Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Grafa me zeza

26-04-2007, 08:02
imam 6600GT i sada kad stavim da igram cod na dx9 mogu igrat sve mape osim moskve.Na toj mi mapi javlja dx error.imam najnovije drivere zasto to je li ko zna?

26-04-2007, 08:09
si reinstalao igru?

26-04-2007, 08:26
yap do toga može biti probaj reinstall ak nisi

26-04-2007, 12:13
Sve sam napravio i opet nece.

Alan Ford
26-04-2007, 17:44
kakav je to eror? Daj napiši šta ti točno sve izbaci?
Kako sve hoće a to neće,ne kužim-možda je nešto sa direct x-om

26-04-2007, 18:36
imam 6600GT i sada kad stavim da igram cod na dx9 mogu igrat sve mape osim moskve.Na toj mi mapi javlja dx error.imam najnovije drivere zasto to je li ko zna?

pokušaj s ovim

26-04-2007, 21:21
[quote="bl4ckb1rd"]kakav je to eror? Daj napiši šta ti točno sve izbaci?
Kako sve hoće a to neće,ne kužim-možda je nešto sa direct x-om[/quote

izbaci samo dxerror i nista vise.
A nekada mi pri ucitavanju te mape stane ucitavanje i otvori mi dx9 stranicu na internetu.cod prestane reagirat.

26-04-2007, 21:30
kakav je to eror? Daj napiši šta ti točno sve izbaci?
Kako sve hoće a to neće,ne kužim-možda je nešto sa direct x-om[/quote

izbaci samo dxerror i nista vise.
A nekada mi pri ucitavanju te mape stane ucitavanje i otvori mi dx9 stranicu na internetu.cod prestane reagirat.

Jesi skinuo ovaj Runtime for April 2007 što ti je dao Artas?

26-04-2007, 21:39
DirectX® 9.0c

Please refer to the DirectX website for further information or localization updates. http://www.microsoft.com/directxS

Q. What is DirectX 9.0c and why do I need it?

A. DirectX 9.0c is a set of sound, video, input and network functions developed by Microsoft®. Call of Duty® 2 utilizes the functions that are included with DirectX 9.0c.

Q. If I don’t have DirectX 9.0c installed when I install Call of Duty 2 , can I install it later?

A. Yes. You will need to manually install it. You will need to download and install the current version of DirectX 9.0c from the Microsoft® DirectX® website: http://www.microsoft.com/directxS

Q. I already have other Windows® 2000/XP games installed on my computer. Will the Microsoft DirectX Installer change my DirectX files?

A. If you already have other Windows 2000/XP games on your computer, chances are you already have a version of DirectX installed. In this case, the Microsoft installer will detect and overwrite any previous versions with DirectX 9.0c. At that point, you will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If, however, you already have DirectX 9.0c installed on your computer, the Microsoft DirectX 9.0c installer will detect it and not overwrite any files. You will not need to restart your computer after installation in order to run Call of Duty 2.

Q. What do I do if the "DirectX Error DirectX has encountered an unrecoverable error. Please check DirectX Help document for possible details." error appears when I attempt to run Call of Duty 2?

A. Make sure you have DirectX 9.0c installed and properly functioning on your machine.

A. Please make sure that hardware acceleration is set to Full in your display properties as follows:
1. Right click the desktop
2. Select Properties
3. Click the settings tab
4. Click Advanced
5. Click the Troubleshooting tab
6. Verify that the Hardware Acceleration slider is set to Full.

A. Make sure that all DirectX features under the Display Tab in the DirectX Diagnostic Tool are set to Enabled as follows:
1. Click START
2. Click RUN
3. Type "dxdiag" and click OK
4. Click the Display tab of the DirectX Diagnostic tool.
5. Verify that all DirectX features are set to "Enabled".

A. Make sure you have the latest drivers installed from your video card's manufacturer.

Skino sam i kada stavim da radi na dx9 izbaci mi ovo.

26-04-2007, 22:18
evo sada mi je ovo javilo:

directx(R) encounted an unrecoverable error.
Check the directx(R) FAQ for possible solutions.

20-05-2007, 17:03
ovo meni bude sa 6600GT u svim igrama http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/6905 ... 758mj5.png (http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/6905/wow20070519235758mj5.png)S
a pogotovo u wowu

21-05-2007, 09:36
Tekla to ti nema vreeze sa grafičkon jer ja san tu igru pokrenia na ATI-jevoj radeonki 9500 na starom kompu,meni sve mape su normalno isle,to je vjerojatno do cd-a :killyou:

22-05-2007, 10:30
ovo meni bude sa 6600GT u svim igrama http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/6905 ... 758mj5.png (http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/6905/wow20070519235758mj5.png)S
a pogotovo u wowu

Isti problem ovdje ...tocno takvo sam ja imam x1600xt

22-05-2007, 10:46
a zašto igraš na dx9??
s tom graifčćkom vučeš jako malo fpsa...
ja s svojom 7600gs sve high i dx9 vučem30 fpsa ^^

22-05-2007, 10:49
a zašto igraš na dx9??
s tom graifčćkom vučeš jako malo fpsa...
ja s svojom 7600gs sve high i dx9 vučem30 fpsa ^^

22-05-2007, 19:58

29-05-2007, 13:38
Ja sam popravio onaj problem prek riva tunera, a također sam zvadio grafu i izvadio općenito iz kučišta kuglu prašine veličine nogometne lopte :rotfl: sad konfa awsm radi Hvala vam na pomoći! :D