Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Firefox Bookmarks [RJEŠENO]

09-03-2008, 18:50
Ovak problem je taj da su mi NESTALI SVI bookmarksi, neam pojma kako, bio sam vani vozikal se na bicu i sestra zove, "dodji doma msn mi je izbacil van" rekoh sigurno je pukla veza, pa nezna kaj bi napravila, što zapravo i je pukloa veza, i sad dobim vezu i odem na net kad ono sastrane Bookmarks bar prazan, nema niš !!! Sad ako su mi se izbrisali svi bookmarksi a hebemu nisu valjda, jel fakat neznam kako po kojoj fori, jel zna netko kako to riješit, jel sma imal preko 200 bookmarkova koji su mi glave važni :pray: pomagajte, zaboravih nadodat da je sestra slala pjesmu preko MSN-a i da joj je onda izbacilo i pukla veza

probal sam ona Sys Restor ali ništa

The Boz
09-03-2008, 18:57
It happens. Noone knows why. I use Opera now. I am happy.

09-03-2008, 18:57
daj me nemoj hebat da se to može samo tak desit da nestanu :shock: :cry:

09-03-2008, 19:31
daj me nemoj hebat da se to može samo tak desit da nestanu :shock: :cry:
bez razloga mi je neki dan nestalo preko 60 bookmarka...ali apsolutno bez razloga...sva sreća pa radim back-up svakih par dana...

e Bogami i ja ću počet, lok dis šit rajt now :-x :shock: :cry:

The Boz
09-03-2008, 19:39
...Opera je bolja.

09-03-2008, 23:07
...Opera je bolja.

and only lusers need a reason ^^

10-03-2008, 04:52
kako se radi taj backup bookmarksa u FF?

10-03-2008, 07:55
...Opera je bolja.

and only lusers need a reason ^^
Probao sam Operu. Sad sam na Firefoxu.

Lisica ftw :)

10-03-2008, 09:48
Recovering Your Firefox Bookmarks

This is documented elsewhere, but perhaps comes across as too nerdy for some. If you’re using Windows XP, recovering from a crash or whatever, and find that your Firefox bookmarks (and bookmarklets and bookmark toolbar) have disappeared, here’s what to do:

* Find your profile in c:\Documents and Settings\[your XP user name]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles
* There should be a subfolder there called bookmarkbackups. Find the most recent bookmarks html file in there (usually with a date after the ‘bookmarks’ bit.
* Copy it to somewhere safe and rename the existing one bookmarks.html.
* Copy it to the default profiles folder (up one level from the bookmarkbackups folder, deleting the existing bookmarks.html file.
* Close Firefox if it’s running and launch it. Your old bookmarks should be restored.

(And, while I'm at it, here's a solution if your Firefox browser refuses to remember any of your changed settings in toolbars etc when you close it, resetting everything back to what it was before. The same bug -- likely to be fixed soon -- also deletes your search engines in the search box to the right of the address box. This fix will fix both problems:

* Locate the localstore.rdf file in the same place as above.
* Delete it.
* Restart Firefox. You should be good to go.



10-03-2008, 12:41
o tnx amd baš je to i meni trebalo, meni nisu full važni ali bi bilo grozno sada to ponovo upisivati.

10-03-2008, 14:20
@ amd-freak :pray: neću više ništa reći :D