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11-12-2010, 16:07
Zar je toliko tesko malo googlati?
Ugl,evo ti odgovora.

Deadline.com is reporting that Orlando Bloom is expected to reprise his role as Legolas Greenleaf in the upcoming ‘Hobbit’ films. You may ask, how can this be? Well, quite simply, the character of Legolas was very much alive during the timeframe of The Hobbit. In fact, he was probably several thousand years old at the time of The Lord of the Rings! Since Legolas is the son of Thranduil (The Elvenking), a major player in ‘The Hobbit,’ one can easily see Peter, Phillipa, and Fran writing him into the script. *MINOR SPOILERS* Not only would he appear in Mirkwood with the other wood-elves, he could very well lead the wood-elf contingent into the Battle of Five Armies!

11-12-2010, 17:05
joj da zaboravio totalno na battle of five armies.

nemoraš bit tako hostilan.

also, ako niste primjetili, bio je i u bitci kod dagorlada na kraju 2. doba

08-01-2011, 10:44
Elijah Wood u "Hobbitu" (http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/01/07/41520-elijah-wood-will-be-in-the-hobbit/#more-41520)

Vijest ima dosta spoilera, pa ako zelite ostati u blazenom neznanju, ne klikajte na link! :wink:

11-01-2011, 10:12
Sir Ian McKellenSi Andy SerkisSsu konacno potvrdili svoj angazman u "Hobbitu"!

OVDJE (http://www.deadline.com/2011/01/andy-serkis-signed-to-reprise-gollum-in-the-hobbit/)Smozete procitati sa kojim se glumcima iz trilogije jos pregovara...

12-01-2011, 10:54
From Sir Christopher Lee’s Official Site:SSlowly but surely, Peter Jackson has managed to secure the return of the majority of the major stars from The Lord of the Rings franchise for his soon to be shooting prequel, based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit.

Sir. Christopher Lee had been in talks to reprise his role as the wizard Saruman and it now looks certain, providing that he is in good health, that he will be appearing in the movie.

Quote sa TORn-a

12-01-2011, 21:45
odlična vijest, što više stare ekipe to bolje ;)

13-01-2011, 00:55
Ma nije, mislim za Sir Ian McKellena i Andy Serkisa je dobro, al zasto Wood mora iopet biti u filmu, ka da ga u lotru nije bilo dovoljno za pa uvijek

16-01-2011, 16:09
Biće super film, baš dobro što opet glumi Bobo)

LOTR serijal mi je jedan od najboljih filmova, mislio sad da će nakon knjiga koje sma pročitao bit neprepoznatljivi trash, ali ne, film je potpuno pogodio atmosferu, detalje, ma vse.

Baš dobro što su odlčučili snimiti prequel na trilogiju, da malo bolje vidimo život hobita.

16-01-2011, 18:10
Jel zamjerate Jacksonu sto se nije drzao knjige? Ili ste mu oprostili sto si je uzeo malo umjetnicke slobode?
Naletio sam na par likova koji su film popljuvali bas zbog toga.
Sto se mene tice film bi mi bio jos bolji da se drzao knjige od pocetka do kraja. Ali necu zbog toga reci da je film smece. Odlican je film i sve sto je mogao Peter Jackson je iz knjige prenio na film.
Malo ga je prilagodio mlađoj publici i uveo je par smijesnih izmjena.
(Jedino sto nikako necu prezaliti sto nije uspio ubaciti scenu sa Tomom Bombadilom, ali tko zna koliko bi onda dugacak film bio.)
Sta mislite za Hobbite? Da li bi vam bilo draze da se drzi striktno knjige ili da radi na svoj nacin?

16-01-2011, 19:32
Pa ja ne zamjeram, recimo u knjizi bitka kod helms deepa je opisana u samo par crtica, a to je bila jedna od većih bitaka i važnijih, i u filmu je dobro prikazana.
Što se mene tiče nek snime filmove o First Ageu, Second A, Third A, Fourth A. Ima toliko stvari za snimit još filmova o gospodaru prstenova, da bi bilo šteta to ne snimit.

16-01-2011, 20:15
Ja mu nikad neću oprostiti za Bombadila. Nikad. To bi bilo zakon :(

16-01-2011, 20:29
Ni ja :(
http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/7753/bombadil.jpg (http://img641.imageshack.us/i/bombadil.jpg/)

16-01-2011, 20:39
Jel netko ima informacija o Entovima? Baš me zanima otkud su stigli, koliko su stari i takve stvari o njima. Djeluju prekul imho.

16-01-2011, 20:44
Ne poznajem LOTR dovoljno dobro da bi ti licno nesto napisao. :(

16-01-2011, 21:00
Daj copy/paste u spoiler, troši mi mnogo jer sam na mobu . Please :(

16-01-2011, 21:02
Dosta teksta je u spolieru! (zapravo,nema toliko mnogo teksta,ali je bezveze da ogroman c/p ne stoji u spolieru)
(izvoli chupa)

Ents, also called Onodrim by the elves, are a very old race that appeared in Middle-earth when the elves did. They were apparently created by Eru Ilúvatar at the behest of Yavanna after she learned of Aulë's children, the Dwarves, knowing that they would want to fell trees. Ents were envisioned as Shepherds
A woodland Onod
Added by Middle-Earth
of the Trees, to
A woodland Onod
Added by Middle-Earthprotect the forests from
orcs, Dwarves and other perils. The Elves have tales of teaching the trees and the Ents to talk: although the Ents were sentient beings at the time, they did not know how to speak until the Elves taught them. Treebeard spoke of the Elves "curing the Ents of their dumbness" that it was a great gift that could not be forgotten ("always wanted to talk to everything, the old Elves did").

In The Two Towers, Chapter 5, "The White Rider", Gandalf calls Treebeard ,"...the oldest living thing that still walks beneath the Sun upon this Middle-earth." In The Return of the King, Chapter 6, "Many Partings", Celeborn addresses Treebeard as "Eldest."

Lindenroot the Ent
Added by Middle-Earth
Ents are tree-like creatures, having become like the trees that they herded. They vary in traits, from everything to height and size, colouring, and the number of fingers and toes. An individual Ent more or less resembles the specific species of tree that they typically guard. For example, Quickbeam guarded Rowan trees and thus looked very much like a Rowan (tall and slender, etc.). In the Third Age of Middle-earth, the forest of Fangorn was apparently the only place Ents still inhabited, although the Ent-like Huorns may still have survived elsewhere, as in the Old Forest. Contents [show]

Almost nothing is known of the early history of the Ents — they apparently lived in and protected the large forests of Middle-earth in previous ages, and they briefly appear near the end of the First Age, attacking a band of Dwarves, apparently summoned by Beren and Lúthien. Treebeard told of a time when apparently all of Eriador was one huge forest and part of his domain, but these immense forests were cut by the Númenóreans of the Second Age, or destroyed in the calamitous War of the Elves and Sauron of the 17th century of the Second Age.
A group of Ents with Treebeard, the eldest Ent, in the center. From Peter Jackson's The Two Towers.
Added by Kyouraku-taichou
Treebeard's statement is also supported
A group of Ents with Treebeard, the eldest Ent, in the center. From Peter Jackson's The Two Towers.
Added by Kyouraku-taichou by remarks Elrond the half-elf made
at the Council of Elrond. Elrond said that "Time was once when a squirrel could carry a nut from tree to tree from Rivendell to the Great Sea...", further indicating that all of Eriador was once a single vast primeval forest, of which Fangorn Forest was just "the Eastern End of it" according to Treebeard.

Treebeard boasted to Merry and Pippin about the strength of the Ents. He said that they were much more powerful than Trolls, which Morgoth (in the Elder Days or First Age) supposedly made as imitations of the Ents, but did not come near to their power. He compares this with how orcs were Morgoth's imitation of elves. There used to be Entwives (literally "Ent-women"), but they started to move farther away from the Ents because they liked to plant and control things, so they moved away to the region that would later become the Brown Lands across the Great River Anduin. This area was destroyed by Sauron, and the Entwives disappeared. The Ents looked for them, but have never found them. It is sung by the Ents that one day they will find each other, when they lose all else. In the Fellowship of the Ring, Sam Gamgee says his cousin Hal saw a treelike giant in the north of the Shire. When Pippin and Merry tell Treebeard about the Shire, Treebeard says the Entwives would like that land, suggesting Hal saw either an Entwife or a Huorn.
Evidence of the origin of the Ents can be found in the Valaquenta, in an exchange between Yavanna (a queen of the Valar, "...lover of all things that grow in the earth.") and Manwë ("...the first of all Kings: lord of the realm of Arda."), after Yavanna's spouse Aulë secretly endeavors to create the Dwarves. Aulë reminds her that the children of Ilúvatar (Elves, Men and now Dwarves) will exploit her creations for their own benefit, "though not without respect and gratitude." The defenselessness of her realm moves Yavanna to plead with Manwë: "My heart is anxious, thinking of the days to come. All my works are dear to me... Shall nothing that I have devised be free from the
Ent Shepherd
Added by Middle-Earth
dominion of others?” Manwë
Ent Shepherd
Added by Middle-Earthresponds by asking, of all she holds dear, what
she would have preserved against exploitation, and she answers: "...the kelvar can flee or defend themselves, whereas the olvar that grow cannot. And among these I hold trees dear... Would that the trees might speak on behalf of all things that have roots, and punish those that wrong them!” Manwë, while deliberating, is overcome by a vision of the music of the Ainur, and grants her request: "Behold! When the Children awake, then the thought of Yavanna will awake also, and it will summon spirits from afar, and they will go among the kelvar and the olvar, and some will dwell therein, and be held in reverence, and their just anger shall be feared." Yavanna returns to her spouse Aulë and reports: “Eru is bountiful. Now let thy children beware! For there shall walk a power in the forests whose wrath they will arouse at their peril.” He responds ominously: “Nonetheless they will have need of wood.”

Ents are not hasty creatures, they take their time; even their language is "unhasty". In fact, their language appears to be based on an ancient form of Common Eldarin, later enriched by Quenya and Sindarin, although it includes many unique 'tree-ish' additions. There are actually two different languages:
Old Entish. Originally, the Ents had a language of their own, described as long and sonorous; it was a tonal language (like Chinese). It is unknown if a non-Ent could even pronounce Old Entish correctly: it was filled with many subtle vowel shades, and was very longwinded. Only Ents spoke Old Entish; not because they kept their language a secret, as the Dwarves did with Khuzdul, but because no other could master it. It was quite an alien language to all others. The Huorns and trees of Fangorn forest could understand Old Entish and converse with the Ents and each other with it. The only extant sample, a-lalla-lalla-rumba-kamanda-lindor-burúme, the word for hill (or possibly even just part of the name of a specific hill), was described as a very inaccurate sampling. Even the Elves, master linguists, could not learn Old Entish, nor did they attempt to record it due to its complex sound structure. The grammar structure of Old Entish was also quite bizarre, often described as a lengthy, long-winded discussion of a topic. There may not even have been a word for yes and no: such questions would be answered by a long monologue on why the Ent in question did or did not agree with the Ent who asked the question. The Ent Quickbeam was regarded as a very "hasty" Ent for answering a question before another Ent had finished: the end may only have been another hour away. Ents as a rule would say nothing in Old Entish unless it was worth taking a long time to say. For everyday language function, they usually resorted to "New" Entish.
"New" Entish (Never named as such in the text). Due to contact with the Elves, the Ents learned much from them. The Ents found the Elvish language Quenya to be a lovely language, and adapted it after their fashion to everyday use. However, they basically adapted Quenya vocabulary to Old Entish grammatical structure. Thus, unlike Old Entish, the individual words of "New Entish" that characters such as Treebeard spoke were easily translatable. However, in context they formed lengthy run-on sentences of redundant adjectives that could still stretch well over an hour in length. For example, when Treebeard essentially wanted to tell Merry and Pippin, "There is a shadow of the Great Darkness in the deep dales of the forest", he literally said in New Entish "Forest-golden-leaves, deep-dales-winter, forest-many-shadowed, deep-valley-black". Unlike Old Entish, a non-Ent conceivably could speak "New" Entish. Even when speaking the Common Speech, Westron, Ents fell into the habit of adapting it into their grammatical structure of repeating compound adjectives used to express fine shades of meaning.

The Elvish name for Ents is Onodrim, singular Onod.
The Last March of the EntsEdit
In The Two Towers, the second volume of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the Ents—usually a very patient, deliberate people—do become angry at Saruman, whose armies are cutting down (in their eyes, killing) large
The Last March of the Ents as depicted in Peter Jackson's The Two Towers.
Added by Kyouraku-taichou
numbers of their trees.
The Last March of the Ents as depicted in Peter Jackson's The Two Towers.
Added by Kyouraku-taichouThey convene an Entmoot, a meeting of the Ents of
Fangorn Forest at Derndingle.

After lengthy deliberation (though from the perspective of the Ents, this is very quick action), they march on Saruman's fortress at Isengard: the last march of the Ents. They are led by Treebeard, the oldest Ent, and accompanied by the Hobbits Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. They destroy Isengard in an all-out assault and trap Saruman in the tower of Orthanc.

Tolkien later noted that the destruction of Isengard by the Ents was based on his disappointment in Macbeth; when "Birnham Wood is come to castle Dunsinane", Tolkien was less than thrilled that it amounted to men walking on stage with leaves in their hats. He decided that when he did that scene for himself, he'd do it right.

There are plans to erect a statue of Treebeard, by Tim Tolkien, J.R.R.'s great-nephew, near the latter's former home in Moseley, Birmingham.

The word "Ent" was taken from Anglo-Saxon, where it means "giant". Tolkien may have extracted the word from the Anglo-Saxon poetry fragments orþanc enta geweorc = "work of cunning giants" and eald enta geweorc = "old work of giants", which described Ancient Rome|Roman ruins; see Orthanc. In this sense of the word, Ents are probably the most ubiquitous of all creatures in fantasy and folklore, perhaps second only to Dragons. The word Ent, as it is historically used, can refer to any number of large, roughly humanoid creatures, including, but not limited to, giants, trolls, orcs, and even Grendel from the poem Beowulf.

In this meaning of the word, Ents are one of the staples of fantasy and folklore/mythology, alongside wizards, knights, princesses, and dragons, although modern English-speakers would probably not call them by their traditional name.

Tolkien's Ents are very different from traditional Ents, appearing as humanoid trees. They appear to have been inspired by the talking trees of many of the world's folklores. See tree (mythology) for more information.

As with Hobbit, Ent is a term that in modern times is almost exclusively connected with J.R.R. Tolkien, and the usage of the term seldom evokes in people its earlier meanings.
Tolkien-like Ents in non-Tolkien fictionEdit

In fantasy and role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, EverQuest, Magic: The Gathering, and the Warcraft PC game series, Tolkien-like Ents are known as Treants or Treefolk, for copyright reasons (much like Hobbits are only referred to as Halflings in D&D and EverQuest). Tolkien-like Ents are also depicted in the MMORPG of RuneScape, as well as the real-time strategy game Myth: The Fallen Lords. In all their incarnations, these tree-people are very close in spirit to their Tolkienesque forebears, although D&D has also explored the concept of corrupt trees and tree-like monsters (akin to Old Man Willow and the huorns of Fangorn). Somewhat akin to Ents are the Ancients portrayed in the Warcraft universe. A tree-like Jedi appears in the Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights novels.

Devil Dog
17-01-2011, 15:46
Jel knjiga "Hurinova Djeca" vrijedna citanja?.

17-01-2011, 15:48
Jeste.Nije losa,iako zna biti pomalo nezgodna ako nisi dobro upoznat sa Tolkien-ovim svetom.

17-01-2011, 16:23
Istina, al definitivno meni najbolja, zajedno sa Silmarillionom

17-01-2011, 18:12
Meni najbolje Tolkienovo djelo.

27-01-2011, 10:50
PJ hospitaliziran! Snimanje odgođeno! (http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4589305/Sir-Peter-Jacksons-stomach-ulcer-scare)

28-01-2011, 11:47
Čitam Hurinovu decu :D

28-01-2011, 12:58
PJ hospitaliziran! Snimanje odgođeno! (http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4589305/Sir-Peter-Jacksons-stomach-ulcer-scare)

a jebemu mater,tog hobita ce valjda snimiti do 2040.

01-02-2011, 14:29
Ne znam zašto, ali razmišljajući o odnosu Froda i Sama u LOTR, pala mi je na um rečenica koja kao da odudara od čitavog konteksta, kao da ju Tolkien nije napisao. Sjećam se da je to bilo u povodu svađe Sama i Goluma, kada je Frodo stao na Golumovu stranu. Tada je Sam rekao da "neka Golum prereže i gos'n Frodu vrat na spavanju, ali meni neće." Taj stav je dosta zanimljiv.

E sad, što se tiče snimanja Hobita, sve to ide mainstream (uključivanja likova Galadriel, Sarumana, Legolasa) kako bi se svidjelo što većem broju ljudi, ali mislim da će to na kraju ispasti zanimljiv miks koji se možda i neće svidjeti Tolkienovim puristima. Ali, njima se vjerojatno nije svidio ni LOTR, a možda su ga demonstrativno i odbili pogledati (Christopher Tolkien?).

01-02-2011, 14:59
Ne znam zašto, ali razmišljajući o odnosu Froda i Sama u LOTR, pala mi je na um rečenica koja kao da odudara od čitavog konteksta, kao da ju Tolkien nije napisao. Sjećam se da je to bilo u povodu svađe Sama i Goluma, kada je Frodo stao na Golumovu stranu. Tada je Sam rekao da "neka Golum prereže i gos'n Frodu vrat na spavanju, ali meni neće." Taj stav je dosta zanimljiv.

Shvatio je da je Frodo vec debelo pod utjecajem prstena i jos tako psihicki slabog ga i Gollum pokusava izmanipulirat,pa odluci vjerojatno sam cuvati svoja leđa...

02-02-2011, 10:16
Upravo zato i je cudna recenica, jer je Tolkien citavo vrijeme htio prikazati neraskidivo prijateljstvo, časnika i posilnoga, cemu je posvjedocio u prvom svjetskom ratu...

10-02-2011, 15:30
Monday 7 February, Wellington – Production company, 3Foot7 Ltd, is pleased to announce that the first day of principal photography for THE HOBBIT will be Monday 21 March, 2011.

It's official!

Prigodno...i na moj rodjendan... 8)

Sgt. Bull
10-02-2011, 16:03
Konačno. I to baš na moj rođendan :P

10-02-2011, 18:51
Also, prvi dan proljeća ove godine :D

03-03-2011, 22:54
Je li ovo fake? Gledam po treci put i jos uvijek ne mogu vjerovati svojim ocima. Jedva cekam da izađe.

Sgt. Bull
04-03-2011, 00:59
Snimanje počinje tek 21.03. tako da je ovo fake. :)

Sgt. Bull
21-03-2011, 19:09
The Hobbit počeo sa snimanjem! (http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/b231946_hobbit_finally_begins_filming_peter.html?u tm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=imdb_tv-movies)

But, sure enough, principal photography did indeed start today at the Stone Street Studios in Wellington, New Zealand, with director Peter Jackson himself taking a moment to post pics to his Facebook page from the film's set.


Hepi brzdej gothmogS:)

22-03-2011, 10:38

Sa malim zakašnjenjem, uzvraćam čestitke!

Happy b-day, Sgt. Bull!

I jedan veliki YAY!, za početak snimanja!

Devil Dog
24-03-2011, 20:06
Jel ovo stvarno Đekson desno il je fotošop :shock:

Duke of Earl
24-03-2011, 20:10
Evo malo Spocka na tripovima da proslavimo ovaj početak snimanja Hobbita:


25-03-2011, 10:19
@Devil Dog

Da, to je on...izgleda tako, jos od 2002.

@Duke Of Earl

Vidjeh taj spot, stavio pod favourites, i gledam kad trebam smijeha... :)

Sgt. Bull
25-03-2011, 10:38
@gothmog:hvala na čestitkama :)

Inače Empire je posvetio ovu sedmicu Hobbitu pa su objavili:

A how-to guide to slay Smaug (http://www.empireonline.com/features/how-to-slay-the-hobbits-smaug)
What will and won't make the Hobbit (http://www.empireonline.com/features/what-will-and-wont-make-the-hobbit)
Which characters will return in the Hobbit (http://www.empireonline.com/features/which-characters-will-return-in-the-hobbit)

Čekirajte, zanimljiva stvar.

Jel ovo stvarno Đekson desno il je fotošop :shock:
To je Jackson. Čovjek je izgubio kile tokom snimanja King Konga ('05) kada je doslovno radio 21 sat dnevno, snimanje pa montaža.

Kid A
07-04-2011, 01:26

Sgt. Bull
12-04-2011, 01:42

Time for an update. Actually, we've been intending to kick off with a video, which is almost done, so look out for that in the next day or two.SIn the meantime, I thought I'd address the news that has been reported about us shooting THE HOBBIT at 48 frames per second, and explain to you what my thoughts are about this.

We are indeed shooting at the higher frame rate. The key thing to understand is that this process requires both shooting and projecting at 48 fps, rather than the usual 24 fps (films have been shot at 24 frames per second since the late 1920's). So the result looks like normal speed, but the image has hugely enhanced clarity and smoothness. Looking at 24 frames every second may seem ok--and we've all seen thousands of films like this over the last 90 years--but there is often quite a lot of blur in each frame, during fast movements, and if the camera is moving around quickly, the image can judder or "strobe."

Shooting and projecting at 48 fps does a lot to get rid of these issues. It looks much more lifelike, and it is much easier to watch, especially in 3-D. We've been watching HOBBIT tests and dailies at 48 fps now for several months, and we often sit through two hours worth of footage without getting any eye strain from the 3-D. It looks great, and we've actually become used to it now, to the point that other film experiences look a little primitive. I saw a new movie in the cinema on Sunday and I kept getting distracted by the juddery panning and blurring. We're getting spoilt!

Originally, 24 fps was chosen based on the technical requirements of the early sound era. I suspect it was the minimum speed required to get some audio fidelity out of the first optical sound tracks. They would have settled on the minimum speed because of the cost of the film stock. 35mm film is expensive, and the cost per foot (to buy the negative stock, develop it and print it), has been a fairly significant part of any film budget.

So we have lived with 24 fps for 9 decades--not because it's the best film speed (it's not by any stretch), but because it was the cheapest speed to achieve basic acceptable results back in 1927 or whenever it was adopted.

None of this thinking is new. Doug Trumbull developed and promoted a 60 frames per second process called ShowScan about 30 years ago and that looked great. Unfortunately it was never adopted past theme park use. I imagine the sheer expense of burning through expensive film stock at the higher speed (you are charged per foot of film, which is about 18 frames), and the projection difficulties in cinemas, made it tough to use for "normal" films, despite looking amazing. Actually, if anybody has been on the Star Tours ride at Disneyland, you've experienced the life like quality of 60 frames per second. Our new King Kong attraction at Universal Studios also uses 60 fps.

Now that the world's cinemas are moving towards digital projection, and many films are being shot with digital cameras, increasing the frame rate becomes much easier. Most of the new digital projectors are capable of projecting at 48 fps, with only the digital servers needing some firmware upgrades. We tested both 48 fps and 60 fps. The difference between those speeds is almost impossible to detect, but the increase in quality over 24 fps is significant.

Film purists will criticize the lack of blur and strobing artifacts, but all of our crew--many of whom are film purists--are now converts. You get used to this new look very quickly and it becomes a much more lifelike and comfortable viewing experience. It's similar to the moment when vinyl records were supplanted by digital CDs. There's no doubt in my mind that we're heading towards movies being shot and projected at higher frame rates.

Warner Bros. have been very supportive, and allowed us to start shooting THE HOBBIT at 48 fps, despite there never having been a wide release feature film filmed at this higher frame rate. We are hopeful that there will be enough theaters capable of projecting 48 fps by the time The Hobbit comes out where we can seriously explore that possibility with Warner Bros. However, while it's predicted that there may be over 10,000 screens capable of projecting THE HOBBIT at 48 fps by our release date in Dec, 2012, we don’t yet know what the reality will be. It is a situation we will all be monitoring carefully. I see it as a way of future-proofing THE HOBBIT. Take it from me--if we do release in 48 fps, those are the cinemas you should watch the movie in. It will look terrific!

Time to jump in the car and drive to Bag End for the day. Video coming soon!

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/206387_10150222901536558_141884481557_8844818_7638 55_n.jpghttp://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/217218_10150222902311558_141884481557_8844825_1863 776_n.jpg

C/P je urađen zbog činjenice da je ovo sa fb-a a nisam siguran da li svi imate accove pa da ne linkam bezveze. :)

12-04-2011, 07:39
Prvih 5 sekundi čitanja sam se pobojao da 48 fpsa znači da će biti prikazan u konstatnom slow-mo :D

Usput, jel ima još kakvih filmova snimanih u 48+ fpsa, makar i poremećenih artističkih, čisto me zanima prikaz..?

12-04-2011, 08:35
Svidja mi se cinjenica, da ovo nije nista novo, i da je dotični Doug Trumbull vec radio promo film na 60 FPS...Al' mi je još zanimljivije, da ga je struka popljuvala zbog nedostatka blura.

U svakom slučaju, ovo su bile zanimljive novosti!


12-04-2011, 10:17
Al' mi je još zanimljivije, da ga je struka popljuvala zbog nedostatka blura.

To i meni nije jasno... Mislim, ako je scena takva da blur ima ekpresivnu ulogu, onda ok, nedostatak dotičnog može biti minus (kod nekakve utrke ili potjere, recimo, gdje bi blur trebao stvarati dezorjenitarnost/napetost).

Baš me zanima kako će u Hobbitu to ispasti.. jel to znači da nam borba sa Smaugom neće biti napeta jer će cijelo vrijeme biti "statična" ili će digitalno blurati sliku? :D

12-04-2011, 12:20
A ono, jaki problem im je dodati kasnije blur di je potrebno...

14-04-2011, 08:50
Prvi video log od PJ-a!

Uzivajte :)


Lord Ragnarok
14-04-2011, 09:13

14-04-2011, 09:33
Rastopio sam se na kraju clipa... :D

Sgt. Bull
14-04-2011, 11:56
Sir Ian McKellen :pray:

14-04-2011, 17:23
Uh, i u LOTR je Gimli bio eksplozija - kako će sada biti sa 13 patuljaka. :D
Jedva čekam da vidim još.

16-04-2011, 22:01
isuse, tek sad skužio ovo, oni gadovi su maknuli video zbog copyrighta, jel se može još negdje pogledat video?

P.S. nvm našo.

P.P.S. ane nisam se naježio na onu scenu na kraju.

inače jel ima išta vezano uz glazbu u filmu, oće bit koja kompozicija iz lotrova il će sve bit brand new?

17-04-2011, 10:44
Howard Shore je ponovno zadužen za glazbu, tako da nemas brige...

Probao sam naci izjavu Shorea, kako ce glazbena tema Prstena biti jednaka i u Hobbitu, al' mi nije poslo za rukom...

Demon Hunter
17-04-2011, 19:14
Pozz svima.Evo nisam bas dugo bio na ovoj stranici na kojoj sam visio svaki dan prije,a mogu rec ni na PcPlay Forumu.Vidim ima nekih cool vjesti,ali mi se nije dalo citat sve.Ako neko moze mali reply ukratko da napise sta je sve novo oko Hobbita,i ostale stvari.Veliki pozz Gothmogu i Durinu :)

17-04-2011, 20:31
ništa novo, biće zakon, pogledaj si video log ako nisi.

19-04-2011, 22:13
Pozdrav Demon, počelo je sa snimanjem Hobita. Ako nisi, pogledaj video.


Sgt. Bull
27-05-2011, 19:07

Ten years ago, Orlando BloomScreated an iconic character with his portrayal of Legolas. I'm excited to announce today that we'll be revisiting Middle Earth with him once more. I’m thrilled to be working with Orlando again. Funny thing is, I look older—and he doesn’t! I guess that's why he makes such a wonderful elf.

Some more HOBBIT casting news today. As we near the end of our first shooting block (we have a break in less than three weeks to get some editing and visual effects work done, plus prepare for very big scenes coming up), we are looking at characters featuring in sequences that take place a little later in the story.

We are thrilled to confirm that Stephen FrySwill be playing The Master of Laketown. I've known Stephen for several years, and we're developing a DAMBUSTERS movie together. In addition to his writing skills, he's a terrific actor and will create a very memorable Master for us.

The Master's conniving civil servant,SAlfrid will be played by Ryan Gage. Ryan is a great young actor who we originally cast in a small role, but we liked him so much, we promoted him to the much larger Alfrid part.

Last, and certainly not least, is Conan Stevens, who will be playing an Orc called AzogS(Orcs are never called Roger or Dennis for some strange reason). SAnd yes that's his name—Conan! Isn't that cool? Azog is played by Conan! Here's a photo of Conan and I together... I'm pretty tall, probably at least 6'5" or 6'6" I would guess, so that gives you some clue how tall Conan is! You can learn all about him at http://www.conanstevens.com.

Lord Ragnarok
27-05-2011, 19:41
mogu znat di crpis te informacije?

27-05-2011, 20:18
Fora, Gregor Clegane is Game of Thrones glumi Azoga :D

Sgt. Bull
27-05-2011, 20:46
mogu znat di crpis te informacije?
Fegbuk (http://www.facebook.com/PeterJacksonNZ)

Sgt. Bull
30-05-2011, 21:25

Titles Revealed!

I - Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyS- December 14. 2012.

II - Hobbit: There and Back AgainS- December 13. 2013.

Sry :P

30-05-2011, 21:38
drugi dio izlazi dan prije prvog?

30-05-2011, 21:50
Pogledaj godine

30-05-2011, 21:51
Pročitaj sve do kraja.

Dva naslova? Ovome se nisam nadao. Mada mi je malo krivo što ću morati čekati godinu dana da saznam ostatak priče.

30-05-2011, 21:52
Pročitaj knjigu

30-05-2011, 21:53
A jesam ga bubnuo. :D Trebao sam reći ostatak filma.
(Mada nebi bilo loše da pročitam knjigu još jednom, nisam je taknuo valjda 5 godina.)

30-05-2011, 21:56
Tak može. :D

03-06-2011, 00:21
Macan se vraća <3


03-06-2011, 09:41
Narednik Bik je to postoa na stranici prije, ali vrijedi ponoviti, jer svi smo mi zapravo gej!

bloooom *wub*

03-06-2011, 14:56
Vjerojatno meni jedan od najdražih glumaca.

03-06-2011, 20:52
Vjerojatno meni jedan od najdražih glumaca.

Odricem te se.

I cek kog bi bloom trebo glumiti?

Dreamer Deceiver
03-06-2011, 20:53

03-06-2011, 20:55
Legolasa. Da, da, Legolas se ne pojavljuje u knjizi, ali glumit će ga.
(ako stave i Gimlija, odričem se Jacksona)

03-06-2011, 21:21

U Hobitu? Mislim cito sam prije puuuuuuno godina al kolko se sjecam nije bilo Legolasa nego je bila grupa dwarfova, Gandalf i Bilbo...

03-06-2011, 22:21
Vjerojatno meni jedan od najdražih glumaca.

Odricem te se.


Dreamer Deceiver
04-06-2011, 09:29

U Hobitu? Mislim cito sam prije puuuuuuno godina al kolko se sjecam nije bilo Legolasa nego je bila grupa dwarfova, Gandalf i Bilbo...

gledanost hobita bi tako i onako bila jako visoka. Dodaj cameo ulogu(sumnjam da će bit neka veća uloga) legolasa i imaš još višu gledanost zahvaljujući hrpi nabrijanih klinka.

04-06-2011, 14:22
Kul ajmo jos dodati gimlija i sve ostale likove iz LOTRa koji se nisu ni spominjali u knjizi samo tako da dobijemo nekoliko gledaoca kojima se eto svidjaju ti glumci.
U dosadnim trenutcima kad se dwarfovi i bilbo veraju negdje radje staviti kako Saruman pere svoj veš i uspijeva ga sacuvati da bude tako kristalno bijel i sta Gimli radi u svoje slobodno vrijeme sa svojom sjekirom.

Devil Dog
04-06-2011, 14:25
Pa dobro, Lego još može proć pošto mu ćaać igra bitnu ulogu u knjizi...

Dreamer Deceiver
04-06-2011, 14:57
Kul ajmo jos dodati gimlija i sve ostale likove iz LOTRa koji se nisu ni spominjali u knjizi samo tako da dobijemo nekoliko gledaoca kojima se eto svidjaju ti glumci.
U dosadnim trenutcima kad se dwarfovi i bilbo veraju negdje radje staviti kako Saruman pere svoj veš i uspijeva ga sacuvati da bude tako kristalno bijel i sta Gimli radi u svoje slobodno vrijeme sa svojom sjekirom.

Sauron se neposredno pojavljuje u Hobbitu, kad se u jednom djelu gandalf izgubi te, ja misli, ide sa sarumanom i ostalom bijelom ekipom tjerat Saurona van iz neke šume. A legolas će se pojavit ko cameo vjerojatno, samo će uz starog stajat i eventualno nešto reć.

Devil Dog
04-06-2011, 15:10
On ce ih uhitit

04-06-2011, 16:04
Ja imam osjećaj da će se ti likovi (stari Bilbo, Frodo, Legolas, Galadriel) pojaviti u nekakvom uvodu, u njihovoj 'sadašnjosti', poslije događaja iz LOTR-a, i onda će im stari Bilbo pričati svoju priču, ili tako nešto.

Tako bih barem ja napravio, da snimam.

04-06-2011, 16:26
E to sto je Windwalker reko zvuci dobro.

Devil Dog
04-06-2011, 16:29
Da al samo ako prica nekim hobitima, kamin, vatrica, lula...

04-06-2011, 17:55
It's been done...


Sgt. Bull
20-06-2011, 01:07
Yikes! I can finally get back to some postings! We've finished our first block of shooting and moved straight into location scouting. More on that soon... But today, I'm thrilled to announce two new cast members who will be joining us for our second block of shooting.

Evangeline LillySwill be playing a new character—the Woodland Elf, Tauriel. Her name means 'daughter of Mirkwood' and, beyond that, we must leave you guessing! (No, there is no romantic connection to Legolas.) What is not a secret is how talented and compelling an actress Evangeline is; we are thrilled and excited she will be the one to bring our first true Sylvan Elf to life.

I'm also highly excited that Barry HumphriesSwill be portraying the Goblin King, in much the way Andy Serkis created Gollum. Barry is perhaps best known for his business and social connections as the long-time manager of Dame Edna Everage. He has also been an ardent supporter of the rather misunderstood and unfairly maligned Australian politician, Sir Les Patterson. However, in his spare time, Barry is also a fine actor, and we're looking forward to seeing him invest the Goblin King with the delicate sensitivity and emotional depth this character deserves.

Evangeline and Barry, along with Welsh actor Luke Evans as Bard and Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug, just about rounds out the major casting. I cannot wait to get stuck into these new scenes!

More soon, including a flurry of answers to your questions. Sorry for the delay!

Peter J

23-06-2011, 18:31
Gos'n Jackson je bio toliko dobar, pa nam je dao jednu slikicu na uvid! :)


23-06-2011, 18:48
Nice, čak i djeluje malo mračnije od LOTR-a. Boje su ispranije. :)

Dreamer Deceiver
23-06-2011, 18:55
patuljci mi izgledaju prejebeno :D

Sgt. Bull
23-06-2011, 19:19
I neko kaže da bi P.J. mogao ovo zahebati. How yes no :D

Lord Ragnarok
26-06-2011, 14:39
nekak mi ovi iza izgledaju umjetno i naknadno ubaceno, no mozda je to samo do mene

Devil Dog
26-06-2011, 15:26
Nije samo do tebe, meni pozadina više liči na artwork.

26-06-2011, 15:39
Evo vam još slikica:




I sad recite da će ovo failat. :)

Sgt. Bull
26-06-2011, 17:45
Počelo je:

Devil Dog
27-06-2011, 09:31
Gandalf nedovoljno sijed.

27-06-2011, 10:10
Lol pa bio je mladji 60 godina, i Saruman je bio crn kad je dosao u Middle-Earth.

Devil Dog
27-06-2011, 10:18
Erm... Došao je u Međuzemlje 2k godina prije Bilbova rođenja, tako da mi je blesavo da je u 50-ak godina uspio posijedit više nego u 2000.

Dreamer Deceiver
27-06-2011, 10:21
a jeste picajzle, ko da je važno ako je sijed ili crn, glavno je da dobro glumi.

Devil Dog
27-06-2011, 10:23
To su prevažni detalji :D

27-06-2011, 14:24
Da mislim nije to neki detalj neprimjetni, velika je razlika jeli vise ili manje sijed, nekako mi je precrn al nemozemo odma suditi na temelju jedne slike, po meni njega nebi tribali gotovo ni mjenjati.

27-06-2011, 14:46
Isuse, pa jedna stvar je slika za naslovnicu časopisa, a druga stvar je skrinšot koji imate jedan post iznad toga...

27-06-2011, 14:48
Zar vi ne vidite da je naslovna "Empire" magazina namerno zatamljena?To je uradjeno zbog crne pozadine.

28-06-2011, 20:05

dovoljno je siv.

Devil Dog
28-06-2011, 20:20
Grey je zbog boje haljine :D

28-06-2011, 21:22
Gandalf The Turquoise!
Gandalf The Maroon!
Gandalf The Cyan!

Siv je i točka.

Sgt. Bull
29-06-2011, 19:56
Nove slike. Gandalf i Bilbo.



Za razliku od one prije par strana, na drugoj, Bilbo pilji u papire okrenut ka drugoj strani.

Lord Ragnarok
30-06-2011, 09:58
sam da se obazrem na ovo sa gandalfom. gray je rank (nesto ko general/pukovnik/itd) u carobnjackim redovima, stoga on to nije dobio po boji kose, vec je boja kose dobivena s time

30-06-2011, 10:00
Pa da. Ako je tako onda bi Saruman of many colors treabao biti ovako nesto...


Lord Ragnarok
30-06-2011, 10:32
saruman the white? il sam ja nest pobrkao sa knjigama?

30-06-2011, 11:05
Da li pise u knjigama da su mu se skute prelijevale u svim bojama, jer je bio vođa svog reda. Kako kad si ga gledao nisi mogao razlučit kakve su mu boje halje, ovo ono :D

30-06-2011, 11:33
Ali ovdje je rijec o kosi, to sam zaboravio napisati u svom postu gore.

Sgt. Bull
07-07-2011, 19:42
Humbty bumty.

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/262019_217504438285169_160617097307237_579649_5124 322_n.jpg

JED BROPHY as Nori, ADAM BROWN as Ori and MARK HADLOW as Dori in New Line Cinema’s and MGM's fantasy adventure THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo by James Fisher.

These three brothers, all sons of the same mother, could not be more different from each other. Dori, the oldest, spends much of his time watching out for Ori, the youngest; making sure he’s not caught a chill or got himself killed by Wargs or Goblins. Nobody quite knows what Nori gets up to most of the time, except that it’s guaranteed to be dodgy and quite probably, illegal. Dori, Nori and Ori are intensely loyal to each other – and whilst they are perfectly happy fighting amongst themselves, woe-betide anyone who means harm to one of these brothers.

07-07-2011, 20:15
U knjizi nisu bile takve razlike, koliko se ja sjećam

07-07-2011, 20:42
Sad upravo čitam knjigu i sve ih zamišljam poprilično popunjenijima i zdepastijima. Ovi su skoro spremni za modnu pistu kak su šlank :D
Also, needs moar beard!

Arbiter of Change
07-07-2011, 21:23
Izgledaju OK. Ono, Hobbit ima 13 patuljaka. Ako je netko očekivao 13 Gimlija taj je naivan jer ih treba sve nekako odmah vizualno razlikovati što je malo teže kad su svi kepeci, nose plašteve i imaju brade. Samo su im lica malo... derpy u nedostatku bolje riječi. :)

07-07-2011, 21:30
Hobiti sa bradama, intrasteg...
Meni ne smeta, ok su i ovako.

07-07-2011, 22:37
Hobiti sa bradama, intrasteg...
Meni ne smeta, ok su i ovako.
Ovo iznad su patuljci a ne hobiti. Tek tolko ako nekome nije jasno...

07-07-2011, 22:47
Mislim da zeli reci da patuljci izgledaju kao hobiti s bradama...

08-07-2011, 00:45
Ah :D
Pa da, otprilike tako djeluju. Treba još malo dwarfovštine dodati.

08-07-2011, 08:58
Slika patuljaka mi je odlicna. Nisu sva djeca Auleova ista, to je bar jasno! :P

Benedict Cumberbatch (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1212722/)Sdaje glas Smaugu i Nekromantu. Vijest je vec kruzila neko vrijeme, no sada je sluzbeno potvrdjeno.

Dobar izbor, ako se mene pita...

Dreamer Deceiver
08-07-2011, 10:20
Ako iko sumnja u benedictov glas, neka pogleda ovaj mali trailerić :)


08-07-2011, 10:25
Hvala. Baš sam se pitao kakav glas ima kad je dobio ulogu za Smauga.
Biće dobar. :thumbs2:

08-07-2011, 21:33

Gloin & Oin

08-07-2011, 21:42
Lajkam Oinovu bradu. :{D}

08-07-2011, 22:07
Baš si nešto mislim kako nisam čitao odavno knjige pa si mislim uzet neku knjigu nakon što potrošim ove pare (pojačalo ffs).
E sad, imam Hobbita i Prstenovu Družinu (Algoritam FTW) pa neznam što da uzmem. Dvije Kule ili neki od ovih: Silmarillion, Nedovršene Pripovijesti, Pripovijesti iz Opasnih Predjela, Hurinova Djeca. Stvar je u tome da više volim čitat o loreu i povijesti tog svijeta pa bi valjda trebao uzet nešto od ovih drugih. Opet, ja bih i mogao dovršit priču o prstenu pa tek onda se vraćati na lore. Help? :)

Sgt. Bull
08-07-2011, 23:17
Hurinova djeca, bez ikakve dvojbe. Hobit i Hurinova djeca su najbolji po meni.

08-07-2011, 23:56
Velis da te zanima lore, ha? Silmarillion je onda pravi izbor. U njemu je izmedju ostalog i prica o Hurinovoj djeci. Jedino si na gubitku, jer neces imat predivne ilustracije Alana Lee-a...

09-07-2011, 01:15
i ja sam za silmarillion

Sgt. Bull
09-07-2011, 02:19
Production Video #2 (http://www.thehobbitblog.com/?p=3023)

Hf. Ja moram još odgledat. :)

09-07-2011, 08:46
Sylvester McCoy (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0566809/)Sglumi Radagasta! To nisam ni znao! /dance

Sta je Serkis redatelj 2nd unita? hm...

Sve u svemu, pravi pravcati *squeeeee* video!

Dreamer Deceiver
09-07-2011, 10:08
i ja sam za silmarillion

and my axe!

09-07-2011, 14:18
Sylvester McCoy (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0566809/)Sglumi Radagasta! To nisam ni znao! /dance

Sta je Serkis redatelj 2nd unita? hm...

Sve u svemu, pravi pravcati *squeeeee* video!

omg omg omg Sylvester McCoy HIHA
Ovo će bit prezakon

The Great Duck
09-07-2011, 15:08
Velis da te zanima lore, ha? Silmarillion je onda pravi izbor. U njemu je izmedju ostalog i prica o Hurinovoj djeci. Jedino si na gubitku, jer neces imat predivne ilustracije Alana Lee-a...
Šta nisu Hurnova djeca u Nedovršenim pripovijestima (ili čak u obje knjige) ? U svakom slučaju, različite su verzije u različitim knjigama.

Nego,što mislite,hoće li EA raditi novu Hobbit igru,s obzirom da je Sierra već izdala jednu 2003.?

Sgt. Bull
09-07-2011, 15:25
Vjerovatno, EA je to. Mada ne mogu nadmašiti onog Hobbita iz '03. <3

Lord Ragnarok
09-07-2011, 18:44
Baš si nešto mislim kako nisam čitao odavno knjige pa si mislim uzet neku knjigu nakon što potrošim ove pare (pojačalo ffs).
E sad, imam Hobbita i Prstenovu Družinu (Algoritam FTW) pa neznam što da uzmem. Dvije Kule ili neki od ovih: Silmarillion, Nedovršene Pripovijesti, Pripovijesti iz Opasnih Predjela, Hurinova Djeca. Stvar je u tome da više volim čitat o loreu i povijesti tog svijeta pa bi valjda trebao uzet nešto od ovih drugih. Opet, ja bih i mogao dovršit priču o prstenu pa tek onda se vraćati na lore. Help? :)

ako os lore silmarillion, bez ikakve dvojbe. ostalo nemoj ni gledati kad ti je stalo do lorea

09-07-2011, 20:47
Ma stalo je meni do svega al ipak sam uvijek volio povijest, mitologiju i to. Onda ću uzet najvjerovatnije Silmarillion ( a možda i još nešto ako upiknem love) pa nastavljam upotpunjavat kolekciju, znači Dvije Kule i Povratak Kralja.

BTW. Čitam Hobbita nešto danas i gledam onu kartu u koricama knjige... zašto je istok gore a sjever lijevo? :D Piše da su takvi patuljački zemljovidi no opet, malo čudno da se svi koriste tom istom orijentacijom.

09-07-2011, 21:03
ja sam procito hobita i napola silmarillion, mogo bi sad malo silmarillion pa hurinovu djecu
a sva 3 djela sam ko mali cito, film gledo jedno 1600 puta tako da mi se neda :\

09-07-2011, 21:49
Ma stalo je meni do svega al ipak sam uvijek volio povijest, mitologiju i to. Onda ću uzet najvjerovatnije Silmarillion ( a možda i još nešto ako upiknem love) pa nastavljam upotpunjavat kolekciju, znači Dvije Kule i Povratak Kralja.

BTW. Čitam Hobbita nešto danas i gledam onu kartu u koricama knjige... zašto je istok gore a sjever lijevo? :D Piše da su takvi patuljački zemljovidi no opet, malo čudno da se svi koriste tom istom orijentacijom.
Po meni je logično, pošto sunce izlazi na istoku, pa se prema tome orijentiraju na kartama.
Nema nekog posebnog razloga da baš sjever bude gore. Nije sad da imaju Google-Earth (Google-Arda) pa da traže po globusu :D

I obavezni pročitaj Djecu Hurinovu. Prepredobra je knjiga i šteta bi bilo ostavljati ju za kraj.

Sgt. Bull
12-07-2011, 22:31

Dean O'Gorman as Fili and Aidan Turner as Kili in

Dreamer Deceiver
12-07-2011, 22:40
nekako mi... mlađahno izgledaju :D

12-07-2011, 22:52
lol mozda je cudno ali ja sam njih dvojicu upravo tako mlade zamisljao. Kada sam vidio sliku odmah mi pade na pamet, Kili i Fili.

12-07-2011, 22:56
Ja nikako njih da upamtim... dakle, Thorin, Balin, Dvalin, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Ori...?
E da, nakon Hobita krenuo na Prstenovu družinu, kad tamo piše da je Bilbo našao prsten u rudnicima orkova, a u Hobitu su bili goblini.
Pa sad, jel to jedno te isto u tom svijetu il je posrijedi nekakva greška?

12-07-2011, 23:02
...Bifur, Bofur i Bombur. Njih si zaboravio

The Great Duck
12-07-2011, 23:48
Ja nikako njih da upamtim... dakle, Thorin, Balin, Dvalin, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Ori...?
E da, nakon Hobita krenuo na Prstenovu družinu, kad tamo piše da je Bilbo našao prsten u rudnicima orkova, a u Hobitu su bili goblini.
Pa sad, jel to jedno te isto u tom svijetu il je posrijedi nekakva greška?
Isto je.

Sgt. Bull
12-07-2011, 23:50
Zahebo se Zlatko? :D

13-07-2011, 00:03
Zato nemojte čitati prijevode nego ko gospoda original.

Sgt. Bull
13-07-2011, 23:25

Stephen Hunter as Bombur, James Nesbitt as Bofur and William Kircher as Bifur

Postaju malo dosadni sa ovim daylie releasovima. Daj više, umjesto da se skuliraju mjesec i onda nabacaju 20 slika da mi bude zanimljivo oni svakom magazinu daju neku 'ekskluzivu' (po jednu sliku)hebo ih otac maloumni

14-07-2011, 08:02
Ovo je puno bolje od onih "zgodnih" patuljaka. sa 5 o'clock shade bradom...

14-07-2011, 15:57
Bar nisam sanjao da je izašao film, da smo se svi sa foruma skupili i otišli gledat, i da je sakao. :D

15-07-2011, 11:23

Ken Stott as Balin, and Graham McTavish as Dwalin.

15-07-2011, 12:36
Bar nisam sanjao da je izašao film, da smo se svi sa foruma skupili i otišli gledat, i da je sakao. :D

Imo si nocne more.

15-07-2011, 13:42

Sgt. Bull
17-07-2011, 13:02


17-07-2011, 13:05
Like a boss!

Sgt. Bull
17-07-2011, 21:58

17-07-2011, 22:03
Lajkam ostricu i armor. Mnogo.

Devil Dog
18-07-2011, 09:17
Ima mračniji ton od LotR-a.

20-07-2011, 09:33

Sgt. Bull
21-07-2011, 12:32
Video #3! (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150326323406807&oid=141884481557&comments)

21-07-2011, 13:08
Meni je mač meh. Pre fancy je, vise vuce na elf work nego dwarf, al to sam samo ja.

21-07-2011, 14:24
Video #3! (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150326323406807&oid=141884481557&comments)

Sweeeeeeet! Cijeli video sam sa smijeskom pogledao,a da toga nisam bio ni svjestan :D

Sgt. Bull
22-07-2011, 21:24

Sgt. Bull
26-07-2011, 17:40
The Men Behind The Make-Up: The Dwarves Of The Hobbit (http://www.empireonline.com/features/hobbit-dwarves-guide/)


02-09-2011, 11:47
Na današnji dan, prije 38 godina umro je veliki Tolkien u 81. godini života.

02-09-2011, 12:46
Rest in peace.

Durin zasto nisi moderator?

02-09-2011, 14:03
Nemam vremena ni volje za obavljanje dužnosti + čini se da se forum "smirio".

02-09-2011, 14:26
Na današnji dan, prije 38 godina umro je veliki Tolkien u 81. godini života.

TV kalendar? :D

03-09-2011, 16:43

:pray: :pray:

One ding dong to rule them all

one ding dong to find them

one ding dong to bring them all

and in the darkness bind them

in the Land of Sweden where Socialists lie

Sgt. Bull
25-10-2011, 22:46

Bliži se deseta godišnjica otkako je izašao prvi dio filma, skladno sa tim Empire magazin (http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=32314)Sje posvetio veliki dio novog broja tome pa... well, hepi brzdej aj ges. :)

26-10-2011, 18:22
Pretekao si me :)

Kul slika, u svakom slucaju!

04-11-2011, 09:59
4th Hobbit video blog (Facebook) (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150451523596807&set=vb.141884481557&type=2&theater)

Najvise se govori o 3D tehnologiji i 48 FPS tehnici snimanja, al svejedno necete skidat osmijeh s lica :)

Alan Lee i John Howe su u videu ;)

Sgt. Bull
04-11-2011, 11:17
Najbolji video. Alan Lee i Howe su pregenijalni.

Sgt. Bull
04-11-2011, 19:27
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/379895_10150442868361558_141884481557_10680259_211 2309964_n.jpg


sry na dublu... btw da se već pohvalim da sam nabavio The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-earth SE! Četiri prelijepe mape sa pratećom knjigom od 80 strana. Mape su djelo Howeovih ruku (ovaj čikica na desnoj strani).

sljike nisu moje :P

04-11-2011, 20:35
Imenovali su svaku kameru. :pray:

Sgt. Bull
14-11-2011, 20:54
100 Things You Didn't Know About Lord of the Rings [Empire Magazine] (http://www.empireonline.com/features/lord-of-the-rings-100-facts/)
:) hf

Sgt. Bull
06-12-2011, 16:46

Bliži se deseta godišnjica otkako je izašao prvi dio filma, skladno sa tim Empire magazin (http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=32314)Sje posvetio veliki dio novog broja tome pa... well, hepi brzdej aj ges. :)

Full Interview (http://www.empireonline.com/interviews/interview.asp?IID=1405)
Hf. :)

07-12-2011, 10:52
Lijep članak...naveo je i mene da se sjetim zanimljivih trenutaka prije i poslije gledanja filmova u kinu, te obaveznom pijankom uz prepricavanje dojmova :D

Sgt. Bull
20-12-2011, 21:10

Happy Holidays! :)

Dreamer Deceiver
21-12-2011, 08:08
trailer za hobbita ^^


21-12-2011, 08:35

Cerekam se k'o mutav. :)

21-12-2011, 09:22
Zbog ovog se zaboravlja na Dark Knightove i slično.

Death By Sexy
21-12-2011, 09:29
Omfgđ!!!!!!!!! Rulaće svemire!

21-12-2011, 09:39
Jebemti...kad patuljci zapjevaju, sav se naježim.

Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night,
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light.

Dreamer Deceiver
21-12-2011, 11:43
znači nisam jedini koji se je naježio na trailer? :D

21-12-2011, 13:49
Ovo će biti preawesome :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

21-12-2011, 14:07
Riskira da bude repriza LOTR-a, ali nadam se da će biti dobro :D

Sgt. Bull
21-12-2011, 14:59
Ne može biti repriza LOTR-a. Ako si čitao knjigu onda to znaš. Još samo godina. I onda opet još godina... brzo će to. Right?

21-12-2011, 15:18
Ne repriza po radnji nego po settingu, ugođaju, likovima itd. Čak su i sami rekli da recikliraju scenografiju i propseSiz LOTR-a.
Mislim, naravno da će film biti odličan, samo će faliti onaj element iznenađenja koji je prva tri filma učinio iznimnim :D

Sgt. Bull
21-12-2011, 15:26
Ah, misunderstood. Isprike. Ma film će ownati svakako, uz TDKR najiščekivaniji film desetljeća. A tek je 2012. :)

21-12-2011, 17:38
Dobro da izlazi tjedan dana prije Kraja Svijeta ®, pa stignemo :D

21-12-2011, 19:16
A što onda s nastavkom???
Moramo odgodit kraj svijeta.

Nego, mora biti što sličniji LOTR-u.
Pa isti je svijet, i bilo bi glupo da mijenjaju.
A i LOTR je savršen!

Čak je i soundtrack tu, a ova nova pjesma ga samo upotpunjuje i još poboljšava.

Već sam triput pogledao trailer, i svaki put se naježim, sa suzom u oku.


21-12-2011, 21:48
It´s time to experience the adventure once again!

Opet sam počeo plakati kad sam vidio trailer. :cry: Jedva čekam. Jedino se bojim da ću morati raditi dvodnevni maraton gledanja LoTR i Hobbit trilogije.

21-12-2011, 22:16
Riskira da bude repriza LOTR-a, ali nadam se da će biti dobro :D
Samo neka riskira, ionako 11 sati LotR-a nije bilo dovoljno.

21-12-2011, 22:24
Ne repriza po radnji nego po settingu, ugođaju, likovima itd. Čak su i sami rekli da recikliraju scenografiju i propseSiz LOTR-a.
Mislim, naravno da će film biti odličan, samo će faliti onaj element iznenađenja koji je prva tri filma učinio iznimnim :D

Pa neka recikliraju, LOTR mi je još uvijek jedini high fantasy koji nije ispao strašno neuvjerljiv i cheesy na filmu. Već sam odustao od takvih filmova.

Demon Hunter
22-12-2011, 15:06
Jebemti...kad patuljci zapjevaju, sav se naježim.

Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night,
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light.

Jebemti zivot. Daj zamrznite me do 2012
Ledi mi se krv u zilama od ove pjesme a pogotovo Thorinov glas.
PJ Legenda.
PS: Pozz svima.

22-12-2011, 15:08
Jebemti zivot. Daj zamrznite me do 2012.

Tjedan dana? :D

Sgt. Bull
24-12-2011, 00:23
#5 is here. Za sada samo na fb.

11-01-2012, 12:34

Čudna verzija i likovi, usudio bih se reći :D

Sgt. Bull
30-01-2012, 23:59
http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/lego-frodo-lotr-poster-404x600.jpgLotr legići. Isusati, koja lošost.

31-01-2012, 17:39
Baš su fora (ok ok, možda izgledaju ko lokalni terminalni narkići, al..) :D


Boromir i Gimli ftw

31-01-2012, 19:16
Rula Gimli.
I što to drži Sam :?

31-01-2012, 19:36
I što to drži Sam :?
Ono svjetlo što galadriel da frodu, mislim.

Sgt. Bull
01-02-2012, 12:51
Svi žele biti u Hobbitu (http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2012/jan/31/the-hobbit-casting-call-shut)S :)

01-02-2012, 13:51
Čudi me da ih nije bilo više. :D

Organisers will now continue their hunt online
Ako se ljudi budu njima javljali, onda očekujem pad servera.

02-03-2012, 09:16
THE HOBBIT, Production Video #6 (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150720773691807)

Arbiter of Change
02-03-2012, 10:16
Za nas smrtnike. There's a chopper behind me, isn't it?S:)


02-03-2012, 11:59
Ja bih tamo.
U tom okruženju da cijeli dan pereš posuđe, mislim da si i dalje savršeno ispunjen i zadovoljan lol.

Anyhow, one bačve pod kraj, i mislio sam da će biti zanimljivo :D

Sgt. Bull
02-03-2012, 12:27
U jbt, još 19 dana i ima godina dana da se snima.

I gothmogu rođendan?

03-03-2012, 10:09
@Arbitre Lietu

Postao bi i ja YouTube link, al' svaki production video do sada, je bio uklonjen...Doduše, možda se situacija promijenila...

@Sgt. Bull

I tebi je, naredniče...

Sgt. Bull
21-03-2012, 11:08
HB Gothmože.


21-03-2012, 16:40
Hvala naredniče!

HB i tebi!

21-03-2012, 16:48
Sretan rođendan obojici. :)

Sgt. Bull
25-03-2012, 09:28
Hvala na čestitkama!

Danas je Tolkien Reading Day pa stoga... Sretno!

06-06-2012, 08:27
THE HOBBIT, Production Video #7 (Facebook) (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151028043926807)

Evo i YouTube, pa gledajte dok ga ne maknu;


Sgt. Bull
06-06-2012, 08:57
Lee & Howe :pray:
Zadnjih 20 sekundi :rotfl:

06-06-2012, 11:02
Lee & Howe :pray:
Zadnjih 20 sekundi :rotfl:

Prejako, al sta bi dao sa sam u sobi sa njima dvojicom.

A da, Legolas. :rotfl:

06-06-2012, 21:36

evo svih 6 filmeka u jednom, jebena stvar !!!

07-06-2012, 07:57
Lee & Howe :pray:

Znači, tako to izgleda, kada radiš ono što voliš. :D

07-06-2012, 18:40

evo svih 6 filmeka u jednom, jebena stvar !!!
Zakon, još ću sve pogledat :)

Sgt. Bull
03-07-2012, 10:13
New Pics - incl. Gollum (http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20483133_20608420,00.html#21179588)S :D

Sgt. Bull
07-07-2012, 17:11

07-07-2012, 17:26
Hoću gledat odma sada odma!

Dreamer Deceiver
07-07-2012, 18:00
ovaj poster izgleda tako seksi da je to za ne vjerovat

Sgt. Bull
12-07-2012, 01:52
Nju poster:

Prevelik je... pa... clicky i guess. (http://www.empireonline.com/news/image/hobbitscrollposter.asp)

12-07-2012, 01:55
Najbolji film u posljednjih 9 godina!

12-07-2012, 13:55
Jedva čekam, ovo je genijalan poster :pray: :pray:
Idem sad opet čitat Hobita :)

Sgt. Bull
12-07-2012, 19:59
Comic-Con Report! (http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=34558)

13-07-2012, 04:53
and the stars include Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage,

Nije da sam jedno sedam puta pročitao Morgan Freeman. Šest ujutro :(

13-07-2012, 07:25
Dobro da ga nema. Uopće ga ne volim, overrated je i ne bi se nikako uklopio u film.

17-07-2012, 12:05
Peter Jackson će i od "Hobita" napraviti trilogiju (http://mojtv.hr/magazin/7834/peter-jackson-ce-i-od-hobita-napraviti-trilogiju.aspx)

Nije još sigurno, al' je ipak vrijedno postanja...

17-07-2012, 12:10
Što više, to bolje.

Sgt. Bull
23-07-2012, 20:25


23-07-2012, 21:11
Kako je moguće od jedne knjige (koja uopće nije toliko velika) napraviti trilogiju? :?

23-07-2012, 21:19
Pa i je. Radije bih pokrio sve događaje iz Hobita, knjiga je stvarno odlična. Čitao sam (sad u bolnici) trilogiju i nekako mi je Frodov put najdosadniji, tek kod Sherlobinog brloga bude zanimljivo. Put patuljaka je mnogo, mnogo zabavniji. Jedino me zanima kako će ga podijeliti; prvi nastavak možda do pronalaska Prstena, a drugi? Mrkodol? Treći mora ostat za Smauga i Bitku najvjerovatnije.

Sgt. Bull
23-07-2012, 21:25
Hobbit je proširen sa još nekih parsto stranica pored originalne verzije. Ima u njegovim spisima, objavljeno je u nekim od Tolkienovih kolekcija. Mrsko mi se sada prisjećati gdje i šta tačno... x)

Sgt. Bull
30-07-2012, 16:44
Oficijelno je

It is only at the end of a shoot that you finally get the chance to sit down and have a look at the film you have made. Recently Fran, Phil and I did just this when we watched for the first time an early cut of the first movie - and a large chunk of the second. We were really pleased with the way the story was coming together, in particular, the strength of the characters and the cast who have brought them to life. All of which gave rise to a simple question: do we take this chance to tell more of the tale? And the answer from our perspective as the filmmakers, and as fans, was an unreserved ‘yes.'

We know how much of the story of Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Gandalf, the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of Dol Guldur will remain untold if we do not take this chance. The richness of the story of The Hobbit, as well as some of the related material in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, allows us to tell the full story of the adventures of Bilbo Baggins and the part he played in the sometimes dangerous, but at all times exciting, history of Middle-earth.

So, without further ado and on behalf of New Line Cinema, Warner Bros. Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Wingnut Films, and the entire cast and crew of “The Hobbit” films, I’d like to announce that two films will become three.
It has been an unexpected journey indeed, and in the words of Professor Tolkien himself, "a tale that grew in the telling."

30-07-2012, 16:49

Dreamer Deceiver
30-07-2012, 16:52
neznam, nešto mi smrdi tu. Nebi htio da razvodne priču i zaseru film. Trebali su se držat dva djela i boh

30-07-2012, 19:55
Gdje ima tih kristalnih kugli za kupiti?

Ako su sva tri LoTR fillma dobra, onda imam apsolutno povjerenje u Jacksona da da će i Hobiti biti dobri makar napravio i pet nastavaka ako on tako želi.
Uostalom budemo vidjeli...prerano je za donositi zaključke...

30-07-2012, 20:01
Ja se nadam da neće samo postojeću radnju razvuć, nego da će ubacit još materijala. Nek dodaju još. Bog zna da u Tolkienovom univerzumu ima priča... Bilbo je imo više od jedne pustolovine...

03-08-2012, 04:57
Pročitah Silmarillion, Hurinovu djecu i naravno trilogiju s Hobitom.
Ne znam koja mi je najdraža sad. Silmarillion je negdje u sredini zbivanja bio pomalo zbunjujuć zbog raznih komplikacija s rodovima, narodima i imenima (i dalje teško pamtim imena :() ali sve je fino objašnjeno. Dodatci na krajevima knjiga (Algoritam) su ipak bili malo previše - po jedan u Hurina, Silmarillionu i Povratku kralja - pa ne treba mi u svakoj izgovor i korijeni riječi. Rodoslovlja su dobro došla ali nisam baš to proučavao.
Hurinova djeca je fantastična knjiga, malo prekratka. Trilogija je super, ali zadnji dio su mi nekako otegli... tj. Frodo i Sam.

03-08-2012, 09:24
Dopusti da ti pomognem:

Najviše sam uživao u prvoj. Silmarillion je close second, a LotR je odličan, ali možda malo predug.
Hurinova Djeca > Silmarillion > LotR

03-08-2012, 10:01
Kako ide trilogija tako mi je i redoslijed najdražih, ali ipak ih sve šiša Hobit (ne znam zašto, ali ostavila je veći utisak na mene od trilogije - ne ubrajajući Hurina i Silm.). Moram sad nabavit Bombadila i Nedovršene pripovijesti, ili kako se već zovu.

Dreamer Deceiver
03-08-2012, 10:22
Pripovjesti iz opasnih predjela se zove knjiga kamo se nalaza Bombadilove pjesme ;) Knjiga je inače dječja, tako se nemoj iznenaditi kad je budeš čitao, ali svejedno je simpa :)

Mene su Hurinova djeca razočarala, ne iz razloga šta je priča loša, nego šta nisam dobio ništa novog, ko da je to praktički copy paste chaptera iz Silmarilliona i chaptera iz Nedovršenih pripovijesti.

03-08-2012, 10:44
To sam i ja rekao Delu nekidan, previše toga se ponavlja. Svejedno je prilično dobra, ilustracije su savršeno pogođene. Jedino mi je problem orijentirati se na vražjem zemljovidu - da me ubiješ ali neke lokacije ni u trilogiji ne mogu locirati kako spada.

03-08-2012, 10:56
Okej...ima dosta c/p materijala iz Silma, al' ako me sjećanje služi, dio sa Labadalom je dosta opširniji, a mislim da i Niniel dio ima noviteta. To je ono što mi bez većeg razmišljanja pada na pamet.

Ako mene pitate, same slike Alana Leea iz knjige, vrijede tih novaca :D

Dreamer Deceiver
03-08-2012, 11:13
s tim se slažem :D

03-08-2012, 11:26
O da. Obožavam te ilustracije. :pray:

03-08-2012, 11:29
Čitam ovih dana Silmarillion i baš se vidi da je strpano naknadno.. usput, popizdim kad u naraciji dođe "neki govore da..."

Dreamer Deceiver
03-08-2012, 11:31
A čuj, ipak je to naknadno objavljeno nakon Tolkinove smrti. Da je Tolkien to uspio završit kako pada, Silmarillion bi poderao i sve hobite i gospodare skupa. Morgoth <3

03-08-2012, 11:32
Dosta je zbunjujuće. Prvo mi je trebalo vremena da pohvatam tko su Eldari, Valinori, Noldori, Teleri... ali tek kod Feanora, Fingolfina i ostalih imena na F stiže prava zbunjola, ne mogu se snaći da me jebeš. Na drugo čitanje će valjda sjest. Jedino me zanima zašto je Iluvatar, ako je on kao "bog", manje puta spomenut od Mandosa koji je kao, njegov zamjenik ili nešto (ako se ne varam)? Šta ne bi on trebao "suditi" tu? Inače mi je taj prvi dio o Glazbi predobar.

03-08-2012, 11:36
Žestoko mi je kad se Luthien i Beren krenu fajtati protiv Saurona, koji se pretvori u vukodlaka, napadne Luthien "ali ga uhvati drijemežSjer mu je ova preko glave bacila ogrtač" i Huan ga razvali WTF :D :D

edit: aha, ona ima magic cloak :D

03-08-2012, 11:40
Iluvatar je više kao stvoritelj i sudac nakon posljednjeg shitstorma.
Default bogovi su Mandos i ostali.

@Aerial, meni je to fora. Dodaje onaj touch "Folklora" u koji se može sumnjat ili koji zvuči "skrpano" jer je istina izgubljena nekad davno. Ne znam, meni to paše.

18-08-2012, 08:42