Pogledaj cijelu verziju : ADSM fileovi

12-08-2008, 17:40
Ok skinuo sam neke stvari i došle su u adsm formatu, kako ih raspakirati ili pretvoriti bar u nešto što mogu otvoriti?

12-08-2008, 17:44
Use google?
Prvi rezultat:

Advance Split Machine (ADSM) is a program that helps you split and unsplit big files (e.g., Videos, big Folders etc.). Generally, a split file will have a double extension such as *.part1of8.adsm so you know how many parts there are in the total file.

It is usually generated by the Microsoft Windows Backup - Archive Client
Refer to this PDF file for more details: http://ezbackup.cornell.edu/techsup-v2/i...

12-08-2008, 17:49
Probao sam već, 404 not found...

13-08-2008, 21:19
Meni radi, i podigne mi neki manual u PDF-u, probaj copy u url.