Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Project Offset

Arbiter of Change
13-10-2007, 18:26
Pa evo, izgleda da je projekt još živ, premda im grafika danas (pored Crysisa i sličnih mu igara) nije baš SHINY!!11! kakvom su je developeri, a i screenovi, najavljivali. Važno je reći da su našli izdavača i da stvari izgleda teku u najboljem redu.


Project Offset is the very pinnacle of epic fantasy warfare: A class-based union of visceral, close-quarters melee and long-ranged shooter combat set against the backdrop of cataclysmic war. Features in the game include:

* An engaging single player adventure, experienced through the perspectives of multiple heroes from two warring factions and an extensive online component to continue the war alongside or against other players
* Two ferocious armies, composed of culturally diverse races and classes, providing unique play experiences with different abilities, weaponry and tactics

* Ridable war beasts such as Siege Trolls, ferocious Lizards and charging Battle Boars

* Objective-based multiplayer combat that focuses on capturing, constructing and destroying key points throughout the battlefield as well additional game modes to extend the mayhem

* Breathtaking visuals powered by the bleeding edge technology of the Offset Engine; Life-like characters and environments, brilliant lighting effects, rock-solid network code and physics.

1.) What kind of game is Project Offset (working Title)?
Project Offset (working title) is a action game within a fantasy setting containing FPS elements. At its core, the game relies more on player skill and coordination than equipment & ranks.

2.) What platforms will this game be released on?
As of this writing, Project Offset (working title) is planned for released on windows-based PCs and Xbox 360

3.) When will this game be released?
The official date for this project has not been announce at this time.

4.) Is Project Offset (working title) a Massively-Multiplayer On-line Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)?
No. Project Offset (working title) is a single-player/multiplayer action game.

5.) I want to join the team! How do I submit my application?
Current position openings may be found here. Simply follow the instructions listed below the position(s) you are applying for.

6.) "(Working Title)"? What Gives?
Project Offset is the code name for the game currently in development. Its true name has not been officially announce and, upon its official announcement, will replace the working title currently displayed.

7.) Will Project Offset (working title) be Mod-Friendly?
As with all PCs titles, game modifications (mods) help add to a game's longevity. Offset Software realizes this and will release tools to help potential mod-makers create new material for extended play.


13-10-2007, 18:29
ček,ček,nije baš shiny,ono wtf?!
a ono dolje je ss iz igre?(lili art,ali daans je grafika već toiko razvijena)
hm,trebaš naočale,rajt?

13-10-2007, 18:31
Je l' ti znaš da je project offset projekt jednog studenta, kao takav je počeo... Ovo je više nego impresivno

13-10-2007, 18:49
Ingame izgleda bolje od tog concept arta,a i od Crysisa. Šta nitko od vas nije pogledao filmiće?

13-10-2007, 18:49
cod 4-neki ss,moš se pitat da li je art ili ss,doslovno,čak i vidiš da je ss,zato što boje izgleda!

13-10-2007, 19:35
Da bio je neki filmić, grafika je čisto ok, nešto bolja nego u oblivionu :D

13-10-2007, 20:42
opaaa, bumo vidili, nadam se da ce bit zanimljivo

13-10-2007, 21:45
Da bio je neki filmić, grafika je čisto ok, nešto bolja nego u oblivionu :D

Igra je turbonadmoćna nad oblivionom... Ovaj engine je nešto jači od Unreala III... Gledao sam par dev filmova i slika... Engine je turboimpresivan...

Arbiter of Change
13-10-2007, 22:17
Eto, znao sam da će moj komentar izazvati postove. :D Pa valjda već znate da meni nije do grafike.

13-10-2007, 22:53
malo skidam sve videe sto si izasli u vezi ove igre :)

13-10-2007, 22:58
Moćno izgleda

14-10-2007, 08:22

Evo tu su vam svi,preporučujem da ako ih idete gledati ili skinuti nek to bude u hd kvaliteti.

Kakav Unreal 3,kakvi bakrači.. :D

29-11-2007, 19:37
bit će lijepo, zasigurno bolje nego oblivion, to se da zaključiti po trailerima

29-11-2007, 19:46
Dobra je najava u PCPlayu al bas mi se tematika nesto i ne svidja.

29-11-2007, 20:20
Ovo ce pojest Oblivion za dorucak! :killyou:

29-11-2007, 20:25
hrpa stvari jede oblivion za doručak...Morrowind ga po svemu jede naprimjer...
Po grafici ne, a ostalo me trenutno ne zanima... a grafika je jedina stvar koja se vidi u filmicima i jedina koja se za sada moze usporedjivat 8)

30-11-2007, 00:27
Necemo preuvelicavat igru znate sta bude uvijek sa velikim naslovima i preuveličavanjima i nakraju se ispostavi da je sranje. Primjer Crysis,bioshock....

Tako da ljepo je to sve ali da li ce biti igrivo, dobro optimizirano to cemo vidjeti. Zasada sve ostaje na ovim ljepim slikama i trailerima