Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Novosti iz GTA svijeta!!!

03-10-2008, 00:43
Dakle u ovoj temi pisite sve vijesti i novosti vezane uz GTA serijal.
Napravite C/P i to smjestite u code tag i ispod toga nam dajte tocan link odakle vam ta informacija.
Pomogucnosti nam to prevedite i dajte google translate link (http://translate.google.com/translate_t#en|hr|)Sjer... neide svima engleski tako lagano.
I nakraju ako to sami zelite prokomentirajte.


SGTA IV za PC izlazi 18. studenog 2008.
Translate link (http://translate.google.com/translate_t#en|hr|fuck%20off)
Glup sam.

Nadam se da vam je sve jasno :roll:

03-10-2008, 01:03
New GTA 4 PC details revealed in The Game Machine
Posted by CharmingCharlie at 15:22. Category: General

Well it has been over a month since anyone last saw anything new on the PC version. However it appears the Italian magazine "The Game Machine" has had a sneak peak and revealed some new details :-

* The replay editor will record the last 30 seconds of gameplay. Once the video has been saved you can use inbuilt software in GTA 4 to add special effects and change camera angles. You will also be able to add audio tracks from the official soundtrack of the game (no word on whether you can use your own MP3's). Once your video is done it can then be published on Rockstars Social Club site so others can watch it.
* The GPS and map have been beefed up, thanks to the mouse it is now just point and click. However Rockstar have added the ability for you to mark locations, make notes and add images. That should make hunting those pesky pigeons a bit easier.
* The other important bit of information is that Rockstar have managed to improve the game streaming, thanks to the power of the cpu in modern PC's. This means less of the "same car syndrome" in which you would see lots of the same car you are driving. The magazine is also claiming that there will be more pedestrians and vehicles visible in the PC version

Translate (http://translate.google.com/translate_t#en|hr|new%20GTA%204%20PC%20details%20r evealed%20in%20The%20Game%20Machine%0APosted%20by% 20CharmingCharlie%20at%2015%3A22.%20Category%3A%20 General%0A%0AWell%20it%20has%20been%20over%20a%20m onth%20since%20anyone%20last%20saw%20anything%20ne w%20on%20the%20PC%20version.%20However%20it%20appe ars%20the%20Italian%20magazine%20%22The%20Game%20M achine%22%20has%20had%20a%20sneak%20peak%20and%20r evealed%20some%20new%20details%20%3A-%0A%0A%20%20%20%20*%20The%20replay%20editor%20will %20record%20the%20last%2030%20seconds%20of%20gamep lay.%20Once%20the%20video%20has%20been%20saved%20y ou%20can%20use%20inbuilt%20software%20in%20GTA%204 %20to%20add%20special%20effects%20and%20change%20c amera%20angles.%20You%20will%20also%20be%20able%20 to%20add%20audio%20tracks%20from%20the%20official% 20soundtrack%20of%20the%20game%20(no%20word%20on%2 0whether%20you%20can%20use%20your%20own%20MP3's).% 20Once%20your%20video%20is%20done%20it%20can%20the n%20be%20published%20on%20Rockstars%20Social%20Clu b%20site%20so%20others%20can%20watch%20it.%0A%20%2 0%20%20*%0A%20%20%20%20*%20The%20GPS%20and%20map%2 0have%20been%20beefed%20up%2C%20thanks%20to%20the% 20mouse%20it%20is%20now%20just%20point%20and%20cli ck.%20However%20Rockstar%20have%20added%20the%20ab ility%20for%20you%20to%20mark%20locations%2C%20mak e%20notes%20and%20add%20images.%20That%20should%20 make%20hunting%20those%20pesky%20pigeons%20a%20bit %20easier.%0A%20%20%20%20*%20The%20other%20importa nt%20bit%20of%20information%20is%20that%20Rockstar %20have%20managed%20to%20improve%20the%20game%20st reaming%2C%20thanks%20to%20the%20power%20of%20the% 20cpu%20in%20modern%20PC's.%20This%20means%20less% 20of%20the%20%22same%20car%20syndrome%22%20in%20wh ich%20you%20would%20see%20lots%20of%20the%20same%2 0car%20you%20are%20driving.%20The%20magazine%20is% 20also%20claiming%20that%20there%20will%20be%20mor e%20pedestrians%20and%20vehicles%20visible%20in%20 the%20PC%20version)

1*Ovo mi se jako sviđa i puno ce mi koristit
2*i ovo. a konzolasi nek se gone :P Korisno dok se neupoznas sa gradom.
3*ja se nadam da cu do izlaska uspit ubost Q6600, inace nevolim gad je grad prazan a sa takim procesorom "mogu" nastelat da u gradu bide ljudi ko za vinkovacke jeseni :P

04-10-2008, 15:28
to mi nikad nije bilo jasno....kog se vraga pojavi hrpa istih auta kao onaj kojeg vozim...i to najčešće neki uber rijetki kojeg ne možeš naći da bi zatim svaki drugi auto bio upravo taj... -_-
dok ga ne skršim...onda ga opet ne možeš naći...

04-10-2008, 16:44
Nadajmo se da je to ovaj put ispravljeno. :roll:

07-10-2008, 06:07
to mi nikad nije bilo jasno....kog se vraga pojavi hrpa istih auta kao onaj kojeg vozim...i to najčešće neki uber rijetki kojeg ne možeš naći da bi zatim svaki drugi auto bio upravo taj... -_-
dok ga ne skršim...onda ga opet ne možeš naći...

To ti tak, a si primjetio kak kada ides pjeske, obicno nema auta tamo di ih trebas!!

11-11-2008, 21:43
GTA IV DLC tek sljedeće godine?

U nedavnom intervjuu za variety.com, Dan Houser, jedan od osnivača Rockstar Games-a, izjavio je kako u Rockstaru trenutno nisu fokusirani na datum izlaska DLC paketa za GTA 4 već na kvalitetu istog, te da stoga ne mogu obećati svim X360 korisnicima da će DLC izaći ove godine. Kako Houser navodi, rad na novom sadržaju ide po zacrtanim planovima i to jako dobro. Inače, iako ne treba previše podsjećati, DLC za popularni Grand Theft Auto 4 najavljen je ekskluzivno za Xbox 360 konzolu, a prema nekim nagađanjima, novi sadržaj neće biti mala stvar već će u igru dodati novo područje i mnoštvo dodatnih stvari.

Izvor________HCL :http://www.hcl.hr/vijesti.php?TekstID=2536&select=15

Oni se tu zamaraju za xbox sranjima a jos ni PC verzija nije vani :S

Edit: VIjesti v2.0

Pojavili su se novi screenshotovi. Pogledajte ih ovdje u najboljoj kvaliteti:

http://www.imagesforme.com/out.php/i222286_5495gtaivpcransom.jpg (http://www.gta4.net/screenshots/gta-iv-pc-screenshots.php)