Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Elemental: War of Magic + ekspanzije

Arbiter of Change
07-11-2008, 20:14
Ukratko, u pitanju je najava nove igre od dobro poznatog Stardocka koja je na Gamespotu popraćena zanimljivom izjavom koja vjerojatno najbolje opisuje zašto bi ova igra mogla razvaliti kad se pojavi, ukoliko vas zanima žanr naravno (nemojmo zaboraviti ni Stardockov pedigre kad su kvalitetne strategije u pitanju):

Elemental: War of Magic is one part Master of Magic, one part Civilization, and one part Total War, with a dash of The Lord of the Rings fiction sprinkled in for good measure. And from our brief first look at the game, Elemental is also one of the more promising fantasy strategy entries to surface in a long while.
Gamespot najava (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/elementalwarofmagic/news.html?sid=6200601&om_act=convert&om_clk=picks&tag=picks;story;3)
Službena stranica (http://www.elementalgame.com/)



08-11-2008, 10:15
činime se dobrom igrom, a sad jel je......to če samo vrijeme pokazati 8)

08-11-2008, 10:56
čim stardock radi na njoj, valjda će biti dobra.

Herr Schnitzel
08-11-2008, 15:15
Dobro izgleda, dobro zvuci, jos samo da se dobro i igra...

08-11-2008, 15:25
Dobro izgleda, dobro zvuci, jos samo da se dobro i igra...

morat će, vjerujem da če uspjeti 8)

The Boz
08-11-2008, 15:59
Ajd, barem se sad mogu radovati igri a da ju ne zovem Not-MoM :D

08-11-2008, 19:49
say what?

08-11-2008, 19:54
Stardock se pokazao tim koji zna itekako dobro radit igre, tj. strategije, tak da po meni uopce nema razloga za brigu glede kvalitete konacnog proizvoda. Kak pise u najavi, kane izmjesat nekoliko tipova gameplay-a u jedan i bas me zanima kak bu to na kraju ispalo. Vrijeme ce sve pokazati kao i uvjek...ja se nadam najboljem jer su dokazali da su jako sposoban tim. Jedva cekam :thumbs2:

The Boz
08-11-2008, 20:27
Prije nego su najavili igru i ime, rekli su da rade na nečemu, da je strateška igra, i da definitivno nije Master of Magic. I tako su ga ljudi prozvali Not-MoM. Ima par godina u tome već.

Arbiter of Change
13-11-2008, 15:19
Još malo informacija:
Kingdom Building, Diplomacy, and Dragons (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/elementalwarofmagic/news.html?sid=6200926&om_act=convert&om_clk=picks&tag=picks;story;5)

13-11-2008, 15:38
dugo nisam odigro neku dobru strategiju tako da jedva čekam ovo.... :)

13-11-2008, 21:25
igra izlazi za više neg godinu i več se zna točan mjesec izlaska :o

uglavnom izgleda super jedva čekam :)

15-11-2008, 07:52
igra izlazi za više neg godinu i več se zna točan mjesec izlaska :o

uglavnom izgleda super jedva čekam :)

a načekat čemo se...valjda dadnu neki demo ubrzo....mada sumljam..... 8)

Arbiter of Change
25-08-2009, 05:33
Nakon dosta dugo vremena bez informacija sad konačno je došlo vrijeme da se i to ispravi.
http://kotaku.com/5344334/elemental-war ... than-magic (http://kotaku.com/5344334/elemental-war-of-magic-impressions-theres-more-to-might-than-magic)

25-08-2009, 12:25
Izgleda dobro, ali ja bi radije da opet rade neki space RTS, u tome su ipak najbolji :D

26-08-2009, 05:59
Ma igra zvuči super, valjda će neš bit od nje.

Arbiter of Change
23-09-2009, 14:38
Evo jedan kratki video s malo konkretnog gameplaya... sviđa mi se gotovo cell shaded izgled, pogotovo u pokretu:
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/pax-0 ... -war/56387 (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/pax-09-elemental-war/56387)

13-01-2010, 16:07
Igra izlazi za pola mjeseca, 1.2. i izgleda prilično obećavajuće. Nadam se da će uspjeti jer stvarno izgleda kao dobar mix više žanrova. Evo par screenova:


Arbiter of Change
18-02-2010, 17:39
Još malo informacija. Imam nade i očekivanja, iako ćemo se načekati do kraja ljeta da ju zaigramo.
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/ele ... e=previews (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/elementalwarofmagic/news.html?sid=6250185&tag=topslot;thumb;5&mode=previews)

The dynasty system has proven to be far more interesting than we had realized. In Elemental, the player exists in the game as a specific unit (the sovereign). The sovereign can have children who appear in the game as champions with various powers. These units can be married off to other kingdoms to secure alliances and gain other political advantage. In turn, they can have children. We have a genetic algorithm for producing the children, which has had some interesting visual results. In one game, I married my beautiful daughter to a trog monster. I will require many months of therapy to recover after seeing their child.


Probably the biggest difference in our strategy on computer AI is that we're going to expose our AI algorithms to players via Python. In Galactic Civilizations, I wrote the AI myself, and as good as it was, there was always the limitation of "it could only be as good as I was." In Elemental, I'm writing the computer AI again, but this time, when it's done, players will be able to modify it as well.


18-02-2010, 17:41
Super, moji unuci će biti trolovi :rotfl: .

The Boz
18-02-2010, 17:42
Meni je najgenijalniji dio o genetski nasljednom izgledu.
Jel bu itko križao guštere i ljude, kao ja?

18-02-2010, 17:47
Damn, kak sam ovo uspio propustit :o Stardock je u igri i to je dovoljan razlog da bi igra mogla kickat ass. Pratim je od sad.

Arbiter of Change
19-02-2010, 01:23
Meni je najgenijalniji dio o genetski nasljednom izgledu.
Jel bu itko križao guštere i ljude, kao ja?
A ne, bar da reptili u jednoj stvarnosti postoje! :)
Mene samo zanima koje ćemo sve alteracije AI-a vidjeti nakon što igra izađe. Razvaljivati će.

19-02-2010, 01:41
Iako nevolim baš strategije i ovakav tip igara ovo izgleda jako zabavno.

Arbiter of Change
23-05-2010, 11:08
Jedan mali, novi post na službenom forumu.
Explaining what Elemental is to people (http://forums.elementalgame.com/382597)

23-05-2010, 11:22
Djeluje jako obečavajuće, jedna od rijetkih strateških igara koja mi trenutno privlači pozornost. Sviđa mi se što pokušavaju napravit nešto novo i na neki način unaprijedit žanr.

19-08-2010, 12:44
Za 5 dana nam izlazi Elemental, baš me zanima kako će ispasti.

22-08-2010, 09:52
We are getting reports that the street date for Elemental has been broken. This is one of the downsides of being an indie, we lack sufficient retail clout to get retailers to take our street dates seriously apparently (same thing happened for Demigod).

As a result, we plan to make Elemental available to beta testers TOMORROW (Sunday) as well to pre-order customers ASAP (either tomorrow or first thing Monday).

However, because I have to re-task the IT team to do this, I'm going to have to have us delay the multiplayer server availability until later this week - Tuesday - the original release date - or Wednesday in all likelihood). It won't affect the single player, campaign, or modding.

The Boz
22-08-2010, 10:16
Oh look, I can play, like, right now!

22-08-2010, 10:19

They said midday morning for beta testers.

Assuming morning is 9 AM in the US(eastern), for those in europe that will be around 15:00(CET). Given that there will be delays and that the download will take a little while, my guesstimate is that i'll be playing the game around 17:30+

23-09-2010, 15:44
Šta, nitko ne igra ovo? Zašto je tako loše igra prošla? Ja sam igrao malo i prilično mi je dobra, no treba dosta stvari ispraviti, tako da ću opet zaigrati kad izađe određen broj patcheva da se ispravi većina problema.

DJ Not Nice
23-09-2010, 16:19

Šta, nitko ne igra ovo? Zašto je tako loše igra prošla?


Treba dosta stvari ispraviti, tako da ću opet zaigrati kad izađe određen broj patcheva da se ispravi većina problema.

23-09-2010, 18:52
Igra je odlična, ali nažalost i dalje zahtijeva dosta rada, odigrao sam jednu igru, definitivno ima ono nešto, onaj "one more turn" feel ali nažalost imerziju dosta razjebaju bugovi i interface, za kojih mjesec dva ovo će biti i više nego odlično ali zasad se ne isplati nabavljat

Arbiter of Change
16-12-2010, 14:57
Izašao je konačno patch 1.1 koji masivno poboljšava igru i mijenja je na više razina od tutoriala pa nadalje.
Igra je sada navodno kakva je trebala biti. Nakon samo pola godine. :)

Current players can update now via the Impulse client.
Players who purchase the game by December 31, 2010 are eligible to receive the first expansion pack free of charge.


Highlights of this update are:

* Global Mana System- Instead of having mana per unit, mana is a player resource. Players must balance between using their mana to enchant their cities and units, summoning creatures, attacking their enemies, or saving up for powerful late game spells.
* New Spells- New spellbooks and spells have been added to make magic more unique and strategic. High level spells can wipe out cities, raise volcanoes and hit enemy armies with powerful tornados that scatter their units across the countryside.
* Population as a resource- Players must consider how their population should be used. Population is the primary factor for the player's economy through taxes and each improvement and unit the player builds requires population. Players have to choose if they want to allocate people to a study researching techs, a workshop producing materials or as a scout to explore the world.
* Dramatic update to the UI- Nearly every screen and interface has been improved to be more useful and intuitive for the player. Important information has been brought to the main interface, and greater detail is provided in the detail screens so the player can see exactly how his empire is running.
* Rebalance of the game- The core stat mechanics were reworked and every unit, equipment and monster stat was reviewed and tweaked to make for a more balanced and even playing experience.

The Boz
16-12-2010, 15:05
Huzzah! Bilo je i vrijeme.
Evo, ja brojim da je ovo do sada bila plaćena beta, i da je igra izašla 2011. :p

Arbiter of Change
16-12-2010, 15:14
I ja mislim. :)
Mogao bi zaigrati opet kad nađem vremena sad.

16-12-2010, 15:36
Znači, sad se kao isplati igrat?

Arbiter of Change
23-05-2011, 22:48
Intervju povodom skorog izlaska Elemental: Fallen EnchantressSkoji će biti besplatno dostupan svim vlasnicima War of Magic. Pravo vrijeme za povratak?

Elemental: Fallen Enchantress will be released as a stand-alone game but will be free to all players who purchased Elemental: War of Magic in 2010 and will be heavily discounted for anyone who purchases Elemental: War of Magic prior to Fallen Enchantress’s anticipated Summer 2011 release.

http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/ele ... e=previews (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/elementalwarofmagicfallenenchantress/news.html?sid=6314946&tag=updates;editor;all;title;4&mode=previews)

The most common [request]Sis more interesting spells. Because we believe this is critical both to War of Magic and Fallen Enchantress, the War of Magic post-release patches have dramatically improved the spells the game offers. Fallen Enchantress goes far beyond what War of Magic offers, with new spells, new types of spells and it's all built to be easily modable.

The second most common request is to make the world more interesting. Without variety, risks, and rewards, it feels very similar and bland. In Fallen Enchantress, the player's first challenge is to conquer and civilize the world around his starting area. Send out scouts to explore the world. Many may not return, but those that do may bring back valuable knowledge, experience, and treasures.

The Boz
23-05-2011, 23:23
Nadam se. Jako se nadam. Sam Elemental ima toliko mnogo dobrih dijelova, zakon detalja, treba mu samo malo pomoći.

04-01-2012, 22:51
Revive topica: je li mozda netko ovo igrao nedavno da nas izvijesti jesu li se i koliko stvari poboljsale... Stoji mi na kompu vec neko vrijeme, ali se ne usudujem igrati da ne bi izgubio sate i onda shvatio da je i dalje neispolirana.

Arbiter of Change
06-01-2012, 18:02
Fallen Enchantress alpha video. Poboljšan UI, itd.


06-01-2012, 19:01
Kad uopće ta ekspanzija izlazi? Čitao sam negdje stari release date, mislim da je bio u 11. mjesecu prošle godine, a sad nigdje ne mogu naći novi release date. Ali moram pohvaliti što su si uzeli dovoljno vremena da kako treba naprave igru, nadam se da će biti puno bolja nego original kad izađe.

Arbiter of Change
09-02-2012, 13:10
Ne zna se još pouzdano.

Inače, novi dev diary.

For example, I like the ability to recruit monsters. But it’s too hard to get and not rewarding enough when you do. So the Bonding Ceremony and Mercenaries techs are gone. Instead the ability to create those improvements comes on other techs that were already worth getting (higher level improvements that allow you to recruit things like dragons and ogres are still special techs). Most importantly when you train a monster like a Drake or Troll in your cities they will start at the normal level for that monster type, not level 1. So your drake will start as a level 6 drake and capable of doing some damage.

Arbiter of Change
11-04-2012, 10:35
O mađijanju.

23-10-2012, 20:41
Inače,izašao Fallen Enchantress,probao ko? Valja?

24-10-2012, 11:12
nabavio fallen enchantress.

zasad mi se igra čini dobrom, samo već nakon nekih 10 minuta igre, negdje 3. fight, stisnem slučajno na menu(neznajuči da je to uopče ikona za menu) i kad sam izašo iz menua igra me vratila u campaign mapu, a ne u battle mapu, te su na istom polju bila 2 moja heroja i neprijateljska vojska s kojom su se tukli, jel. i pošto nisam skonto kako da se to unormali, uloadam od prije par turnova, pošaljem heroja da rekruta nekog championa, ostanem bez movement pointsa, i uopče nemogu završit potez već mi samo cijelo vrijeme stoji onaj pješčani sat usrani, i tako jedno 2 min dok nisam započeo novi game, s drugom fakcijom, i opet isto sranje nakon što sam prvog championa rekruto.

nzm sad jel to neki bug il šta, al je jebeno čudno, također nisam primjetio neki tutorial, a igra se čini prilično opširnom(što je naravno + :))

Arbiter of Change
15-02-2013, 12:35
Stiže ekspanzija za Fallen Enchantress naziva Legendary Heroes.
http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/02/06/falle ... announced/ (http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/02/06/fallen-enchantress-legendary-heroes-announced/)

“A new Champion progression system. Instead of random traits your champions have a trait tree that they can select traits from as they level up, grow your champions the way you want.”

“The ability to recruit special non-human champions. Champions aren’t just humans anymore. Rare opportunities or quests may unlock champions of various monster races that can choose traits and use equipment.”

“New tactical combat options. Swarm gives a bonus for every ally that surrounds the enemy you are attacking. Be careful where you stand as even weak creatures can become dangerous in groups (especially those with traits that improve their Swarm bonus). Weapons all have special abilities and every faction has a special ability they can use in combat so even lowly spearmen have 2 special abilities they can use in addition to their normal move and attack options.”

“New monster types like the Banshee who is immune to physical weapons, or the Garagox who knocks enemies back with each hit (which makes it difficult to get swarm bonuses and control the battlefield).”

“New spells and abilities. New range types have been added that allow for adjacent and line spells and abilities. Use Wall of Fire in tactical to create a line, 7 tiles long, to block allies from enemy units. Master necromancy to summon up to nine different skeleton units at once with the Raise Skeletal Horde spell. Use Resoln’s Wraith Touch to drain life from a nearby enemy or Altar’s Rush ability to forfeit their attack to get an extra action.”

“A new scenario. Relias has returned to warn the kingdoms of what he discovered in the East, but there is little time left. The war has begun.”

15-02-2013, 13:33
Arby sam da te pitam. Jeli ovo ko AoW bez MP-a il sam dobio krivi dojam?

Arbiter of Change
15-02-2013, 14:03
Tako nešto, ali je veći naglasak na 4X. AoW je solidna usporedba. Samo preskoči Elemental jer je loš i bio je praktički beta za FE.

15-02-2013, 14:15
Aha. Mozda cak probam, treba mi zagrijavanje prije dolaska AoW3 :D.

Arbiter of Change
23-05-2013, 09:00
Legendary Heroes je izašao.

Recenzija na MMORTS.
http://www.rtsguru.com/game/460/article ... eroes.html (http://www.rtsguru.com/game/460/article/5868/Review-of-Fallen-Enchantress-Legendary-Heroes.html)

Overall, I can see that this game is not really a traditional expansion pack and instead is a reworking of the game with improvements to the core gameplay. The graphics are better, the game design tighter and refreshing, and the world richer with more monsters, spells, quests and progression. Customisation offers hours of replayability and options really allow you to tune your style of play and the mod potential suggests the community will pick the game up and include some real neat additions. To those from the previous games it feels more balanced and the removal of some features (like finding champions) make the game feel rounded and less limiting.

23-05-2013, 12:16
Ček i još uvijek nema MP? Pa ako tako nastavi rađe ču štedjeti pare za age of wonders 3 :/.