Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Gaming

The Boz
02-08-2008, 00:03
ESA je izdala svoj godišnji report (http://www.theesa.com/about/ESA_2008_AR.pdf). Obavezno štivo!

02-08-2008, 00:40
da nije 20 do 2 možd bi i pročito...

jel može neko reč ono najvažnije? :)

02-08-2008, 00:47
nije neki problem sada citati...
edit.oke ovo je problem citati bilokada

02-08-2008, 03:11
Neke stvari u izvještaju su me šokirale. Ne mogu vjerovat da postoji toliki otpor prema gamingu. Izvukao sam neke zanimljivosti za ljude kojima se ne da čitati sve( makar bi trebali, zbilja je tekst odlično napisan).

Zadnja o tome da li igre štete djeci:
"The court ruled that video games
are protected by the First Amendment and found
that there was no evidence that playing violent
games resulted in real world violence.
Judge Whyte found that “the state
has not shown that the Act will accomplish the goal
of protecting children more effectively than existing,
narrower industry standards.”

Rad ESA-e:
"Stop bills seeking to regulate the sale of video
games, including the imposition of taxes based on
game content"
Advocating extension of the WTO moratorium(odgoda)
on customs duties for electronically transmitted
Promoting the inclusion of entertainment software
products as “software” within the WTO E-Commerce
Framework; and
Reducing or eliminating tariffs for entertainment
software products and peripherals in key markets

Za vas koji igrate MMORPG-ove
"The growing popularity of MMOs and MMORPGs brought
with it media and academic attention to virtual
property – the digital objects and in-game currency
avatars collect in the course of playing the game. Some
scholars argue for policies that vest players with quasiproperty
rights. Others call for a “bill of rights” for
avatars. The first lawsuits to test these novel theories
are appearing in U.S. courts. Meanwhile, tax authorities
in Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States
are examining the tax implications of real money
trade (RMT) of virtual property. ESA monitored these
developments and will explore with members potential
industry positions on the ownership, taxation, and RMT
of virtual property."

Anti-Piracy Program: no comment

Rezutati različitih istraživanja:
Parents’ Opinions of Games: Fifty-five percent of
parents believe games are a positive part of their
children’s lives

Buyer Demographics: The average age of a game
buyer is 38

Computer Player Demographics: Sixty percent of
computer game players are male, while 40 percent
are female. Twenty-seven percent are under 18
years old, 29 percent are 18 to 35, 44 percent are
over 36 years old;

02-08-2008, 05:49
Rezutati različitih istraživanja:
Twenty-seven percent are under 18
years old, 29 percent are 18 to 35, 44 percent are
over 36 years old;

Nisam imao pojma da sam manjina. :shock:

02-08-2008, 10:25
Buyer Demographics: The average age of a gamebuyer is 38

Twenty-seven percent are under 18
years old, 29 percent are 18 to 35, 44 percent are
over 36 years old;

ides! a ja mislio da stariji ljudi ne igraju igre...e fakat sam se iznenadil dok sam pročitao ovo, znači mi smo u manjini, hebote, ovo mi je stvarno neočekivano...nema veze, to lijepo dokazuje da je gaming ozbiljna stvar, i kroz par godina mislim da će ga svi počet ozbiljno shvačat poput filmova, serija, emisija te svih ostalih produkata zabavne industrije. Već danas gaming po profitu sustiže hollywood, a kroz par godina biti će vodeći u tom području...

02-08-2008, 11:44
Buyer Demographics: The average age of a game
buyer is 38

Majko mila, a ja sam mislio da sam sa svoje 22 godine polako ali sigurno postao već malo pre star za igre. Jbt moj brat ima 33 g i još se igra, a MLAĐI je od ovog prosjeka, i to za ne tako malih 5 godina. Makes you wonder...

02-08-2008, 12:51
to nije dob gamera, igrača il tak neš, več je to dob kupca igre...

tak je men isto dečko od sestre kupio orange box i ja njem dao pare, al u statsima neče pisat da je trinaestogodišnjak kupio igru...

02-08-2008, 16:35
ili npr.pirati....većina ih (nas)je ispod 18...i oni nejdu u te gornje statse