Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Kako napraviti SOD u raznim bojama :)

02-10-2008, 09:30
Open the SYSTEM.INI file found in the %systemroot% folder (i.e. C:\Windows or other). You can easily open the file by running SYSEDIT from the Run command, or by using Notepad.exe.
Locate the [386enh]Ssection in the file:
If not already present, create the following new entries:
and give it a value according to the following list:
0 = black
1 = blue
2 = green
3 = cyan
4 = red
5 = magenta
6 = yellow/brown
7 = white
8 = gray
9 = bright blue
A = bright green
B = bright cyan
C = bright red
D = bright magenta
E = bright yellow
F = bright white
For example:
will change the BSOD to Green with bright white text.
Note: Use CAPITAL LETTERS, i.e. F and not f.
Close SYSTEM.INI while saving your changes.
Restart the computer.
Now wait for the system to crash LOL


http://www.imagesforme.com/out.php/t172625_DSC00029small.jpg (http://www.imagesforme.com/show.php/172625_DSC00029small.jpg)

A vidi na slici ATI RSOD xD

02-10-2008, 09:37
Haha, "now wait for the system to crash" :rotfl:

02-10-2008, 09:40
lol :rotfl: , ovaj crveni mi se baš sviđa... makar kažu da je plava smirujuća boja, crvena mi djeluje više ohrabrujuće u slučaju SODa... :D

03-10-2008, 11:48
:D Dobra fora, morat cu probat ovo...

03-10-2008, 11:50
to mi je pokazao frend jos pred uhuhu, ali svejedno thx sto si to fino srocio u jedan post... :wink:

03-10-2008, 13:32
Ova fora je starija od mene :D

I ova fora nema nikakve veze s hardwarom...

03-10-2008, 16:20
jednom sam igrajući Warhead dobio RSOD :D inače komp baca BSOD-ove :D