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Tema: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

  1. #211
    Moderator God from the machine Kid A's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    If you combined Darth Vader, OJ Simpson, Osama Bin Ladin, Miley Cyrus, The Grinch, Hitler, that dick from the Karate Kid, and Mark David Chapman into one person in a person combiner, and then put that combined person into a opposite machine, Alex would come out of the other side holding an ice cream cone in one hand and a butterfly in a jar in the other
    = Citat = Izvorno postao flander Pregledaj post
    kolko se sjećam u First class Xavier je pokušao navest Magneta da ne napravi neku pizdariju, dakle isti klinac je i mind kontrol i čitanje misli

  2. #212
    Moderator God from the machine Kid A's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Ayn Rand
    Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination." | “Racism,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 126.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao flander Pregledaj post
    kolko se sjećam u First class Xavier je pokušao navest Magneta da ne napravi neku pizdariju, dakle isti klinac je i mind kontrol i čitanje misli

  3. #213
    Moderator The one and only Bartuc's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Bartuc
    Kad si sam doma, nikada nemoj pojesti zadnji komadić kolača iz protvanja tako da ne moraš oprati suđe za sobom!

  4. #214
    Moderator God from the machine Kid A's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    When a person falls in love, the ventral tegmental area in the brain floods the caudate nucleus with dopamine. The same system becomes activated when someone takes cocaine
    = Citat = Izvorno postao flander Pregledaj post
    kolko se sjećam u First class Xavier je pokušao navest Magneta da ne napravi neku pizdariju, dakle isti klinac je i mind kontrol i čitanje misli

  5. #215
    Senior Member It lives by night
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    A consistent thinker is a thoughtless person, because he conforms to a pattern; he repeats phrases and thinks in a groove.

    All ideologies are idiotic, whether religious or political, for it is conceptual thinking, the conceptual word, which has so unfortunately divided man.

    It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

    If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.
    Dame i gospodo-Jiddu Krishnamurti <3
    Humans were never meant to bring each other happiness. From the moment we are thrown into this world, we bring each other nothing but pain and misery. ---Psycho Mantis profil Playfire profil

  6. #216
    Senior Member You have been warned cham3leon's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Ne slažem se s bar 3 od 4 izjave ovdje.

  7. #217
    Moderator God from the machine Kid A's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Budi iskren i reci da se ne slazes ni s jednom
    = Citat = Izvorno postao flander Pregledaj post
    kolko se sjećam u First class Xavier je pokušao navest Magneta da ne napravi neku pizdariju, dakle isti klinac je i mind kontrol i čitanje misli

  8. #218
    Senior Member You have been warned cham3leon's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Pa ajde, ova 4. je dosta zgodna i ima smisla. Ali ove prije smatram netočnim i nihilističko-pesimistički ekstremnim.

  9. #219

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Hawkeye: War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.

    Father Mulcahy: How do you figure, Hawkeye?

    Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?

    Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe.

    Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chalk full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.
    "O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
    - John Clare, Remembrances

  10. #220
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    = Citat = Izvorno postao cham3leon
    Pa ajde, ova 4. je dosta zgodna i ima smisla. Ali ove prije smatram netočnim i nihilističko-pesimistički ekstremnim.
    Sve četiri su smislene, pogotovo ova druga.

  11. #221
    Senior Member You have been warned cham3leon's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Dobro, ajmo filozofirati.

    "A consistent thinker is a thoughtless person, because he conforms to a pattern; he repeats phrases and thinks in a groove."

    Nema smisla. Osoba koja više teži razmišljanju i spoznaji nikad se neće vrtjeti u krug, to je upravo ono što odlikuje dobrog mislioca.

    "All ideologies are idiotic, whether religious or political, for it is conceptual thinking, the conceptual word, which has so unfortunately divided man."

    Ovdje moramo definirati riječ ideologija. Ideologija je u biti ono što nastaje od ideje, što bi značilo da autor osuđuje svaku ideju koja je ikad nastala što je poprilično glupo. Svako znanje i svaki obavljeni posao nastao je kao ideja. Imati ideju znači biti kreativan, i to je ono presudno za bilo kakav napredak u bilo čemu. A ideju netko mora slijediti i prihvatiti ju, primjeniti da taj napredak ostvari. Jedno je reći da neka određena ideologija ne valja, a drugo da ideologije općenito ne valjaju.
    Ako je mislio isključivo na ekstremne političke ideologije i totalitarizam, onda se možda krivo izrazio.

    "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

    Ova izjava je pak totalni nihilizam i potpuno je beskorisna. Jedini zaključak koji se iz nje može izvesti da nema nade, nema pomoći niti smisla u postojanju društva i čovjeka što valjda znači da bismo se svi trebali ubiti ili nešto, a ne moram ni spominjati da to apsolutno nikamo ne vodi.

  12. #222
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2009
    Under your bed

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    "A serial killer can be recongized by one thing: he has three names"
    The Amazing Atheist
    "Dem white boyz be comin' over da sea!"-Indian chieftain

  13. #223
    Moderator God from the machine Kid A's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Čitajući (ili gledajući) kako neki vjernici mrze i progone one koji ne vjeruju, pomišljao sam da se oni tako nesvjesno možda svete i za svoje slabo i nedosljedno vjerovanje. To su često revnosni i nečovječni fanatici. Pred tom pojavom u meni se javljala pomisao da bi za one koji ne vjeruju bilo lakše i bolje kad bi vjernici zaista vjerovali tvrdo i potpuno u sve ono što nazivaju svojom vjerom - Ivo Andrić ♥
    = Citat = Izvorno postao flander Pregledaj post
    kolko se sjećam u First class Xavier je pokušao navest Magneta da ne napravi neku pizdariju, dakle isti klinac je i mind kontrol i čitanje misli

  14. #224
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2006

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    = Citat = Izvorno postao cham3leon
    "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

    Ova izjava je pak totalni nihilizam i potpuno je beskorisna. Jedini zaključak koji se iz nje može izvesti da nema nade, nema pomoći niti smisla u postojanju društva i čovjeka što valjda znači da bismo se svi trebali ubiti ili nešto, a ne moram ni spominjati da to apsolutno nikamo ne vodi.
    U potpunosti si krivo shvatio. Citat govori o trenutnom stanju društva, iliti ljudske rase, koja u globalu jest poprilično bolesna, a mislim da razloge za takvo mišljenje zbilja nije potrebno nabrajati, dovoljno je samo okrenuti se oko sebe. Nigdje nije rečeno da je tako bilo oduvijek, ili da će tako zauvijek ostati, i naravno da uvijek postoji mogućnost promijene nabolje, na čemu je i Krishnamurti inzistirao.

  15. #225
    Senior Member You have been warned
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Pa da, izjava govori da ne treba biti zadovoljan trenutnim stanjem stvari, što je apsolutno točno. Fascinira me kad vidim ljude koji smatraju da bi stvari trebale ostati kakve jesu, bilo da se radi o politici, društvu ili biločemo. UVIJEK treba težiti boljem.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  16. #226
    Senior Member My way or the highway TeraBajt's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    May 2007

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    duke sig
    ~Vozd Jovan Pogani

  17. #227
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2006

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    = Citat = Izvorno postao TeraBajt
    duke sig
    Preuzeto od ovog mesije hrvatstva:

  18. #228
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    = Citat = Izvorno postao cham3leon
    "All ideologies are idiotic, whether religious or political, for it is conceptual thinking, the conceptual word, which has so unfortunately divided man."

    Ovdje moramo definirati riječ ideologija. Ideologija je u biti ono što nastaje od ideje, što bi značilo da autor osuđuje svaku ideju koja je ikad nastala što je poprilično glupo. Svako znanje i svaki obavljeni posao nastao je kao ideja. Imati ideju znači biti kreativan, i to je ono presudno za bilo kakav napredak u bilo čemu. A ideju netko mora slijediti i prihvatiti ju, primjeniti da taj napredak ostvari. Jedno je reći da neka određena ideologija ne valja, a drugo da ideologije općenito ne valjaju.
    Ako je mislio isključivo na ekstremne političke ideologije i totalitarizam, onda se možda krivo izrazio.
    Nećemo se pravit blesavi, jako se dobro zna na što je mislio.

  19. #229
    Senior Member You have been warned cham3leon's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Duke of Earl
    = Citat = Izvorno postao cham3leon
    "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

    Ova izjava je pak totalni nihilizam i potpuno je beskorisna. Jedini zaključak koji se iz nje može izvesti da nema nade, nema pomoći niti smisla u postojanju društva i čovjeka što valjda znači da bismo se svi trebali ubiti ili nešto, a ne moram ni spominjati da to apsolutno nikamo ne vodi.
    U potpunosti si krivo shvatio. Citat govori o trenutnom stanju društva, iliti ljudske rase, koja u globalu jest poprilično bolesna, a mislim da razloge za takvo mišljenje zbilja nije potrebno nabrajati, dovoljno je samo okrenuti se oko sebe. Nigdje nije rečeno da je tako bilo oduvijek, ili da će tako zauvijek ostati, i naravno da uvijek postoji mogućnost promijene nabolje, na čemu je i Krishnamurti inzistirao.
    Kada je to onda društvo bilo zdravo ako je sada bolesno?

  20. #230
    Moderator Fight fire with fire croat1gamer's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2007
    Digging deeper.

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Taj citat je obicni observacionalni humor.
    Bez obzira koliko si ti moralno zdrav, drustvo je moralno bolesno.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao W3DR4N
    Ja ne bih mogao raditi ili biti u isto prostoriji s toliko napornim likom koji sve zakomplicira.

  21. #231
    Moderator Fight fire with fire croat1gamer's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2007
    Digging deeper.

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi


    Curo pojedi malo šminke, možda budeš ljepša iznutra.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao W3DR4N
    Ja ne bih mogao raditi ili biti u isto prostoriji s toliko napornim likom koji sve zakomplicira.

  22. #232
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2010

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi


  23. #233
    Senior Member No Mercy
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Random Rincewind quote, anyone?
    Липе цвату и у Србији!

  24. #234
    Senior Member No Mercy
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Sorry na doublepostu...

    Rincewind sighed. He had been dreading this.
    "We've strayed into a zone with a high magical
    index," he said. "Don't ask me how. Once upon a
    time a really powerful magic field must have been
    generated here, and we're feeling the after-effects."
    "precisely", said a passing bush
    Rincewind had a natural affinity for languages.
    This at least was true. Rincewind could scream for mercy in nineteen languages, and just scream* in another forty-four.

    * This is important. Inexperienced travellers might think that 'Aargh!' is universal, but in Betrobi it means “highly
    enjoyable” and in Howondaland it means, variously, “I would like to eat your foot”, “Your wife is a big hippo” and
    “Hello, Thinks Mr Purple Cat.” One particular tribe has a fearsome reputation for cruelty merely because prisoners
    appear, to them, to be shouting “Quick! Extra boiling oil!”
    He is also bearing a sword presented to him in mysterious circumstances. Very mysterious circumstances.
    Surprisingly, therefore, there is something very unexpected about this sword. It isn't magical. It hasn't got a name.
    When you wield it you don't get a feeling of power, you just get blisters; you could believe it was a sword that had
    been used so much that it had ceased to be anything other than a quintessential sword, a long piece of metal with
    very sharp edges. And it hasn't got destiny written all over it. It's practically unique, in fact.
    Cohen's father had taken him to a mountain top, when he was no more than a lad, and
    explained to him the hero's creed and told him that there was no greater joy than to die in
    Cohen had seen the flaw in this straight away, and a lifetime's experience had reinforced his
    belief that in fact a greater joy was to kill the otherSbugger in battle and end up sitting on a
    heap of gold higher than your horse. It was an observation that had served him well.
    He stood up and stretched in the sunshine.
    "It's a lovely morning, lads," he said. "I feel like a million dollars. Don't you?"
    There was a murmur of reluctant agreement.
    "Good," said Cohen the Barbarian. "Let's go and get some."
    "Go and sit down in the corner!" he hissed. "And you'll be told what to do!"
    "But I'm sure I know what to do. Dip spoon in bowl, raise spoon to mouth—"
    "Sit down!"
    Rincewind found the darkest corner and sat down. People were still watching him.
    Ridcully shook his head. "Probably doesn't count, then. It's a shame, because if you had
    PERFORMED ANY SERVICE OF GREAT BENEFIT TO MAGIC then I'd be happy to let you keep that hat and,
    of course, something to wear it on."
    Rincewind looked crestfallen. Ridcully sighed, and had one last try.
    "So," he said, "since it seems that you haven't actually passed your exams OR PERFORMED
    "I suppose . . . I could try to perform some great service?" said Rincewind, with the expression
    of one who knows that the light at the end of the tunnel is an incoming train.
    "Really? Hmm? Well, that's definitely a thought," said Ridcully.
    He could play along for now and then get the hell out of it at the very first opportunity.
    Butterfly's anger was bad, but a spike was a spike. Of course, he'd feel a bit of a heel for a
    while, but that was the point. He'd feel a heel, but he wouldn't feel a spike.
    The world had too many heroes and didn't need another one. Whereas the world had only one
    Rincewind and he owed it to the world to keep this one alive for as long as possible.
    Липе цвату и у Србији!

  25. #235
    Senior Member You have been warned
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    "precisely", said a passing bush
    To mi je jedan od najjačih
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  26. #236
    Senior Member No Mercy
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi


    Stavio bih ja još od Silver Horde, ali nisam stigao.

    Mr Ronald Saveloy FTW
    Липе цвату и у Србији!

  27. #237
    Senior Member Ninja hurdle
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2011

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Kako su mudri ovi citati ja nemogu doći k sebi.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Marvin OCX
    Zapucaj u Srebrenicu po Guber vodu,ujutro se nasmrces i navece si ko zmaj,nakon sto ispuses i lijevu hemisferu mozgovine,al vrijedi,sinusi su zlo

  28. #238
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    May 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Al ono ja umirem na Interesting timesu, koji ak sam dobro skuzio dolazi poslje erica, jos the last continent i Last Hero

    doslovno tip je ludnica, necu stat dok ne procitam sve do zadnje knjige...

    Makar osjecam neku laganu povezanost i sveopce zaljenje prema Rincewindu...

    uvijek kad pročitam ono njegovo Wizzard i sta je sve prošo i činjenicu da mu ne ide wizardry al se smatra čarobnjakom...
    Sensei replied, what is your woman?
    Is she just a container for the child...
    This great, pink matter
    Cotton candy Majin Buu....

  29. #239
    Senior Member No Mercy
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2009

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    I ja sam jučer završio Interesting Times, i jebi me u rektum ako Mad Hamish ne kaže 250 puta "Whut?"

    + srebrna horda općenito, veću bandu urnebesnih badassova u životu nisam vidio
    Липе цвату и у Србији!

  30. #240
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: "mudre" izreke/citati/dijalozi

    Strašno mudre izreke
    My life for Aiur!

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