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Tema: Hawken

  1. #31
    Moderator Fight fire with fire croat1gamer's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2007
    Digging deeper.

    Re: Hawken


    za 30 sati izlazi open beta.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao W3DR4N
    Ja ne bih mogao raditi ili biti u isto prostoriji s toliko napornim likom koji sve zakomplicira.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2011

    Re: Hawken

    Igra je optimizirana zakurac. Užaš.

  3. #33
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2007
    on way to the moon

    Re: Hawken

    Drugačiji od svih MP pucačina koje sam igrao i sviđa mi se malo za promjenu od klanja ljudi i sl stvorenja.
    Ako netko igra betu,može me dodat nick je la50...
    Ako se nekad osjetiš malen, zapostavljen i depresivan... Uvijek se sjeti da si nekad bio najbrži spermić u svojoj grupi

  4. #34

    Re: Hawken

    Stiže ogromni updejt. ... pdate-r228

    Here is a partial bullet point list of what we've been working on for the upcoming patch, in no particular order. This is relatively high level only so please don’t treat them as patch notes and there are many more details to surface behind each one of these features. Some of these features are still undergoing internal review so while this is the intended list, there may be one or two features held back a single patch to further revise as needed.

    NEW: Party System - Group together with your friends before entering matches
    NEW: Party Matchmaking - Join matches and cry havoc together with your friends, now easier to do than ever before
    NEW: New User Experience - We have added much more information within the game and menus for players of all skill levels to help guide their experience and teach them even more about the HAWKEN and how to make the most of it
    NEW: Clan Indication in the Client - Clans will be managed from the website, but you’ll see tags in front of your clan members while you’re in the game much like how you've been seeing our [HWK]Stags
    NEW: XP Overflow - Have you leveled up a mech completely, if so it’ll now continue to generate XP and you’ll be able to transfer that excess XP to another mech of your choosing, leveling it up much faster
    NEW: Last Eco Map - Supports Siege, Missile Assault, Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch, just don’t get lost in the foliage
    NEW: Co-Op Bot Training - You and a team of 3 others can play online and train against enemy drones and mechs but will you be able to destroy them all
    NEW: Offline Team Deathmatch Training - If you are new to HAWKEN but want to get a better feel for the game before jumping into live matches, give this training mode a try
    NEW: Pilot Progression System - Your pilot now levels up in addition to your mechs, bringing with it even more unlockables
    NEW: Tuning System - The Optimization system is no more and is now the Tuning system, a system that brings some uniqueness to each subclass, helping to further customize how that subclass plays
    NEW: Elite Skins - Full mech torso replacement skins with unique paint jobs, not just camos
    NEW: Daily Reward Bonuses - Get some regular bonuses for just being a supportive player
    NEW: Completely New Menus / UI - A complete overhaul of the menu and UI
    NEW: Completely New Gameplay HUD - A complete overhaul of the gameplay HUD
    NEW: Basic Tutorial - We have a completely new tutorial to help new players get themselves familiar with the game in even better ways than before
    NEW: Basic Oculus Rift Support - If you have an Oculus Rift, we now provide some basic support so you can experience HAWKEN in a new and exciting way
    NEW: Mech Progression System - Mech progression received a complete overhaul with more options for the player and more rewards for leveling up, this includes brand new content associated with this new system, goes hand in hand with the new pilot progression as well
    NEW: Matchmaking System - More factors are taken into account than previously and small touches such as more advanced team balancing will help make the player experience even better, we'll always be watching this system to determine improvements
    NEW: Internals System - Internals will no longer be simply stat based but they’ll add a more meaningful layer to customization, further changing up how people play… how about doing a 180 spin in the air...
    NEW: Item Slot System - No more item categories as they were previously organzed, items now have multiple strength levels so players will need to decide between taking more but weaker items with them, or less items but ones that pack a bit more punch
    NEW: Mech C Turret Mode - Each heavy class special ability have some more benefits associated with them and in addition, players will be able to boost while in the mode
    Bug fixes, polish, optimizations, updated FX, replacement cockpit interiors, a new mech and more…

    For clarification, no pilot progress will be lost and we aren't starting people over from scratch. We’ll have more details on how migration will work as we get closer to release.

  5. #35

    Re: Hawken

    Ogromni Ascension updejt je izašao. ... tch-notes/
    The sweeping, dramatic changes of the new “Player Progression” update will offer players more control and customization and provide more robust rewards for playing, including free mechs that unlock as the player progresses. Additional new features include Parties, and Clan support, revamped item and internal systems for mech customization, and a brand new map: last Eco.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer ProzoЯ's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2009

    Re: Hawken

    Jesu optimizirali ovu igru napokon? Igrao sam jos prije open bete i imao sam ogromne fps dropove

  7. #37
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Hawken

    Ja sam igrao prije dosta Hawken i nisam nikad imao problema sa fps dropovima. Zabavno je ispočetka, ali nakon nekog vremena ipak dosadi. Isplati se odigrat pošto ništa ne košta.

  8. #38
    Moderator God from the machine Kid A's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2009

    Re: Hawken

    Jel igra itko ovo jos? Ako ne svejedno si provjerite mail, trebao bi vam stici Steam key (igra ce biti open za sve 11og Februara) al ja bih htio probati prije ako netko iz topica nema vise zelju igrati

    pa proslijedite mi key ovo ono
    Zadnji uredio Kid A : 08-02-2014 u 21:25
    = Citat = Izvorno postao flander Pregledaj post
    kolko se sjećam u First class Xavier je pokušao navest Magneta da ne napravi neku pizdariju, dakle isti klinac je i mind kontrol i čitanje misli

  9. #39
    Junior Member Plants Vs Zombies
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Zagreb, Croatia

    Re: Hawken

    Ja sam počeo igrati prije dva dana. Puno toga su promijenili na bolje i dodali svašta u igru. Nadimak u igri mi je FLes.

  10. #40
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire Xero's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2009

    Re: Hawken

    Ja sam htio igrat, ali sam čuo da starter mech izgleda kao CRT televizor pa neću.

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