Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Osiguravanje wireless mreže?!

04-04-2008, 14:41
Kako da si osiguram wireless mrežu?Imam MAX ADSL pristup sa Zyxel 660 HW-D3 routerom ako to išta znači.

04-04-2008, 14:42

05-04-2008, 07:28
vjerojatno mislis na ono WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA2...
eh, imam i ja taj ruter...
udji u svoj ruter preko i upisis pass koji imas...
sa lijeve strane imas opcije, odi pod NETWORK, a pod neteork odi u WIRELESS LAN...
i od tamo bi se trebo snac... ;)

05-04-2008, 08:34
Pogledaj !!! Bili su mi prije tu gumbi, ali nestadoše!!!

05-04-2008, 08:53
jesi upiso svoj pass ili onaj koji je vec automatski on upisao?
upisi svoj pass, jer ovo se pojavljuje kad ti on zapise sam pass...
btw. brijem da je deafult 1234 nisam siguran, probaj... :roll:

05-04-2008, 10:20
danke schon, uspio sam

05-04-2008, 12:18
nemas beda...
eh sad, za mene pitanje vezano za ovaj ruter...
imam PSP, i ocu ga dodat da se mogu spajat s njim, jer ovako se nemrem spojit zbog doticne zastite...
zna li netko kako ga dodam u allow uredjaje?
ja sam pokusao pod MAC filter ali nije uspjelo... :(

08-04-2008, 09:59
pls jel netko zna, ludim kad nemrem prek pspa na net! :(

08-04-2008, 15:16
Spajanje na zeljenu mrezu:
1) Navigate to Network Settings. It is the last icon of the settings list.
2) Press X
3) Choose Infrastructure Mode
4) Select Connection 1
5) Press X, This brings up an Enter connection name menu.
6) Press X
7) Enter a name that describes this connection. Home, Starbucks etc.
8 ) WLAN Settings menu, select Scan, by pressing X. (I suggest you are near your router)
9) Select the access point to be used menu. Identify your routers SSID (usually the highest reception %) and press X.
10) Confirm the SSID name (that it is the one you want). If it is not exactly as in your set-up info you wrote doan earlier press X, then type in the SSID your router has and press enter.
11) Press > on the D-pad
12) WLAN Security Settings menu, choose None because we disabled it.
13) Press > on the D-Pad
14) Address Settings Menu, choose Easy
15) Press > on the D-Pad
16) Settings List Menu: They should list like this, press / (down) on the D-pad to review the settings.

Ako je konekcija zasticena sifrom:
1) Navigate to Network Settings. It is the last icon of the settings list.
2) Press X
3) Choose Infrastructure Mode
4) Select a connection to edit
5) Press X, This brings up an Enter connection name menu.
6) Press > on the D-Pad
*SKIP*7) Enter a name that describes this connection. Home, Starbucks etc.
8 ) WLAN Settings menu, select Scan, by pressing> on the D-pad.
9) Select the access point to be used menu. Identify your routers SSID (usually the highest reception %) and press X.
*SKIP* 10) Confirm the SSID name (that it is the one you want). If it is not exactly as you wrote down earlier press X, then type in the SSID your router has
11) Press > on the D-pad
12) WLAN Security Settings menu, NOW choose WEP, we enabled it
13) Press > on the D-Pad
WEP Key, press X
Enter the Digits you typed in the Key 1, from the Linksys security setup.
14) Address Settings Menu, choose Easy
15) Press > on the D-Pad
16) Settings List Menu: They should list like this, press / on the D-pad to review the settings.

izvor (http://www.pspcrazy.com/index.php?page=Articles&action=showarticle&id=71)

08-04-2008, 15:38
hvala ali to sam sve i prije napravio, znam to, nego na starom ruteru od t-coma sam moro jos u ruteru stavit psp kao poseban uredjaj kojem ce dozvolit konekciju inace nije htio!
a sad na ovom to neznam :(

08-04-2008, 18:24
Ne znam kako je kod tebe ali ja u opcijama rutera imam "home network" i pod tim popis svih uredjaja koje ruter nalazi (u lanu i wlanu). Tu mogu odabrati jedan od njih i urediti mu postavke.