Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Dual boot

24-01-2008, 18:15
So imam Win XP, i danas si skinem Suse 10.3 i instaliram na drugu particiju. I nakon instalacije kom p se restarta i boota se win ???

Da napomenem da sam do sada imao Win i Suse 10.1.

Suse mi je na drugom disku a Win na drugom :)

25-01-2008, 22:25
Trebas promjeniti u BIOS-u sa koje oces particije da ti se prbvo boota...

25-01-2008, 22:59
Mah vise ni ne treba stavio sam si Ubuntu, radi dosta ok :)

26-01-2008, 14:43
ev da ne otvaram drugu temu...imam xp sp2 i sad sam instaliro ubuntu i kada boot-am ubuntu mi je pod default, a to me zivcira jer inace kad palim komp opandrcim power tipku i odem nesto popit dok se upali ili slicno=)!! pa kako mogu stavit xp pod default,u win nw mogu jer mi ne prepoznaje ubuntu kao instaliran i u win mi je xp vec stavljen kao default,a u ubuntu-u to ne znam napravit jer sam n00b sto se tice linuxa :o help,pliz

26-01-2008, 15:43
Configure GRUB

If you want to modify how GRUB handles the new dualbooting environment, you need to edit the boot menu. Boot into Ubuntu and open up a Terminal window (Applications, Accessories, Terminal), and type in:

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_bak

and enter your root password when asked - this makes a backup of the GRUB menu file just in case things go wrong.

Next, type in:

sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Dualboot - Configure Boot MenuDualboot - Configure Boot Menu

This opens up the boot menu as a text file in gedit.

Dualboot - Boot OptionsDualboot - Boot Options

There are loads of options you can change, but only a couple that you’re likely to be interested in. The default boot entry is defined by the “default” value.

The default value is 0, which means that the first entry in the list (which is Ubuntu) always gets loaded.

If you want to make it so that Windows Vista loads by default, change the value to 4, as Vista is the fifth item in the list (the numbering system starts at 0 and "Other operating systems" counts as a line).

The other way to load Windows Vista by default is to change the value for “default” from a numerical value to “saved”. Then, GRUB will load whichever boot entry has been marked with “savedefault”.

If you scroll down the list and have a look at the entries, you’ll notice that both the main Ubuntu entry and Windows Vista have been marked with “savedefault”. Remove the value for Ubuntu and Windows Vista will launch by default.

It's also worthwhile changing the description of the Vista entry from "Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader" to just "Windows Vista".

You can also increase the boot menu timeout – just change the value for “timeout”. You can also hide the GRUB boot menu by removing the hash in front of “hiddenmenu”. Save and exit gedit to keep any changes.

If instead of GRUB you want Vista's bootloader to be in charge, load up the Vista installation and install EasyBCD. Go to “Manage Bootloader”, then “Reinstall the Vista Bootloader”, an GRUB is overwritten. You can then configure the Vista bootloader to add Linux to the boot menu.

Tu je objašnjeno sa Vista + Ubuntu, ali ti je jedno te isto.

http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot ... lled_first (http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_ first)S :wink:

27-01-2008, 00:02
e thx,radi sve! samo imam jos nekih problema sa spajanjem na internet i zanima me ima li koji topic na forumu ovdje o tome,nisam trazio,lijen sam

27-01-2008, 09:24
e thx,radi sve! samo imam jos nekih problema sa spajanjem na internet i zanima me ima li koji topic na forumu ovdje o tome,nisam trazio,lijen sam

Kako se spajaš na net, dial-up, ADSL, wireless ili wire, USB ili Ethernet?

27-01-2008, 09:34
Imas sve na http://ubuntu-hr.org/. To je udruga Ubuntu korisnika hrvatske, na forumu nades rijesenje ili pitas, a ako oces dodi snama na IRC pa pitas :)

27-01-2008, 12:08
e thx,radi sve! samo imam jos nekih problema sa spajanjem na internet i zanima me ima li koji topic na forumu ovdje o tome,nisam trazio,lijen sam

Kako se spajaš na net, dial-up, ADSL, wireless ili wire, USB ili Ethernet?

ups,zaboravio-ADSL(preko mrezne,nije USB)! i sad,ja sam probao s pppoeconf i pokrene mi onaj prog i pretrazuje eth0,ali ne uspije nac modem!sve je pravilno spojeno...

e,da, javi mi da mozda nije spojeno ili neki drugi program koristi tu vezu...


a probao sam na http://ubuntu-hr.org/Si nasao sam puno slicnih tema,ali nazalost nijedna nije pomogla!aj mozda dodjem na IRC pa vidim,thx :wink: