battles more fierce and vicious when the Dark Elves launch themselves upon their hated kin. No mercy is given and the levels of loathing and violence are rarely surpassed elsewhere in the Warhammer world.

The Dark Elves primarily worship Khaine, the Elven god of War. The Druchii have changed course in this matter and worship Khaine as the god of Murder. Khaine is the fuel of the Dark Elf fire and his followers hold a zeal within them that borders on madness. It is Khaine whom the sadistic Witch Elves serve and the sacrifices made on his altar number in the many thousands.

Another god to attract attention by a small number of Dark Elves (but still enough in number to form entire armies) is the Chaos God Slaanesh. The Cult of Slaanesh has infiltrated Dark Elf society and although often persecuted, is slowly growing in power and influence.

# Battle Cries Prepare yourselves for the altar of Khaine!
# Death to Ulthuan!
# For Malekith!
# The Druchii have come for you!!

Desciption and Lore
Long ago, when Chaos was first unleashed upon the world, the Elven champion Aenarion drew the dread Sword of Khaine from its altar and used its terrible power to save his people from annihilation. When Aenarion died, his son Malekith was deemed unsuitable for the throne. Although he was a mighty warrior, a great sorcerer , a brilliant general and the rightful heir, many Elves opposed his coronation. They feared he was too focused on war, and potentially a de-stabilizing influence on the High Elf race. In retaliation, over many years Malekith engineered a terrible civil war that divided the race of Elves into two factions.

It was the High Elves who emerged victorious and drove the evil Dark Elves out from the ancestral home of their race. Under the leadership of Malekith the Witch King and his Sorceress mother Morathi, the Dark Elves sailed across the Great Western Ocean and founded for themselves a new kingdom in the northern reaches of the New World. This land they called Naggaroth, meaning 'land of chill'.

Unlike the High Elves, who continually seek to suppress their passions lest they be overcome by them, the Dark Elves willingly embrace their hedonistic nature. Dark Elf society emphasizes individualism, selfishness, and pride. They have little regard for one another and even less for the other races of the world, whom they see as potential slaves and subjects.

In battle, the ruthless warriors of Naggaorth blend Elven discipline with savagery and ferocity, for the patron deity of the Dark Elves is Kaela Mensha Khaine, the bloody-handed God and the Lord of Murder. Nowhere is this more evident that in the beautiful and deadly Witch Elves, who serve in the Temples of Khaine and revel in violence and bloodshed.

Since their expulsion from Ulthuan, the Dark Elves have desired nothing more than to return to Ulthuan and avenge their defeat, reclaiming the land they believe to be theirs by right. In the Age of Reckoning, Malekith learns of an impending Chaos invasion of the Empire and uses this knowledge to set in motion a chain of events that will leave the island home of the Elves defenseless against an invasion. At the Witch King's command, a great fleet of Black Arks – great floating islands laden with soldiers, monsters, and engines of war – sets sail across the sea to conquer the island kingdom of Ulthuan and fulfill the destiny denied the Druchii so long ago.

Za sada su poznate dvije klase : Black Guard(Tank on drugs) i Witch Elf(DPS). Zna se da će doći mage klasa(moguće male mage jer su dobili odobrenje od GW-a ali opet ako gledamo po loru svi male magovi su progonjeni do smrti tako da će najvjerojatnije biti female mage ako će pratiti lore. Nagađa se da će zadnje dvije klase biti najvjerojatnije Beast master i sorcerer/sorceress ili će umjesto beastmastera staviti shade klasu. Nadam se da stave beastmastera ali kad gledamo Destruction ima klasu koja ima peta (globlin squig herder) dok Order nema tako da se bojim da će beastmastera imati high elfovi.

Nadam se da ima još ljudi koji vole Druchii rasu :)

Arbiter of Change
23-11-2007, 19:07
You know you want it, you know you like it - svježe informacije:

It’s update time once again and so here is the latest peek behind the scenes at EA Mythic.

The Cities Team

Hello from the Cities Team! This week some truly exciting work is being done. As you walk through the streets of Altdorf or the Inevitable City, there are HUGE buildings that dominate the sky; think “Big Ben” or the “Eiffel Tower”. We call these structures “Marvels”. Marvels help us provide the iconic look and feel of a city and make them immediately recognizable. But as amazing as they are to look at, until this week you couldn’t actually
enter inside.

It was a major let down, many of us wept. But now we are rejoicing as we are building the interior structure of the Bright Wizard College, the grand hall and throne room of Emperor Karl Franz, and the terrifying Magus tower of the Inevitable City.

The process of buildings these interiors requires a great deal of planning. In keeping with our guiding principle, WAR is everywhere so these interior spaces are not simply places to take screenshots, but places to wage epic battles! So, with that in mind we carefully proto-type our play spaces, check them out for the number of players we expect to engage, and then the very necessary Games Workshop concept approval process, and finally we start to model and texture them.

We’re on the last phase now so it’s all coming together. We look forward to meeting you all inside these cities, making new friends, and bashing some heads together.

The Items Team

After last week’s revelations about the trophy system, this week they have some news about another customisation aspect – armour dyes!

We’ve started applying tints to armors throughout the whole game. Some tint colors are “reserved” – they’ll only be used on specific cool bits of armor. Also, some colors will have specific in-game meaning. All the other colors will be distributed among everything else.

We’ve also been finishing up the details of our dyeing system. Will players be able to dye their armor? Yes. Will players be able to “bleach” or revert dyed armor back to its original color? Yes. We'll keep you all updated as this system progresses.

As an aside we’ve also been playing around with some itemization systems to make random drops “feel” better to the player. These systems will make it much more likely that a player will be able to use an item that drops.

The Animation Team

Elves. Getting the Elf careers that we’re rolling out this round up to where we’re all happy with them being ravenously consumed (after such a patient fasting) has been really our top priority goal. Following closely behind is support for the Elf starter zones and monsters for those pairings. We’ve been working closely with code to get a system in for “monsters what ride other monsters” since we can’t keep those crazy content writers from making zones full of elf cavalry. No, this does not mean we have either player mounts or mounted combat. It just means that we can hook a couple things together and have it be able to fight that way without having to do some crazy zillion bone rig with both rider and mount being in the same model.

As an interesting factoid, the proof of concept work was done on the Lab Rat (skaven model you’ve seen in so many videos), and our first tests were retargeted onto a goblin wolf rider. The main reason you keep seeing the Skaven show up in so many of Paul’s video diaries is that, since he’s not a player character, and NPCs don’t require a ton of work, I know that nobody will be needing him for anything important. This way I can continually do R&D with a valid model whose anims work “ok” on most humanoids, and I’m not ever keeping, for example, someone from polishing the Empire Male set because I’m busy testing a new feature. And because I like them. A lot.

There are a ton of things we’ve been doing in conjunction with the Cities team as well, and they make me keep adding more insanity to my spreadsheets. But we’re getting a lot of neat ambiance in.

Issues from previous beta stuff that we’ve been improving upon:

* Swimming should be functioning a little better across the board, not final, but Code has made a lot of improvements, and we’ve now got splash sounds happening where appropriate (no fx yet though).
* Hopefully not stealing any C&C thunder, but animation and FX integration is improving a lot, and now we finally have the ability for both weapons on a dual-wielding character to have weapon trails.
* Flying creatures now path around properly and don’t move to a point, wait, then pop to the next point, where they’ll wait. It’s all smoooooth and stuff.
* We changed the way that the client handles build-up times on abilities, and the new system will ensure I can’t screw it up. It defaults to stretching the “build” anim for any ability that has a cast time.
* Draw and Holster is now working more as intended again. We’re working on adding hot-swaps between melee and ranged weapons when you hit X for those rangey hybrid types. Stock melee or caster guys should just see things working correctly.

The UI Team

User Interface, or User Interactions, or the Team of Extreme Awesomeness as we're often called, has always had a unique challenge. It is our responsibility to present each of the varied systems in the game (RVR, Careers, Crafting, Trophies, Public Quests) in ways that make them easy to understand and easy to use, while still reflecting how exciting they are. And we have to tie these wildly different systems together, visually, so it doesn't look like you're staring at the interface for twenty different games each time you open a new window.

So we made a decision to revisit the UI from the ground up. Which means, literally, we're touching every window in the game. Nothing that was in the game a month ago can be considered finished.

It's an exciting, but daunting prospect. Our first two attempts at overhauling the UI were with two huge, and somewhat independent systems, the maps and the Tome of Knowledge. We showed updates of both those windows in the last few weeks, but showing you what they look like now doesn't give you any indication of the direction that we're going with the rest of the UI. The maps and the Tome are stylized parchments, a look we're not going to use for the default windows.

So our third, and probably most visually impactful, attempt to overhaul the UI was to take on the look of the default window.

There's a joke around here that starts with us showing UI mockups around to other people on the team, and ends with the punchline ""There's too much brown."" So when the UI designers and artists sat down to reevaluate the UI with our ""ground up"" mentality, we decided to get away from brown.

And to give you an idea of the holistic way in which we're approaching our UI redesign, here's an example of some things that have gotten extremely long discussions in the past few months:

* Use of Color
* Use of Iconography
* Messaging Types
* Things Over People's Heads
* Icons on the Map and Minimap
* Toggles versus Checkmarks

By the time beta reopens, you won't see an entirely new UI. We've been working on establishing the fundamentals, and will, over time, be incorporating the new look into every window. Aside from changing the look of windows, we're also revisiting the functionality of every UI element. But you will begin to see it, window by window.

So here's a mockup of what you should begin to look for... The New, Improved, NOT BROWN, User Interface Default Window.

The Combat & Career Team

Career Mastery (Specialization) - We know that you've all been eagerly awaiting more details on how we plan to allow players of the same career to differentiate themselves from one another, and we're thrilled to be able to take this opportunity to unveil the Mastery system for the first time!

General Overview

Career Mastery will allow players focus on different facets of their career giving them the opportunity to differentiate themselves from others, while still making sure that every character, no matter how they're specialized, can still perform the basic and fundamental purpose of their career. For example, every Sword Master will be an able tank, capable of absorbing much more damage then a lighter fighter. However someone who specializes in the Sword Master’s defensive path will find that they are generally more durable, able to hold aggro better in PvE and able to defend their friends more efficiently in an RvR scenario. Meanwhile a Sword Master who chooses to go a more offensive route will still be able to take a hit, but may find themselves hard pressed to defend & protect as well as their counterpart, admittedly they will be hitting quite a bit harder as a trade off.

To begin at the most basic layer, every player will have four grouping of skills: Core skills and skills that fall under one of three different Paths of Mastery. The Core skills include a small handful of abilities which are simply critical to the career (to continue the example above, a Swordmaster would find that their Taunt and Guard abilities are Core). These Core skills automatically improve as you gain ranks; once you learn them, they won't require any further investments. Moving beyond that, each career will have three paths available to Master, each of which emphasizes one specific facet of the career's abilities. While the Core skills represent a more automatic progress, the pathed skills are heavily player-controlled.

Each Mastery contains Base skills, Supplemental skills, and also has its own Mastery level. Base skills are the Actions, Tactics & Morale a player is granted as a reward for achieving a specific level, every character of that Career will always be able to purchase these skills, however their total effectiveness is intimately tied to the player’s level of Mastery. Supplemental Skills are the Actions, Tactics, and Morale that a player can only unlock by increasing their Mastery of a given path, like Base skills Supplemental skills continue to increase in effectiveness as you’re Mastery level increases. The Mastery level itself is the current amount of Mastery a player has in a particular path, players will be able to choose just how much Mastery they desire in each of the three paths available to them.

Earning Skills & Increasing Mastery

Skills can be earned in one of two ways Base skills are unlocked when you achieve a specific rank then purchased at you’re trainer, players can choose to skip a Base skill if they desire but there is no good reason not to. Supplemental skills however are only unlocked once you reach a certain Mastery level, once unlocked a player has to choose to spend points to purchase these skills. This is a difficult choice b/c the same points used to purchase Supplemental skills are used to increase Mastery level. These points are referred to as specialization points, and are earned every rank, a player will never have enough Specialization points to completely Master multiple paths while purchasing Supplemental skills. It is a tough choice b/c every point of Mastery earned improves EVERY action in that mastery line by a small amount this includes the Base Skills you automatically get. One level of Mastery can seem trivial however they add up and 5 or 10 points of Mastery makes a significant difference!

There is some amount of automatic leveling of power for skills in the paths outside of their Mastery. This is done to make sure the ability is not completely useless to the player, in fact many abilities may still be useful for secondary effects such as Stun even if they have horrible damage/healing values b/c their Mastery level is lower. When comparing the general power of an ability of a path with 100% Mastery and one with 0% Mastery you will see around a 30 – 35% difference in power. Remember this number can be improved (or widened) further depending on which Tactics and Stats you focus on as well.

Simple Examples

Example #1 - How a Base Ability improves with Mastery. Graceful Strike, a melee attack which causes monsters to hate you more than normal would be a base ability that falls into the Path of Vaul, which is the Sword Master's defensive-oriented Mastery. Every Swordmaster, whether or not they've specialized in that path, would have access to that ability. However, after a certain point, the damage and additional hatred will have reached their full potential, and will stop increasing. If the player then decides to use part of their specialization to increase their Mastery in the Path of Vaul the damage and extra hate will increase above that cap - and the further they specialize into that Mastery, the greater and greater the effectiveness becomes, however this ability still retains some use to players of other Paths who will find it useful for it’s additional Hatred generated since it is still better then many of the standard Melee attacks.

Example #2 - Purchasing additional Supplemental Skills. To stick with our hypothetical Swordmaster, for example, let's rejoin him after he's spent several of his specialization points to gain further Mastery of his defensive path (Path of Vaul). Once his Mastery increases sufficiently, he'll see that a new attack has become unlocked called Crushing Advance. This ability is a shield slam that not only does damage and interrupts casting but also briefly increases his chance to block attacks further bolstering his defense. In order to purchase it, he'll need to divert his next point away from increasing his Mastery further, and spend it to gain the attack instead. This is only one such example of an additional supplemential Skill, players will also have access to improved tactics and a powerful Level 4 Morale in their Mastery

For the astute you’ll have also noticed that the Path of Vaul seems to have a focus on using a “Sheild” instead of a “Greatsword” tricky eh?


In the end every player can decide not only how deeply to Master each path, but also which additional skills they might want to purchase from that specialization choice. You may choose to go full-bore down one path, max out its Mastery and purchase every supplemental skill, making your character outstandingly good at that aspect...but you'll only have enough points remaining to Master another path halfway at the most. Do you go as far as you can in a second path? or do you split your other points between multiple paths? Do you purchase the supplemental skills in those other paths, or do you decide to push your Mastery as high as you can? Maybe you decide not to push one path to its limit, and instead purchase several supplemental skills from multiple paths - but remember, you need Masteries to make those skills more powerful, too! Our specialization system will be a rich and flexible tool to customize your character exactly the way you want them!

We hope you enjoyed the sneak preview of the Career Mastery system, we have high hopes that these improvements will further enrich our character systems. We’ll be listening closely for additional questions and feedback and answering them as we can over the next couple of Beta update letters.

The RvR Team

The first stage of changes and additions to open world RvR is under way and I’ve been cleared to share with you a glimpse of the details. We received a lot of feedback regarding warcamp camping, the battlefield objectives, and the feeling of the RvR area as a whole and we have been listening. We have begun making changes to the battlefield objectives to provide more incentives to players to capture them, as well as making them more dynamic and interesting.

Now for the part that has been the top-secret project the RvR team has been hard at work on: Keeps. Yes, you read that right – we are adding Keeps. Keep warfare, namely protecting your keep and capturing your enemy’s, will play a significant role in open world RvR and the campaign.

The first pairing to have keeps on Beta will be Empire and Chaos. The art for the keeps will not be polished when Beta reopens, but this is very intentional. Our primary goal at this stage is to make sure the game play and functionality of the keeps are very solid and you can expect to see a lot of “focus discussion” posts from members of the RvR Team as we request targeted feedback.

What about Siege? There will indeed be siege in WAR. However, siege will not be ready when Beta reopens. I will have more information for you as we get closer to having it ready for release to Beta.

MMORPG.com: What is the group size in Warhammer and what mechanisms are there for communication in RvR, especially for the larger campaigns?

Brian Wheeler: Group size is 6, but players can form a Battlegroup (basically a group of groups) up to 24 players. Obviously, these will have their own unique chat channels for player communication, but we'll also have RvR specific chat channels that anyone can join.

MMORPG.com: Can you elaborate further on balancing RvR Scenarios, in particular in reference to balancing the use of NPC Dogs of War: Are they employed anywhere else besides in the Focused Instanced Scenarios?

Brian Wheeler: RvR Scenario balance is simply a matter of making sure that both sides have equal opportunities to win. This involves equalizing run times from starter areas to key locations, as well as providing access to choke points and ways around those choke points. Whether that's a super secret ninja path around the backside of an island (cough, Nordenwatch, cough) or simply stepped vs. ramped terrain depends on each Scenario. All players will also be within a set level range for each Scenario and each side will have roughly the same number of combatants. Though we envision Scenarios as instanced combat between players, if necessary, we will introduce NPC Dogs of War to speed up the queue so players from both sides won't have to wait forever and a day to get into a fight. We're looking at other methods of getting players into Scenarios quickly as well, but we can't let the cat out the bag on them yet.

MMORPG.com: There are PvE type quests that relate to the war efforts. Does this mean that completion of these quests will also count towards the war effort?

Brian Wheeler: Any quest you do, whether it's a starter quest to take out a band of Orcs with a cannon or a massive PQ, will contribute to the ongoing war effort. Our Realm vs. Realm system is not limited solely to player vs. player interactions. Shouldn't killing a Dwarf contribute to the Greenskins' efforts regardless of whether it was a player or not? We think so, and that's why every quest you do will contribute towards zone control and winning the war.

MMORPG.com: Do all levels of RvR count towards the war effort and control of the map?

Brian Wheeler: As noted in the last question, any level player will contribute to the war. From the moment you take your first quest to the final push into a Capital City, from levels 1 to 40, you will be contributing to the war.

MMORPG.com: Besides bragging rights, what benefits does control of the map convey to the army that holds it?

Brian Wheeler: Lots! We can't disclose all of the treats you'll get, but I'll share a few with you. When you control a map your morale will instantly shoot up to 100%, you'll get a buff that increases your damage output, you'll be granted a hefty chunk of Renown, and to promote the sense of absolute chaos and bedlam...well...we'll save that one for later...

MMORPG.com: Are there any cities (starting cities perhaps) that are inviolate? Or will there be certain areas that are not subject to RvR? Or could level ones spawn in the path of an invading army?

Brian Wheeler: Cities are safe by default until the campaign pushes the war to the cities' doorsteps. At that point, the City is up for grabs and goes into RvR mode. At this point, the City is no longer safe. Now in terms of the open world RvR areas...nowhere is safe...but War Camps on the border of these areas are heavily guarded by NPC's that will attack enemy players on site giving players a safe place to rest without being too far from the action. Outside of the RvR areas, unless you are specifically flagged for RvR, you will be safe and free to explore the PvE areas of the game world at your leisure.

MMORPG.com: Is that "group-based" loot rewards for winning an RvR scenario?

Brian Wheeler: There are no group-based loot rewards for Scenarios, however we do reward all players that complete Scenarios with Renown points. These Renown points are based on the score of the Scenario, how long you've been in the Scenario, and whether you won or lost. Winners AND losers get Renown points in our Scenarios.

MMORPG.com: There has been some information about capturing the King of a city (we presume an NPC) but we'd like to know more about the consequences of that action? To the victors and the losers

Brian Wheeler: At this point, the killing/capturing of a King is slated to temporarily give both offensive and defensive bonuses to the winning Realm (Order or Destruction) when fighting again a member of an opposing army (Dwarf, Chaos, etc.) that just lost its leader. This is designed to help spur on that racial hatred we want in WAR. If you're a Chaos or Dark Elf player, you'll get these bonuses against Dwarfs when the Greenskins kill/capture Thorgrim Grudgebearer. As for the losers, it is time to rally the troops for a fight to win back your honor!

At this point, the killing/capturing of a King is slated to temporarily give both offensive and defensive bonuses to the winning Realm (Order or Destruction) when fighting again a member of an opposing army (Dwarf, Chaos, etc.) that just lost its leader. This is designed to help spur on that racial hatred we want in WAR. If you're a Chaos or Dark Elf player, you'll get these bonuses against Dwarfs when the Greenskins kill/capture Thorgrim Grudgebearer. As for the losers, it is time to rally the troops for a fight to win back your honor!

I was also given an in-depth example by Mythic of how the city siege component of the game currently works. I was reminded that the game has not launched and it would be misleading to make any claims of 100% certainty at this point in time.

In this case, the Armies of Destruction are attacking the Empire capital city of Altdorf...

* When the Tier 4 zone of Reikland falls, the city of Altdorf becomes "attack eligible"
* Destruction can then enter the Outer City, which is an RvR zone, to fight against players of Order and capture control objectives.
* Players on both sides will respawn in the Outer City until the battle is won or lost.
* If Destruction wins, the Outer City closes and they advance to the Inner City to fight NPCs and other Order player that may have survived the initial battle.
* Order players still in the Inner City will not be able to respawn once killed.
* Destruction will then have several hours of uninterrupted time to loot, pillage, quest, fight the king, etc.
* After this period of time has ended, the Outer City will re-open for RvR combat and the forces of Order may attempt to retake this area
* Should Order succeed, they can then enter the Inner City to clear out the forces of Destruction (who will no longer respawn in this area once killed)
* The city will then revert to its original state of peace.

Please note that the city siege itself will be population limited (size to be determined) and could play out over several different instances.

Please note that the city siege itself will be population limited (size to be determined) and could play out over several different instances.

26-11-2007, 16:41
gdje su nestale 22-a i 23-a stranica? Oo

Arbiter of Change
26-11-2007, 17:06
Bilo problema /hacked/ sa Sport podforumom pa su morali napraviti rollback... a baš kad sam otkrio razlike između Warhammer i Warcraft svijetova. :D

26-11-2007, 18:29
Netko mi je zbriso post, gg modovi! Njubino...

Eto da imaš posla izbriši i ovaj. :bravo:

Edit: Post je bio On-topic jer se radio o Warhammeru Online, tako da nisi imao valjanog razloga ga izbrisati.

26-11-2007, 20:21
Hrvati ne mogu biti beta testeri? :P Nema ponuđene Hrvatske lol, ima npr. Vietnam ili Honduras... no nema Hrvatske.

26-11-2007, 20:43
Edit: Post je bio On-topic jer se radio o Warhammeru Online, tako da nisi imao valjanog razloga ga izbrisati.

aj procitaj arbiterov post kaj se dogodilo :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Nema ponuđene Hrvatske lol, ima npr. Vietnam ili Honduras... no nema Hrvatske.

Si probo pod Croatia? Znas, samo ti mi hrvati velimo, onak, hrvatska, kuš ono, ne, buraz?

26-11-2007, 21:10
Kuš ono, da, nisamtijaburaz - nema ponuđene niti Croatia, niti Hrvatska...

Chile, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, China samo ponuđene, molim odgovor od nekoga tko zna.

Za ovo modovi posteri je CLEARLY zajebancija. Nemreš ni malo crnog humora unijet.

27-11-2007, 08:22
A kuš onak ne, kajaznam, ja dok sam se registriro i prijavljivo za sve, cek, ne, ono, iem baš pogledat...

E, eoga

Arbiter of Change
30-11-2007, 13:35
Ajde konačno malo Archmage crteža:

30-11-2007, 14:55
Ajde konačno malo Archmage crteža:
jel ima kakvih informacija o archmagu?

Arbiter of Change
30-11-2007, 15:26
Postoji mogućnost da će biti predstavljeni u ovomjesečnom newsletteru. :wink:

30-11-2007, 18:29
gdje da skinem ovu igru ??

30-11-2007, 18:40
gdje da skinem ovu igru ??

Sviđa mi se tvoj humor :rotfl: :pray:

30-11-2007, 19:11
gdje da skinem ovu igru ??S:rotfl:

Mystery In Space
30-11-2007, 20:34
Mda, dosta spamma možda?

Ne znam baš za arch maga kak će bit, znam samo da će biti healer/nuker, koristit će kakti wind spells iliti nature čarolije(ipak su elfovi). Možda bi i igrao jednog da klinci ne igraju uvijek elfove -.-

30-11-2007, 22:00
Pokušavam negdje naći video gameplaya Witch Huntera, ako netko ima neki link bio bih zahvalan :thumbs2: !

Arbiter of Change
30-11-2007, 22:00
Koji nature magic dood, Archmage (High Elfovi općenito) su gospodari SVIH vjetrova magije (ne kao Empire samo vatre, druga je stvar što će High elfovi dobiti kao neku "svestranu" magiju, tj. neutralno nabijenu). Vjerojatno misliš na Wood Elfse sa "nature" magijom (premda ni to nije to baš).

30-11-2007, 22:06
Pokušavam negdje naći video gameplaya Witch Huntera, ako netko ima neki link bio bih zahvalan :thumbs2: !

Witch Hunter video (Iffww-cp4fs)

30-11-2007, 22:11
fora mi izgledaju ovi archmageovi...

30-11-2007, 22:19
Zahvaljujem! Mislim da ću počet sa Witch Hunterima pa ako mi se ne svidi, lako rerollam^^ Ovaj lik igra witch huntera ko da je inžinjerac lol :S

30-11-2007, 22:21
Zahvaljujem! Mislim da ću počet sa Witch Hunterima pa ako mi se ne svidi, lako rerollam^^ Ovaj lik igra witch huntera ko da je inžinjerac lol :S


i meni se witch hunteri svidjaju od non-dwarf order rasa, ipak black orc owna i engineer/hammerer ownaju :D

30-11-2007, 22:36
Ak si pametan ćeš rollat Order s nama ostalima tbh :D Ja i još par IRL frendova ćemo Order (nagovorim ja njih nps^^) makar su svi trenutno horda u WoWu. Igrao bi ja Destruction, al nemaju Witch Huntere, pa svi misle da sam neki papak :P

Drugi izbor mi je dwarf hammerer/runepriest makar i inžinjerac izgleda dobro (podsjeća me na Arcanum).

30-11-2007, 22:47
Ak si pametan ćeš rollat Order s nama ostalima tbh :D Ja i još par IRL frendova ćemo Order (nagovorim ja njih nps^^) makar su svi trenutno horda u WoWu. Igrao bi ja Destruction, al nemaju Witch Huntere, pa svi misle da sam neki papak :P

Drugi izbor mi je dwarf hammerer/runepriest makar i inžinjerac izgleda dobro (podsjeća me na Arcanum).

mogo bih i ja order s obzirom da nitko od moje WoW ekipe nece na WAR(valjda)..svi neki wow fanovi )

30-11-2007, 22:57
Skoro svi "nubovi" će ostat na WoW, to bolje iskreno. Manje noobova na Order strani ^^

30-11-2007, 22:59
sam da nekaj ne zajebu u vezi warhammera... :cry:
ak zajebu nema druge nego CoD4 i pici :D

30-11-2007, 23:03
Čuj, ipak je to pod EA palicom, dakle zajeb je vrlo lako vjerojatan. No ipak je tu Mythic sa DAoC te se uzdam u njih, mislim da će EA biti lova, a Mythic mozak u igri - bar se nadam. Ako naprave sve što su napisali igra će biti vrlo dobra, mene bi učinili sretnim kupcem :) Igra izlazi drugi kvartal 2008, je tako blizu, a tako daleko.

Edit: samo da ne probavaju previše nabudžit grafiku da ne pokvari cijeli gameplay :P Igra trenutno izgleda i više nego dobro, samo da ne okrene na predobro :/

30-11-2007, 23:12
Ak si pametan ćeš rollat Order s nama ostalima tbh :D

Da sinko, sjeti se ko ti žižu nabavlja :rotfl: :rotfl:

Drš se ti samo chaosa....gle razmisli malo....zaš ljudi igraju order? zaš bi nekom bilo logično da izabere dobru stranu?
-osjecaj ugroženosti?
-osjecaj nedovoljne pripadnosti?
-nedostatak pažnje?
-unutarnji konflikti?

Sve su to karakteristike nedovoljno razvijenih osoba koje, kako to naš maloumni puk voli tako slatko protumačiti, "nisu riješile neke stvari same sa sobom". Pa, ak hoces, procitaj malo freuda i primjeti kak se puno stvari slaže...samo zamijeniš potrebu samodokazivanja u stvarnom svijetu sa onom u virtualnom.

Na kraju dolaziš do zakljucka da u pravilu nesigurni ljudi biraju "dobru" stranu, naravno ako je to iskonski njihova odluka (neutjecana od strane prijatelja etc.).
Ako je osoba svjesna svojih mogucnosti, svojih prednosti i mana, opcenito ako ima visoku razinu samosvijesti, mnogo je sigurnija u sebe. Više je ne zanimaju stvari poput pripadnosti, priznanja od okoline, samodokazivanja...
Da ne bi bilo zabune, oni te stvari podrazumjevaju zdravo za gotovo buduci da su ih vecinom ovaladali...

A sto takve, vec poprilicno izgradene osobe zanima? Moć
Moć da drže tuđi život u svojim rukama, moć da sude, moć da budu brutalni.
Moć da odlučuju!
Moć koja nadilazi sve etičke, moralne i ine granice, tako nam lako zadane od nas samih.

A to im pederski elfovi, pripiti dwarfovi, i slabašni humani ne mogu priuštit.

...i ZATO je destruction jedini izbor.

30-11-2007, 23:18
Kad nagovoriš developere da stave Witch Huntera u Destruction, evo me. Iskreno, ova klasa me jako iznenadila. Uvijek sam bio fasciniran Templarima i ovo me obradovalo vrlo, vrlo. Ako sam ja jedan od tih, "moćnih" ljudi^^ neka :)

Samo da te podsjetim, velika većina top rankiranih timova su alliance :P Od milijun noobova, bar 5% od toga će bit "elita".

Edit: Nemoj mi s tim Freudovskim nebulozama pls, sama činjenica što mi je faks pored "uvijek gladnih filozofa koji natrpaju menzu do zuba" govori kolko mi je zlo od tih "pijavica društva".

P.S. ne znam jer to samo meni, al uvijek se trudim biti najbolji, pa neka sam, kako ti kažeš, nesiguran i štatijaznam. Makar smatram da nisam u manjini jer se Hrvati uvijek trude biti najbolji i ne vole gubiti... Onda smo svi Freudovski škart jel? :P

30-11-2007, 23:30
"uvijek gladnih filozofa koji natrpaju menzu do zuba" govori kolko mi je zlo od tih "pijavica društva".

Cura mi je na filozofiji. :D :D :D

Nemoj mi s tim Freudovskim nebulozama pls

Ja sam mef-ovac tak da mi freud nije stran, a i nemres bas rec da je nes nebuloza ak ne procitas i ne prosudis jelda? :| :|

01-12-2007, 00:46
Čuj ja igram sa orderom jer imaju dwarfove, ja volim dwarfove, ja volim klati orkove velikim čekićima, zato su logičan izbor dwarfovi, a kad mi dosadi hammerer tu je uvijek chosen mrcina :D
samo mi je žao što lizardmen nisu igriva rasa jer su kul do boli

01-12-2007, 00:53
keke previse filozofije P,moramo se sjetit da je vecina "klinaca" igralo ally-e do TBC NE a onda su dosli belfs kek....Ma uzmes si jednog brutalnog "elfica na drogama" i dar mar..

Arbiter of Change
03-12-2007, 18:43
Najveća mi je šteta ove teme kad naprave rollback - bar nešto pametno govorimo tu.

03-12-2007, 19:10
Najveća mi je šteta ove teme kad naprave rollback - bar nešto pametno govorimo tu.

jbg treba se ic na nekaj drugo(vbulletin i smf)

brijem da ak bu jos jedan hakerski napad da mijenjamo forumsku podlogu.. :yuck:

03-12-2007, 19:33
e jedno pitanje, danas sam osmisljaval ime za svog lika i nes me zanima...
dal ce se na RP serveru moci stavit nick u obliku ime/prezime...

recimo: Urtog Ironsvin :D

03-12-2007, 20:28
kolko sam shvatio yeh

Mystery In Space
03-12-2007, 20:34
Sad ne znam.... Da puknem ime iz warhammer lore-a ili iz forgotten realms knjiga XD(Dark Elf)

03-12-2007, 21:19
Da, moš koristit imena i prezimena.

Jako korisna stranica: http://www.blackindustries.com/?templat ... neratename (http://www.blackindustries.com/?template=WH&content=generatename)

Recimo za maraudera je savršeno bilo koje muško Norse ime....

03-12-2007, 21:58
Sry zajeb.

03-12-2007, 21:59
Svog Witch Huntera ću krstit imenom jednog od slavnih templara. 8)

Ak ne, jednostavno će se zvat: "Ipwnyou" (jk :P)

04-12-2007, 20:04
e, a jel se zna nekej o hardware zahtjevima?

neki lik prico da mu na 7600 i athlonu ugodno radi, sta vi mislite kak ce zahtjevi bit?

04-12-2007, 20:22
Hm... stavil sam negdje hardverske zahtjeve....pregledaj postove malo prije fakat mi se neda sad jedan po jedan trazit :D

10-12-2007, 12:17
Kaj onda kad bi ova igra trebala napokon izaći?

10-12-2007, 13:07
Mislim negdje drugi kvartal 2008. - taman faks završi i rokaj Mile :D

10-12-2007, 14:21
Znaci opet je odgođen ja bi volio igrat Betu!!!!

10-12-2007, 17:27
no life again noes !A ko nebi u betu htijeo =)

10-12-2007, 22:21
Znaci opet je odgođen ja bi volio igrat Betu!!!!

"I tata bi sine!" :)

12-12-2007, 23:33
Ne kužim neš... kad idem registrirat se za betu, on izbaci samo ono za Ameriku di moraš dat "Previous game experience etc." dok za Europu mogu samo se učlanit na website brijem. Kad pokušam potvrdit da mogu ić na registraciju kaže mi da nema accounta sa mailom kao što je moj, dok meni uredno piše kada se ulogiram na websiteu svoj acc što je što.

Di sam fulo?

Edit: zar se nas Europljane smatra takvim šljamom da nemreš ni ostavit par riječi napisanih, nego nas samo izvlače ko na lotu? :S Aj pls ak netko zna nek kaže di idem za registraciju na betu.

13-12-2007, 11:11
Ne kužim neš... kad idem registrirat se za betu, on izbaci samo ono za Ameriku di moraš dat "Previous game experience etc." dok za Europu mogu samo se učlanit na website brijem. Kad pokušam potvrdit da mogu ić na registraciju kaže mi da nema accounta sa mailom kao što je moj, dok meni uredno piše kada se ulogiram na websiteu svoj acc što je što.

Di sam fulo?

Edit: zar se nas Europljane smatra takvim šljamom da nemreš ni ostavit par riječi napisanih, nego nas samo izvlače ko na lotu? :S Aj pls ak netko zna nek kaže di idem za registraciju na betu.
Ja bi ti pomogo,ali sam u istoj zabludi ko i ti :)
To se i ja pitam zašto Europa skoro sve igre,prijave ili nešto slično dobiva kasnije mislim to je retardacija.

13-12-2007, 15:47
Automatski se sa potvrdom i wish 2 vol. in beta etc za betu prijavis das info etc..tbt ja sam jedno 2-3 puta moro ispocetka nije mi htijeo iz 1.

Arbiter of Change
13-12-2007, 17:19
Da, i moraš paziti na pass (mislim da mora sadržavati DVA velika slova i brojeve, ili tako nešto). Naravno, ja sam se regovao ima već nešto mjeseci tako da je moguće da su izmjenili sistem.

btw. izgleda da neće biti Blood Priestova kao healera za Druchii, a mounted combat je upitan (ako to nekoga zanima ima AoC... Age of Coanan mislim).

15-12-2007, 23:53
a neznam jel pise negdje jer mi se neda citati, alimam neka pitanja...

oce biti pretplate?

kad izlazi?

16-12-2007, 02:27
Na ta pitanja je odgovoreno jedno 20 puta u ovoj temi, neće ti ništa biti ako je malo pretražiš.

16-12-2007, 13:33
a neznam jel pise negdje jer mi se neda citati, alimam neka pitanja...

oce biti pretplate?

kad izlazi?
Bit ce pretplate i izlazi TBA.

Arbiter of Change
19-12-2007, 11:50
Nove vijesti, uglavnom fokus na Guilde:

Neki Guild Interface screensi:

19-12-2007, 13:13
This final update before beta goes live :shock:

Arbiter of Change
20-12-2007, 16:26
Još neke stvari i konačno otkriven Druchii healer:
Disciple of Khaine (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/armiesofWAR/DarkElves/Careers/Disciple.php)
Sorceress Overview (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/armiesofWAR/DarkElves/Careers/Sorcereress.php)
Ellyrion Overview (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/zoneOverviews/Ellyrion/EllyrionOverview.php)
Grab Bag #21 (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/community/grabBag/grabBag_december2007.php)
WAR Beta Journal (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/community/betaJournal/december2007.php)

20-12-2007, 16:30
Disciple of Khaine izgledaju predobro :pray:

Arbiter of Change
04-01-2008, 13:36
Sneak peekz:
http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/3360/1199448773906zn8.th.jpg (http://img145.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1199448773906zn8.jpg)

04-01-2008, 15:14
Izgleda prekul, samo mi smeta što nije ime itema u stilu orkovskog jezika, trebalo bi da je 'eavy helemet ne heavy :D

Arbiter of Change
04-01-2008, 15:23
Uf, tko bi onda tek razumio što koji predmet predstavlja bez gledanja ikone. :D
Mene više zanimaju šta Wounds stat predstavlja.

04-01-2008, 17:43
Arbiter od kud ti taj image iss izgleda pre pre cool :pray: :pray:
Više fakat nemrem cekat ovu igru brijem da ce rulat.

05-01-2008, 16:13
evo i mene, stara nije htjela platit telefon al sad sam back...
dakle, vishe se nemoram brinut za hardverske zahtjeve, check my sig 8)

05-01-2008, 17:14
evo i mene, stara nije htjela platit telefon al sad sam back...
dakle, vishe se nemoram brinut za hardverske zahtjeve, check my sig 8)
Bravo,a warhammer ti ni nece trazit puno tak da se nemoraš brinut.

05-01-2008, 19:21
a znam, al jebiga malo eyecandija nikom ne skodi... :D

Mystery In Space
06-01-2008, 20:43
Kad se sjetim da imam 1900+ barton stari(taj proc je dušu već ispustio XD), 5600 GeForce sa 256 Mb, 512mb ddr. Pitam se dal će mi igra radit, NOT.

Kolko para bi mi trebalo za komp koji bu pokrenuo warhammer?? Kakav da nabavim -.-

Btw već vidim 3mil klinaca koji igraju druchii-e, 100 chaosa, 3 orca i 1 goblina -.-. Tolko o elf popularnosti

07-01-2008, 00:29
ako se bude igralo igrat ce se dark elf-witch elf

07-01-2008, 02:21
Uf, tko bi onda tek razumio što koji predmet predstavlja bez gledanja ikone. :D
Mene više zanimaju šta Wounds stat predstavlja.

Wounds po TT-u predstavlja ja mislim health, ali ovdje je nešto drugo, možda minimalni dmg ili nešto slično, možda broj zadobivenih rana ili nešto 16.

07-01-2008, 12:34
postoli li kakva glasina o Warhammer 40K MMO, SF mi je nekako vishe kewl ?

Arbiter of Change
07-01-2008, 13:49
postoli li kakva glasina o Warhammer 40K MMO, SF mi je nekako vishe kewl ?
Znamo samo da se igra radi, ali nemojmo tu sada o tome.

Imam izvore. :)

Eh ta popularnost rasa je glavni razlog brige kakav će biti balans u igri, posebno zbog ovih city siegova i tih stvari. Ono, da ne bude jedna strana stalno pwnala onu drugu.

07-01-2008, 13:53
Podjeli te izvore s nama :D
Zezam se sam ti lijepo postaj slikice koje nadješ ova mi je bila prezanimljiva car si :pray:

07-01-2008, 17:22
Uf, tko bi onda tek razumio što koji predmet predstavlja bez gledanja ikone. :D
Mene više zanimaju šta Wounds stat predstavlja.

Wounds po TT-u predstavlja ja mislim health, ali ovdje je nešto drugo, možda minimalni dmg ili nešto slično, možda broj zadobivenih rana ili nešto 16.

Možda DOT ?

11-01-2008, 23:25
Ako pretplata bude manja/ista ko WoW onda ću ziher zaigrati ovu igru. Nadam se da če biti orijentirana na PvP kao što i najavljuju

11-01-2008, 23:29
Ako pretplata bude manja/ista ko WoW onda ću ziher zaigrati ovu igru. Nadam se da če biti orijentirana na PvP kao što i najavljuju
Igra ti je skoro 90% bazirana na PVP borbama vidit ceš.

14-01-2008, 08:41
ce bit bonova, dali ce se moc placat paypalom (ne kreditnom)?

14-01-2008, 15:02
da, da

bar ja mislim, to je sad MUST...

25-01-2008, 19:14
Evo vidio sam da će biti subscription između 10-16$, što ispada manje od WoW-a, što znači da ću rado zaigrati :D :D

25-01-2008, 19:34
da, da

bar ja mislim, to je sad MUST...

A AoC?

26-01-2008, 15:50
jel moze ko udjelit link ili zna neke informacije o configu koji ce trebati za igrat warhammer, strah me da ce grafika biti prebrutalna pa cemo morati osim igrice i prepaida izdvojit 3-4k za unaprijedivanje kanta.........

26-01-2008, 17:32
nece bit ce garant optimizirano ko wow

26-01-2008, 23:50
nece bit ce garant optimizirano ko wow

nemoj se nadat, najavili su da će i slabiji kompovi moć vrtit ovo

27-01-2008, 14:50
nece bit ce garant optimizirano ko wow

nemoj se nadat, najavili su da će i slabiji kompovi moć vrtit ovo
Yep istina nece bit zahtjeva procito sam to u jednom casopisu da ce zahtjrvi biti negdje priblizno wow-u.Ma mene nije briga ja imam core proc i 2 gige rama i bok delalu bu sve na high

31-01-2008, 18:34
zanimljivo... mozda i ja pocnem ovo derat... da bar bude ono 10 days free trial ko i na WoW-u pa da se moze isprobat prvo ...

31-01-2008, 20:48
pa wow se vrti na losim kompovima to sam reko lol^^

Arbiter of Change
01-02-2008, 21:08
Oh yeah, here we goez (čak i za vas Legola....err, Shadow Warrior fanove):

* Warrior Priest (http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26537)S- Career Masteries
* Chosen (http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26538)S- Career Masteries
* Video of The Month (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/flash/2008-01_VotM.html)S- VOTM
* Video Podcast (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/flash/pp_RvR-Changes_OldSchool.html)
* Shadow Warrior (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/armiesofWAR/HighElves/Careers/ShadowWarrior.php)S- Career Overview
* Trophies (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/behindTheScenes/developmentDiaries/Trophies.php)S- Development Diary
* Trophies (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/flash/2008-01_trophies.html)S- Development Video
* Averlorn (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/zoneOverviews/Avelorn/AvelornOverview.php)S- Zone Overview
* Scenarios 101 (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/gameFeatures/Scenarios101.php)S- Feature Review
* Public Quest Boss Profile (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/BossProfile/PQBoss_Lorkoth_Scornlash.php)S- Featured

11-02-2008, 12:59
E ljudovi da pitam, nešto sam u BUG-u čitao o Waru i kaže da je combat system ko u GW, zanima me jel isto ko u GW da u gradu biraš skillove i da je tako sve dok ne dođeš do drugog grada, tj. da taj sistem radi za sve ili je to samo u PvP borbama

11-02-2008, 16:40
E ljudovi da pitam, nešto sam u BUG-u čitao o Waru i kaže da je combat system ko u GW, zanima me jel isto ko u GW da u gradu biraš skillove i da je tako sve dok ne dođeš do drugog grada, tj. da taj sistem radi za sve ili je to samo u PvP borbama

I ja sam tako mislio, ali nije takav sistem, to lagano seru nebi li privukli GW igrače.
Kad si izvan borbe biraš neke bonuse koje stavljaš na sebe, dok u borbi koristiš sve skilove koje imaš.

11-02-2008, 16:47
Igra mi se iz dana u dan sve više svidja

Arbiter of Change
11-02-2008, 21:34
E ljudovi da pitam, nešto sam u BUG-u čitao o Waru i kaže da je combat system ko u GW, zanima me jel isto ko u GW da u gradu biraš skillove i da je tako sve dok ne dođeš do drugog grada, tj. da taj sistem radi za sve ili je to samo u PvP borbama
I ja sam tako mislio, ali nije takav sistem, to lagano seru nebi li privukli GW igrače.
Kad si izvan borbe biraš neke bonuse koje stavljaš na sebe, dok u borbi koristiš sve skilove koje imaš.
Osim ako nije službeno potvrđeno onda to ne znamo (mislim, znamo da će sistem biti modularan, samo se ne zna gdje ćeš točno moći mijenjati stvari i hoće li biti ikakva cijena).

11-02-2008, 21:39

ima kakih informacija u vezi bonova? :D

11-02-2008, 22:29
imaš u vecernjaku bonove za paštetu u konzumu

11-02-2008, 22:43
Omg.Sta sve necu procitat.

Arbiter of Change
11-02-2008, 22:44
Pa ono... bonovi su danas jedan od standarda plaćanja kod svih P2P MMO naslova tako da je samo pitanje bilo pomalo suvišno.

11-02-2008, 23:13
imaš u vecernjaku bonove za paštetu u konzumu
Infans lol,a jesi lik :rotfl:

12-02-2008, 15:31
i ja sam najavu u BUGu procito... ljepo izgleda...
jos nista o konfiguraciji minimalnoj?

12-02-2008, 17:03
kojih 12 puta do sad...negde...otprilike....tak neak. cirka oko.


Arbiter of Change
15-02-2008, 09:58
Evo screen na kojem se vidi eksperimentalna primjena dyes-a na oklopima (premda sumnjam da ćemo mi igrači imati ovako drečave boje za izbor kad igra izađe), to da Choseni mogu skinuti kacigu (iako je ovo možda samo za niže tierse) i jedan opaki mač. Ovaj lik mi se po svoj prilici čini kao neki niži tier osim što mi se mač čini kao nešto na epic razini.


15-02-2008, 12:04
Ne kužim meni nije drečavo izgleda sasvim kul brončani oklop, ako je ovo drečavo šta je onda WoW, slikovnica

Arbiter of Change
15-02-2008, 14:57
Jednostavno - ljubičasta/pink/sve-njihove-varijacije nemaju mjesta u Warhammer settingu (mislim na čizme). :P

Order ekipa na okupu.
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/5510/52053820080215screen009sd8.th.jpg (http://img512.imageshack.us/my.php?image=52053820080215screen009sd8.jpg)

Arbiter of Change
18-02-2008, 09:10
Evo još jedan interview ekipe ovaj sa naglaskom na tome kako oni vide WAR u usporedbi sa drugim MMORPG naslovima posebno naspram trenutnog giganta WoW-a.

Hammertime 1 (http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9095&Itemid=61)
Hammertime 2 (http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9142&Itemid=61)

Edit: Pardon, dupli post.

18-02-2008, 12:40

19-02-2008, 23:43
sad mi zao sto nijedan warhammer nisam bas igro, igro sam samo ejdan demo, al neznam kojeg, dark crusade mislim ili mark of chaos....

btw jesu li objavili min. sys. req.?

19-02-2008, 23:51
ja igrao dawn of war te demoe mark of chaos i winter assault ok igra,ali ovo će biti nešto sasvim drugo

20-02-2008, 00:12
a jel moze neko preporucit neku iz serijala koja bi mogla malo priblizit cjeli taj svijet, lore, stanje, vrjeme i radnju xD?

20-02-2008, 00:53
a jel moze neko preporucit neku iz serijala koja bi mogla malo priblizit cjeli taj svijet, lore, stanje, vrjeme i radnju xD?

Početak svega: http://oz.games-workshop.com/games/warh ... efault.htm (http://oz.games-workshop.com/games/warhammer/default.htm)

20-02-2008, 01:23
Zavisi ovo je fantasy warhammer, drugo je warhammer 40k, preporučam ti oba, ti izaber :D

20-02-2008, 01:32
40k nema veze s ovim mmorpgom

20-02-2008, 13:56
DOBIO POZIV ZA BETU DANAS huraaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

20-02-2008, 17:52
DOBIO POZIV ZA BETU DANAS huraaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Ljubomoran sam i tužan u isto vrijeme :?

Čestitam :D

20-02-2008, 19:54
Zahvaljujem na cestitkama.
Sada skidam client vec 6 sati a tek je na 50% 120kb/s.

20-02-2008, 20:00
Proklet bio, ocem ja u betu :(

20-02-2008, 20:17
gad...di zivis?

20-02-2008, 20:25
bar čemo dobit informacije iz prve ruke o igri :D

Arbiter of Change
20-02-2008, 21:15
Uf, šteta što ste vezani NDA-om tako da ne možete davati informacije nama koji nismo upali. :(
Čestitam, usput. :)

20-02-2008, 22:13
AJME ja bi betu isss blago ti se :pray:
DAJ piši sve šta ima i stavlja slike PLZZ

20-02-2008, 22:32
ma upali i game cam, da viidmo kak izgleda obavljanje questa jednog :)

iskreno se nadam da ce ovo srusit fakin WoW jer je WoW premonoton i sve se svodi na isto jer se bazira na pve, dok npr. kod nekog pvp ili rvr( :pray: ) neznas sta ce biti i kako ce dalje ici...

20-02-2008, 23:21
kad ce nam vise pokloniti datum izlaska...=)

Arbiter of Change
23-02-2008, 23:31
O yeah - više o release date-u:

The question on everyone's minds is the release date. Today we're going to put one and one together and try to answer the question on everyone's mind. When is the game being released, I say June.

Okay, as of 2/21/08 Mark Jacobs states the release date is "CY Q2 2008". Calender year second quarter, which ends at the end of June. Today we bring you news of a promotion to get into beta. Essentially, buying a comic will get you a chance to get a beta code. The catch according to the comic book publishers site, is that the codes must be entered by May 31st 2008. Meaning, that beta will end some time after that date. Community manager James Nichols confirms that the May 31st 2008 date is, "an expiration date that allows us to plan accordingly for the beta schedule".

Which leaves us with only one option. Warhammer Online will be available sometime in June 2008. It's smart to remember however, that while as of this writing the release date may be June, Mark Jacobs has said before, "we'll change the release date if/when we feel it's necessary to make a great game but as of now, it hasn't been changed."

24-02-2008, 20:10
Ja neznam,al ono meni se svi ti ljudi koji rade na wh-onlineu onak su mi malo preneozbiljni o svemu šta govore i šta prezentiraju.Uvijek bacaju neke fore iz rl-a ili koriste neke ono blesave rijeci.Mislim nije to loše,al ono malo pretjeruju s tim o svemu govore kak bi reko kroz šalu pa me to malo smeta

25-02-2008, 08:21
Oprostilo bi im se sve da konačno "porode" taj WAR... :?

25-02-2008, 15:00
Ljudi, znate mozda kolko bude kostala pretplata?
I, dal vam se cine klase malo cudne, meni nekak su sve to zakomlicirali i one slike kak bi koja klasa trebala izgledati mi se bas ne uklapaju u warhammer, neznam... kaj vi mislite o tome?

Dr. Kam
25-02-2008, 16:42
Ja neznam,al ono meni se svi ti ljudi koji rade na wh-onlineu onak su mi malo preneozbiljni o svemu šta govore i šta prezentiraju.Uvijek bacaju neke fore iz rl-a ili koriste neke ono blesave rijeci.Mislim nije to loše,al ono malo pretjeruju s tim o svemu govore kak bi reko kroz šalu pa me to malo smeta

To su ti tipični američki geekovi, onaj Britanac je iznimka koja potvrđuje pravilo. Odlučili su tako prezentirat i to je to, WoW se odlučio na malo ozbiljniju prezentaciju, ne baš puno. Mislim da prezentacija neće imat veze s igrom, jer igra ima mračni ambijent.

25-02-2008, 18:27
Ljudi, znate mozda kolko bude kostala pretplata?
I, dal vam se cine klase malo cudne, meni nekak su sve to zakomlicirali i one slike kak bi koja klasa trebala izgledati mi se bas ne uklapaju u warhammer, neznam... kaj vi mislite o tome?
Otprilike ko wow,a neznam šta ti je cudno za klase pa to je sve dio jednog warhammer svijeta.

Arbiter of Change
25-02-2008, 20:10
Ljudi, znate mozda kolko bude kostala pretplata?
I, dal vam se cine klase malo cudne, meni nekak su sve to zakomlicirali i one slike kak bi koja klasa trebala izgledati mi se bas ne uklapaju u warhammer, neznam... kaj vi mislite o tome?
Pretplata vjerojatno standardna kao i svaki MMO ovih dana (ne pitajte koliko jer ne znam budući da trenutno ne igram nijedan) + bonovi.

U vezi klasa... po meni ne pretjerano, uz iznimku da je Zealot izmišljena klasa koji ne postoji u Lore-u i što su Disciples of Khain malo udesili Lore-wise. Još ostaje da vidimo kako će prikazati White Lionse (očigledna pet klasa koja ide High Elfovima). Ostale klase shvaćam da su trebale biti prilagođene radi gameplay balansa, ali ništa što direktno ruši Lore.

25-02-2008, 20:21
Ljudi, znate mozda kolko bude kostala pretplata?
I, dal vam se cine klase malo cudne, meni nekak su sve to zakomlicirali i one slike kak bi koja klasa trebala izgledati mi se bas ne uklapaju u warhammer, neznam... kaj vi mislite o tome?
Otprilike ko wow,a neznam šta ti je cudno za klase pa to je sve dio jednog warhammer svijeta.

Samo se bojim da nebude vise nego wow kak je npr. LOTR 60 dana 225kn ili EVE Online 30 dana 129kn i jos dok se sjetim lopovluka EA gamesa postajem jako skeptican.

Dr. Kam
25-02-2008, 22:00
Ne bi trebalo biti skuplje da radi konkurenciju, očekuj cijene u rangu WoWa.
Ja sam odvajao svaki dan po 3.5 kuna za WoW ko "eager little beaver" i na kraju mjeseca, voila 105 kunića :=)

26-02-2008, 08:42
Ljudi, znate mozda kolko bude kostala pretplata?
I, dal vam se cine klase malo cudne, meni nekak su sve to zakomlicirali i one slike kak bi koja klasa trebala izgledati mi se bas ne uklapaju u warhammer, neznam... kaj vi mislite o tome?
Otprilike ko wow,a neznam šta ti je cudno za klase pa to je sve dio jednog warhammer svijeta.

Samo se bojim da nebude vise nego wow kak je npr. LOTR 60 dana 225kn ili EVE Online 30 dana 129kn i jos dok se sjetim lopovluka EA gamesa postajem jako skeptican.

Kupi online u shattered crystal - ja plaćam 75 Kn bon za EVE :rotfl:

26-02-2008, 09:53
Paske razoćarao si me, pa zar ne možeš ti barem skupiti 400 mill iska za tri mjeseca u eve. :) offgamers.com je isto odlican

26-02-2008, 19:55
Meni lova nece bit problem u to sam siguran jedino šta ce mi biti problem je uklopit se u igru i pronaci dobru guildu u kojoj ce igrati barem ljudi od 16+.

28-02-2008, 00:46
Paske razoćarao si me, pa zar ne možeš ti barem skupiti 400 mill iska za tri mjeseca u eve. :) offgamers.com je isto odlican

Trenutno sam na WoW-u.

U to ime sam kupio 2x90 dana bonove za 2 accounta.

Ostalo nešto love, pa sam organizirao lutriju - prva nagrada je 500 Mil. Ulazna karta 1 Isk :wink:

Da - ima se love dovoljno za glupiranje :twisted:

Arbiter of Change
28-02-2008, 23:35
Novi Newsletter je tu:

Keeps and Sieges explained (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/gameFeatures/keepsandsiege.php)
Renown explained (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/behindTheScenes/developmentDiaries/RenownSystem.php)
Scenarios (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/gameFeatures/Scenarios101_2.php)
Podcast about Voices (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/flash/2008-02_pp_VoiceActors.html)
A new High Elf zone released (http://www.war-europe.com/#/atlas/?lang=en&zone=saphery)

29-02-2008, 14:15
Novi Newsletter je tu:

Keeps and Sieges explained (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/gameFeatures/keepsandsiege.php)
Renown explained (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/behindTheScenes/developmentDiaries/RenownSystem.php)
Scenarios (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/gameFeatures/Scenarios101_2.php)
Podcast about Voices (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/flash/2008-02_pp_VoiceActors.html)
A new High Elf zone released (http://www.war-europe.com/#/atlas/?lang=en&zone=saphery)

uuu, lijepo lijepo... sviđa mi se naručito ovo sa keepovima i ostalim pomagalima

P.S. pogledajte malo bolje prednji dio Ram-a od greenskinska :D

29-02-2008, 23:47
Novi Newsletter je tu:

Keeps and Sieges explained (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/gameFeatures/keepsandsiege.php)
Renown explained (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/behindTheScenes/developmentDiaries/RenownSystem.php)
Scenarios (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/gameInfo/gameFeatures/Scenarios101_2.php)
Podcast about Voices (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/media/flash/2008-02_pp_VoiceActors.html)
A new High Elf zone released (http://www.war-europe.com/#/atlas/?lang=en&zone=saphery)

uuu, lijepo lijepo... sviđa mi se naručito ovo sa keepovima i ostalim pomagalima

P.S. pogledajte malo bolje prednji dio Ram-a od greenskinska :D
Ova me igra sve više i više privlaci

03-03-2008, 15:11
upao sam u betu, mjeseci besplatnog igranja.. preeedobro, nek odgode igru do bozica 8)

03-03-2008, 15:28
upao sam u betu, mjeseci besplatnog igranja.. preeedobro, nek odgode igru do bozica 8)

Nisi li malo sebican? :rotfl:

03-03-2008, 21:27
nemoj da ti lomimo noge ^

03-03-2008, 23:34
upao sam u betu, mjeseci besplatnog igranja.. preeedobro, nek odgode igru do bozica 8)

Nisi li malo sebican? :rotfl:

04-03-2008, 18:10
upao sam u betu, mjeseci besplatnog igranja.. preeedobro, nek odgode igru do bozica 8)
:rotfl: :rotfl: Koji si ti car iss :rotfl:

06-03-2008, 22:51
Jel bi mi mogao netko prodati warhamer beta account ili key, dajem 1000 mill ISK-a za njega :)

07-03-2008, 12:34
Znali se točan datum ili je on i dalje negdje u Warpu nedefiniran?

Arbiter of Change
07-03-2008, 12:40
Ne znam, mislim da sam prije postao kad izlazi, ali nikad ne znaš sa odgodama.

btw. sada skontao da mi sva pošta koju mi šalje warhammeronline ide preko T-com filtera, i mog vlastitog nakon toga, direktno u smeće i briše se čim zatvorim Mozzilu Thunderbird... moguće da sam, ne znajući da sam je uopće i primio, izbrisao pozivnicu za betu. :D

07-03-2008, 22:01

07-03-2008, 22:49
hvala sta si me prosvjetlio i razalostio xD isti problem ..

16-03-2008, 15:32
jel ovo izaslo?
sad sam gledo popis igara na xfire i vidim warhammer online:age of reckoning, ima nekih 300h da su ljudi ukupno igrali :S...

16-03-2008, 15:44
Nije izašla jedino je beta u tjeku izlazi u q2 ove godine

21-03-2008, 22:27
Dobro di su ovi kaj su dobili betu di su kakvi screenovi.Ajmo ljudi

22-03-2008, 10:30
ma ja i slabo igram...malo mi je dosadno.
TF2 je 100 put zabaviji sad

24-03-2008, 01:05
ma ja i slabo igram...malo mi je dosadno.
TF2 je 100 put zabaviji sad

Pa PM meni key da probam i testiram vražju igru :wink:

Dr. Kam
27-03-2008, 22:48
On the day we signed the agreement to license Warhammer from Games Workshop, I promised them that we would create a great and glorious game, a truly next-generation MMORPG. Today, I have news to report; we are going to delay the release of WAR until Fall 2008. While we do not expect this announcement to be met with fanfare and cheering crowds; the additional time will be spent hammering WAR into an even better game that it is today.

During the most recent phase of beta testing, two things have become clear. One was that our key innovations - Public Quests, Tome of Knowledge and Realm vs. Realm combat - were all coming along extremely well, as was the first stage of our innovative crafting system. The second, that the game would benefit from additional iteration time as well as adding a layer of polish or two. Fortunately, as part of Electronic Arts, we are able to do just that.

While I have no doubt that the community will experience a wide range of emotions over this decision, I urge you to remember one thing (and to keep the tar cold and the feathers on the birds), that our goal has never been to release a game by a certain date but to release a great Warhammer MMORPG. We have not wavered from this goal and with the full support of Games Workshop, GOA and Electronic Arts we intend to release a glorious next-generation MMORPG.

As always, I thank the community for its support, patronage and its patience.

Mark Jacobs
VP, GM EA Mythic

Zašto me ovo ne čudi? :S

27-03-2008, 23:39
a dobro...ko je ono prizeljkivao da odogode do bozica xD ^^

27-03-2008, 23:58
Pa .. barem ću probati Conan prije :wink:

Dr. Kam
27-03-2008, 23:59
I to što kažeš :D

28-03-2008, 00:48
Davno sam ja rekao da je ono njihovo "Igra je skoro pa dovršena, sada je još samo poliramo jer nam je stalo do igrača" gomila gluposti.

28-03-2008, 18:05
Necu je ni igrat to odgađanje vec 10000 puta mi ide na k*** igrat cu neš drugo :wink:

Dr. Kam
28-03-2008, 19:59
Ako Conan bude dobar kao očekivano, također...

28-03-2008, 21:31
isto na conana...ko ce docekati ovo..

30-03-2008, 19:53

Gah can't wait

04-04-2008, 01:22
Conan je odgođen par puta više s time da je datum bio 100% siguran, a i igra je dulje u proizvodnji. :)

No ajmo na posao... svi koje interesira Warhammer Online mogu doći na upravo otvoreni WAR Centar (http://www.wardot.com/index.php)Ste čitati, pitati, pratiti i mlatiti razvoj ove igre, featurse, betu, novosti i sve ostalo što veseli ljude bez života. Cilj je okupiti zdravu i što brojniju WAR zajednicu do izlaska same igre tamo ujesen ove godine.

Dobrodošli. :-)

18-04-2008, 15:30
Za one koje zanima trenutni fokus bete (http://www.wardot.com/showthread.php?t=27)Sili beta FAQ (http://www.wardot.com/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=21)Sneka bace pogled na WARdot. :D

05-05-2008, 21:32
I want to make sure that going into WAR people understand what they're in for. There is 6-man grouped instancing with several tiers of progression, but there will NOT be the "WoW style" raiding that you might be used to. There are THREE exceptions which are the enemy kings which are a instanced 24 man raids. Now that's out of the way, let me explain what WAR's engame really is about.

WAR has added something new and interesting into the genre called "Public Quests" which are scripted multi-stage event driven quests which for those who are familiar with EQ are much like the 10th Coldain War or the 8th Coldain Shawl. I guess if I wanted to compare it to WoW, you could say that PQ's are much like the opening of the gates AQ in WoW, except the opening of the gates of AQ really only focused around the FIRST person to complete the quest and it was only completable once per server. Imagine if that same quest line EVERYONE contributed and the whole event reset after it was completed. On top of that while there are many stages to the quest chain, anyone can join in on the quest at any point. Think about the quests of Alterac Vallery, where everyone is contributing toward the same goal progressing the "game" forward. The more you contribute the better you loot will be at the end, but if you want to you can repeat the PQ if you didn't experience it from the beginning or repeat it for the fun factor. Usually at the end of the entire thing there is a BIG huge boss that can sometimes take "a huge amount of people" to take down. Along the way there will even be mini-bosses depending on the public quest. Some public quests have required trade skill components, while others will involve mass slaughter. Some public quests are only unlocked as part of the RvR campaign. Some are only unlocked as your city moves to prosperity level 5. Some public quests can only be done while you take over an enemy capital city (a 12 hour period).

The cool thing is that these public quests are very story driven, have excellent, appropriate rewards for everyone who contributes and most of all they start at low levels and progress throughout the game. But PQ's are the age old solution to the problem of "casual" raiding guilds. Instead of having to organize to get 40 people together for a guild raid in an instance, once the PQ gets to the final stage of the PQ, many PQ's involve a big fight with an end boss that's "raid" level in difficulty. So you get that "raid-like" experience, without having to wait around for a raid. That doesn't say you can't organize the guild to complete a PQ together and defeat the final step/boss together. The BIG HUGE part of PQ's is that let's say you have 20 people, you can't say "sorry guys" we only have 20 people and need 25, we can't raid tonight. If we organize 20 people and need 25 for the encounter, you can grantee that since it's an open world kind of fight, there will be 5 random people who will join in on the fight.

In the end after you've done all the PQ's (all 300+ of them) and done all the stages of instances and are wearing the most bad ass gear you can get (at this point who knows maybe the first expansion will be coming), the TRUE endgame of WAR all focuses around the campaign. Realm vs Realm, holding a Tier 4 keep in the name of our guild, defending our realm, and pushing toward the enemy city to be able to unlock their city's public quests, do them, defeat their king and place their king in our city to be tortured and have rotten tomatoes thrown at him. All this while leveling up our guild, maxing out your own influence, renown, tome unlocks, gear acquisition, trade skills, keep control, banner collection and retention, guild achievements, and much, much more. Also everything you do, even PVE and trade skills, adds to the overall campaign, adding victory points toward the appropriate tier of battle. Yes you can add to the campaign through PVE activity.

The fact is that WAR's endgame is the first MMO that is not one dimensional. EQ's endgame was all about PVE. DAoC's endgame was all about Realm vs Realm. WoW's engame was all about PVE OR I guess now arenas if you're into that OR Token Grinds OR Honor Grinds. I guess WoW did try to do what WAR is doing but the important thing is that while WoW has options, they are not in any way directly linked and require FOCUSED attention to one thing to really progress in any of them. AoC's endgame is focused around PVE (just like WoW) and PVP which is a little more meaningful, but again not directly linked just like WoW.

WAR's endgame is focused around a mix of PVE intertwined with PQ's intertwined with RvR. It's a tri-force of content that is VERY tightly woven together in a meaningful way in such a way that no other MMO has done before.

me likes =)

08-05-2008, 23:41
me likes a lot =)

21-05-2008, 11:24
With the closed beta testing of Warhammer® Online: Age of Reckoning™ marching onwards, we are pleased to announce that we are stepping up the pace; within days the largest beta invitation wave yet seen will be sent out to hungry testers-to-be all over Europe! In other words, keep an eye at your inbox in the near future.

We wish you all good luck, and further wish to extend our gratitude to our current testers for creating such a positive community and we are confident the lucky new testers will feel welcome!

Naturally, we will update you when the invitations are sent out. See you all on the battlefield!


21-05-2008, 13:45
neznam jesam li već pito, al neda mi se sad tražit koja je min. konfa za pokretanje?

21-05-2008, 17:48
jos se nezna, al zna se da ce bit manje zahtjevnije neg lotro

28-05-2008, 20:12


28-05-2008, 20:51
lol to ingame?

prejako xD nego jel ima to smisla osim zajebancije xD?

28-05-2008, 20:53
Orcapult, prijevoz za orce xD
Da, ingame, tu pocinjes igrat s orcima
I navodno se moze desit misfire, katapultira te u zid :Đ

29-05-2008, 07:31


link ne radi, moze jedan aktualan?

29-05-2008, 10:58
Jbg, filmic je bio iz closed bete pa su ga deletali...

29-05-2008, 12:37
:rotfl: :pray: najoriginalniji početak igre xD

btw šta se dogodi ak te neko missfirea xD?

02-06-2008, 20:05
Ingame screenshot (http://img66.imageshack.us/my.php?image=56276074jk6.jpg)Siz closed bete

03-06-2008, 10:04
aa :(

03-06-2008, 19:02
http://www.tentonhammer.com/system/file ... hecary.jpg (http://www.tentonhammer.com/system/files/images/Apothecary.jpg)
http://www.tentonhammer.com/system/file ... ivating+(2 (http://www.tentonhammer.com/system/files/images/Cultivating+(2)).jpg
http://www.tentonhammer.com/system/file ... vating.jpg (http://www.tentonhammer.com/system/files/images/Cultivating.jpg)

04-06-2008, 14:40
ee ovo izgleda katastrofa...

jel to na max detalja ili koji ku....?

04-06-2008, 17:56
Low detalji, nemos iznad low igrat u closed beti

05-06-2008, 10:06
Me likes the minigre za alkemiju i herbalism, eda jesi skužio zašto su Wounds?

05-06-2008, 10:37
Strength - Increases your melee damage, and makes it harder for enemies to parry or block your attacks.
Toughness - Reduces the damage you take from all sources.
Wounds - Increases your maximum hit points.
Initiative - Increases your chance to dodge ranged attacks, and makes it more difficult for enemies to critically hit you.
Weapon - Increases your chance to parry melee attacks, and allows your melee attacks to ignore a portion of the enemy's armor.
Ballistic - Increases your ranged damage, and makes it harder for enemies to dodge or block your attacks.
Intelligence - Increases your magical damage, and makes it harder for enemies to disrupt or block your attacks.
Willpower - Increases your chance to disrupt hostile spells, and increases all healing you do.
Armor - Controls your ability to mitigate damage against physical attacks.

05-06-2008, 14:08
sam malo axe ti i jopax igrate CB?

ak da može neki dojmovi? :)

05-06-2008, 19:23
Ja ne igram al pratim forum na kojem beta testeri leakaju closed betu : ))

EDIT: kak tenkovi nisu bas funkcionirali u ovoj beta fazi su im dali ova dva mnogo dobra skilla : o (ovo 0 feet znaci da jos nisu odlucili kolko da stave)

06-06-2008, 14:06
zanimljivo... combat je sličan AoCu samo što nema sječe glava i tog? ili je više WoW-like...
baš me zanima očel War bit bolji od AoCa...

Dr. Kam
06-06-2008, 14:52
Čim vidim da ima disarm, bojim se da neće :).

06-06-2008, 17:33
Jok, combat ti nije ko u AoCu, nemoj birat u kojem smjeru zelis zamahnut oruzjem i slicno, znaci wow-like je.
WAR ti je RvR igra. U WARu ce ti bit masovne bitke, tipa 150v150, negdje sam procito da ce moc podnest max 500v500 borbe bez veceg laga.

Malo prouci ovo:
RvR (http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Rvr)
Career (http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Career)S--> svaka profesija se razlicito zove, u igri npr imas sest tankova, al svi tankovi su razliciti, istina imaju neke iste skillove al uglavnom razlicite i svaki ima drugaciju funkciju, recimo neki imaju veci dps al manji armor, neki veliku zastitu od magija i slicno...

Oni koji su igrali DaoC znaju otprilike sto mogu ocekivat od ove igre...
Meni se ovo cini puno bolje od AoCa i kupujem cim izadje

Dr. Kam
07-06-2008, 11:03
AoC još nije ispunio ni 10% svoga potencijala, kad počnu battlekeepovi, guild ratovi i sl. onda će se tek pokazat.

Iskreno, prvo sam htio WAR igrat, ipak Warhammer svijet, no htio sam se odmaknuti od WoW "gameplaya" - strana dobra / strana zla koljite se, bla bla. Da ne govorim o kloniranim barovima u combat sustavu - pa sam si rekao aj idem taj AoC probat i eto, nisam požalio.

Igrao sam DAoC i ne vidim neke velike poveznice.

07-06-2008, 12:07
su objavili vec cijene prepaida?

07-06-2008, 12:09
Igrao sam DAoC i ne vidim neke velike poveznice.

Nezna se jos cijena prepaida, vjerojatno ce bit standardna cijena...

Dr. Kam
09-06-2008, 12:42
DAoC i WAR nisu jedine igre sa RvR elementima u sebi...

09-06-2008, 12:54
Al DaoC je mislim prvi RvR mmorpg a WAR radi Mythic koji je napravio DaoC tak da...

Dr. Kam
09-06-2008, 13:06
RvR imaš i u dosta drugih igara, samo se drukčije zove.

Upravo to što je Mythic napravio DAoC, a sad radi WAR - kako radi... - me najviše razočaralo.

No ipak ću probat igru, ne volim suditi knjigu prema koricama. No kako sada stvari stoje - nisam baš oduševljen, točno se vidi EA executive šapa u cijeloj igri.

Arbiter of Change
10-06-2008, 18:29
RvR nije precizno objašnjen (ispada kao da je samo PvP, što nije istina) - RvR je kombinacija PvP i PvE uspjeha u određenim postotcima čiji se učinak osjeća u toj specifičnoj zoni i u određenoj prelijeva u druge zone (što znači da čak i Tier 1. zone nikada neće izgubiti važnost jer će uvijek biti korisne u konačnici kako bi prostrle put prema neprijateljskom Capitalu).

Inače, WHA Collector's Edition će sadržavati i figuru Grumloka i Gazbaga;
Neobojana (http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=147&pictureid=1848)
Obojana (http://mythicmktg.fileburst.com/war/us/home/images/collectorsedition/CE_Mini.jpg)

Dr. Kam
10-06-2008, 20:09
Nadam se da će bit kvalitetna igra, bar da je probam :), no, bojim se razočaranja :(

Arbiter of Change
10-06-2008, 21:07
Nadam se da će bit kvalitetna igra, bar da je probam :), no, bojim se razočaranja :(
Na osnovi čega?

Mythic, pardon Mythic EA, ima relativno dobrog iskustva pri balansiranju rasa/strana (to se pokazalo u Dark Age of Camelot koji je imao 3 strane i konačan rezultat je bio više manjeSizbalansirane klase (kojih je bila gomila)), a sam Warhammer Online slijedi standardni oblik MMORPG igara koji će privući pobornike žanra i da ne napominjem kako preferira PvP sukobe koji su uvijek zanimljiviji od repetativnog PvE-a, pa makar bili grind.

Moja jedina briga trenutno su hardverski zahtjevi (ali ma kakvi bili poprilično sam uvjeren da neće biti u rangu onih od AoC-a) i da malo ispoliraju animacije, te da konačno vidimo high-rez screense.

10-06-2008, 21:23
Spreferira PvP sukobe koji su uvijek zanimljiviji od repetativnog PvE-a, pa makar bili grind.

Moja jedina briga trenutno su hardverski zahtjevi (ali ma kakvi bili poprilično sam uvjeren da neće biti u rangu onih od AoC-a) i da malo ispoliraju animacije, te da konačno vidimo high-rez screense.
Zahtjevi ce ti bit veci od WoWa, a manji od LotROa

11-06-2008, 02:39
Pazite, neće biti revolucije u nijednom aspektu. WAR za razliku od AoCa ipak cilja da bude igra za sve, a ne za određenu publiku. Dobro možda više za one koji voli PvP, ali tu bude svega i PvEa. Sve dobro iz većine popularnih MMOa će biti i u WARu te proslavnjeni DaoC RvR u svojoj novoj inačici. Nekim smeta art stil koji je trademark WoWa, nekim smeta kaj je tržište preplavljeno fantasy MMOima, nekima smeta kaj Mythic pušta samo low res filmove i screenove u javnost... al budite sigurni da će s vremenom neizvjesnost u kvalitetu igre biti sve manja. :thumbs2:

Nisam gledao da li je netko postao, ali ovdje imate sažetak o WAR craftingu (http://www.wardot.com/showthread.php?t=34).