Evo ljudi izasao je promod live 2
moj klan ima 20 slotova public server sa njim
ima dosta promjena tjekom biranja klasa......puno je brzi od 1.verzije npr.brze se trci
evo server je online 4 dana pa ne ocekujte puno igraca
ima ih uvecer a ako zelite igrat javite mi se na xf fireblade002 pa cu dovest ekipe

Precise Game | promodlive 2| public server | mr12
SFully functional shoutcaster overlay for all resolutions and aspect ratios

Class loadouts are preserved in the rank file

Class related binds

Enhanced client- and server-security

Small changes/improvements to the hud and menus

Players left-HUD is rebuilt and therefore possible to get rid of for those nice-looking frag-movies

Full Hardcore-mode support, including support for all gametypes, HC mode will also use cook-nades

Red enemy crosshair glitch through smoke fixed

Added a strat mode (promod_mode strat) with nade training possibility, similar to AM4PAM

Client-side scorebot functionality implemented, similar to the PAM4 ditto.

Disabled ammo-sharing between SMG and M9 Beretta, as well as reduced weapon switch on M16

All taunt sounds removed

Fixed all reported bugs from v2 and v2.01, we are 99.9999% sure that theres no any other bug, thanks whole community and all players who gave us reports

Added stuff for moviemakers, like delay of popup with scores after end of the round etc

Fixed major bugs from promod3 and promodlive v1

Fixed from RC1

issue with barrels @ citystreets

autobalance enabled in public modes

scorebot improvments

hardcore hud bug fixed

removed the sound for the dvar enforcer .. now its just a blurred screen without minimap!

added lan and lan_hc mode
evo ko zna engleski nek izvoli

pogotovo mi se svidja ovaj nade trainig
isprobao sam ga i svi su se pitali kae to al najbolje je bilo kaj nisam znao vratit